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Melissa (sunfish)

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Hi guys,

Melissa is back in the hospital. She has another sepsis infection. They were able to catch this one quicker than the last one. Hopefully she'll be back to join us soon. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


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Thanks for letting us know!


You are in my thoughts and prayers, and hope you are able to come home soon, and back to the fish tank! (I got to give you a tank so you have room for the dinet gang.) :)


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Oh dear-

So soon after her last infection!

Melissa, please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry you have to endure this again.

What a blessing that this one was caught early. I pray that you'll soon be home with you're loved ones.

Hugs & Prayers-


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I hope your back home soon again, but this time for longer..Glad they caught this sepsis infection alot faster than the last one...Hang in there hun, we are all thinking of you.


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oh my.. melissa you are in my prayers dear.. i hope that you feel better soon..

im sory that you have this nasty infection .. but im glad that they caught it early..

take care



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So sorry to hear you are in the hospital again. You are in my prayers.


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Okay Melly, now we have to figure out how to get folks to change your stinky water soon enough so that you don't get sick again with the ick... fishes need extra care when they're sickly. Sorry they have you in your isolation tank again--no fun!!! Come out and swim with us crazy fishes when you can.


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Quick note about Melissa's condition tonight:

She said that the bacteria causing her sepsis this time is different from the previous time. She'll be having a test tomorrow to determine if there is a hidden source of infection in her body that they are missing. That's about all the info i got since she had just gone back on morphine for her excruciating headache.


I have no words to say, just hugs and prayers.


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