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Everything posted by bttrflyamby1981

  1. Welcome back and wishing the strength you need!!
  2. Hi guys, The NP tells me I have SVT (Superventricular Tachycardia). I was confused so she explained it to me. She said that the Sinus Node wasn't working properly and that that's why I was getting the Tachy. She mentioned that the sinus node was the bodies natural pacemaker. A friend asked me if the NP mentioned Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS). She did not, but I looked it up and it did in fact sound as she described to me? Anyone familiar with SSS? Why would they call it SVT if it was SSS? Thanks for any info on this!! Amber
  3. I was given Propranolol to treat migraines. I did not tolerate it well so was taken off of it. Good luck!
  4. I'm sorry Lavender, that you have been dealing with these symptoms all alone without any understanding as to what was going on. That isn't a easy task. I hope you find a Dr soon that can help give you a diagnoses. Welcome and best wishes.
  5. I don't have much strength to post at the moment....but I think this is a great subject to at least think about. I'm still struggling to get a diagnoses though so letting go isn't as easy just yet. I feel I need permission. If that makes sense.
  6. I'm sorry your struggling with your self image. It's easy to do when your used to being a certain size then you gain even 10 pounds. On top of that useless guy making a comment like that to you!!! I know it hurts and I'm sorry for that. This may not help but different people like different things. Some men like women to be soooo skinny their nothing but bones. Others like women to have meat on their bones. And then you have those who can go either way. Maybe this loser just likes really skinny women.....it was messed up of him to say what he did. But maybe if you look at it like this and not take it personally? I know hard to do. I'm sure you look great...even better then before. I understand how your feeling. (((hugs))) I used to weigh 115 now I weigh 155. I'm 30-35 pounds overweight for my height. This Thanksgiving someone mistook me for being pregnant. Amber
  7. Hey Dionna, I just seen that you had tried propananol. My nero put me on that to treat my migraines. When I went to the Internal meds they took me off of it right a way. That stuff can make you so much worse feeling huh.
  8. Your welcome Jacquie, It's very hard to put in words how we feel isn't it. I told my doctor it was like I was pregnant and had morning sickness. But with the feeling like you have the flu on top of it. But maybe on a milder form. (I had sever morning sickness and almost needed to be hospitalized because I was so dehydrated.)
  9. Gives me goose bumps!!! This is great!!
  10. They just tell me they don't know what's wrong and they are treating me for Tachycardia.
  11. I don't think any of us non fainters actually wish upon ourselves to faint. It's just frustrating to feel that your going to but because you don't people think your full of it. I think that's what it is more then anything. A visual symptom.
  12. I'm so sorry for your frustrations. I don't know if I can relate or not? I haven't been diagnosed. I'm on beta blockers for my Tachycardia but I still feel lightheaded and dizzy. Like yesterday, my heart rate was 120. I don't know how often it does this cause I'm tired of checking it every time I feel icky. Today my heart rate was 108. I don't know until the 11th what they are planning to do next. Did you have a positive TTT for POTS? How did they dx you? We are all so different even though we can have the same symptoms. I'm sorry your feeling alone in your symptoms. I'm sure there are others who feel like you. I may be one of them? The reason I say this is cause I'm being treated for Tachy. I don't have a POTS diagnoses. (((HUGS)))
  13. These are the 2 household chores I have the hardest time with. That and laundry. I would be afraid of things getting vacuumed up that weren't supposed to be?
  14. I guess maybe I feel the way I do is because I have NOT been dx. I feel that it would be helpful in that sense. If I fainted with the TTT maybe then it would have been positive rather then negative!
  15. Thanks for letting us know Michelle. Get well soon Melissa!!
  16. I'm a lefty too. So is my bio father, grandfather and daughter.
  17. Thanks for posting this!! I don't faint either and it's so frustrating to feel that your going to all the time. What makes it worse is that people around you don't believe that you feel that your going to faint because they can't SEE the symptoms. If we fainted, at least then others would SEE how bad we feel. I understand!!
  18. I'm so sorry your overwhelmed. Try and take it easy. Take care...(((HUGS)))
  19. I have migraines. Not sure if the sleep problem would have any relation though. I got the migraines before the sleep issues, but now I can get a headache from too little or too much sleep.
  20. I have not used a wheelchair but sometimes I feel that I should on outings. For me I don't want to make the person in the wheelchair feel "different" if that makes sense. So I may come off as stuck up maybe? I try to use eye contact instead of looking at their body or their chair. I think people are more curious then anything.
  21. wow, you have an awful lot on your plate! (((HUGS))) I wish you and everyone in your family the best! I'll keep you in my prayers.
  22. You can always make some book marks for the ones who you know like to read. Maybe a mouse pad for the computer. I found these ideas on a kids site.
  23. sorry for the late birthday wish but Happy B-day!
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