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Everything posted by puppylove

  1. YES. When we didn't know what was wrong with me I had to get up for school at 5:45 when I went to bed at midnight or later because of homework. It was nearly impossible and I usually ended up in tears because I thought I had "turned lazy" or something...
  2. My first cardiologist told me several times that he thought I was "just a very anxious person". Um... I wasn't before all of this started three years ago. Then when I when I tried a third therapist every symptom I told her she said was due to anxiety. It's hard not to think it's in your head when your doctors tell you it is. Luckily, Dr. Abdullah knows it's not and he's my cardiologist now.
  3. Reading this brought tears to my eyes too- but don't give up!! If there's one thing I've learned about POTS is that it can change in an instant. Keep reminding yourself that tommrow could be the day you wake up and feel better. I agree with everyone that everybody needs to vent and feel sad sometimes- that's what we're here for! Don't feel bad- you're not being a downer. I also admire how positive and grateful you are too! More (((((hugs)))))).
  4. Yikes! I just checked my blood pressure during one of these "episodes" and it was 165/ 87. Heart rate was 118.
  5. This is probably going to sound weird- Just warning you . Maybe once or twice a month I just get this feeling like something terrible is going to happen though nothing ever does. It really freaks me out- it's like a feeling of unexplained dread. I have noticed it ONLY ever has happened in the evening, so could this be some weird response to adrenaline building during the day? Does anyone else ever get this?
  6. I have been soooooo tired lately. I think because there is a ton pollen and stuff in the air where I live and I have been getting more exercise.
  7. Rama- that sounds a lot like me. When I was a younger kid I was so easy going and now sometimes just taking a shower sends me in to panic mode. My vitamin d was really low so I'm taking more. Thanks for responding guys!
  8. I know on the lists of symptoms for POTS anxiety is one of them, and I was wondering what "kinds" everyone has if any. I still need to get a therapist and I was recommended to go on some kind of ssri but I haven't yet because I'm still waiting for an appointment with my cardio where I will talk with him about it. Anyways, the kinds I have been told I have over the years before POTS is GAD and social anxiety. Also, I have emetephobia (fear of vomiting). I feel kind of alone with these anxiety problems and I was wondering if others experienced anything similar/ what helped you if you did? Thanks!
  9. I'm really sorry your not doing well now. You encouraged me so much with the school stuff- It makes me sad to hear how miserable you sound. I hope your doctor gets back to you soon so you can feel better!
  10. No, I get pain randomly. I haven't noticed the two corresponding.
  11. I get most of these... Also I get one with anxiety where it's around 120 and I'm nauseous, short of breath, and dizzy.
  12. Not for me. I could wake up feeling good and start to feel bad or the other way around.
  13. Thanks for responding . It's over now so I can take my meds. Made it through the night with a heating pad.
  14. Tommrow at 1:00 is my test to see if I have gastroparesis. Part of the prep for it is you can't take any medications for your stomach 24 hours before hand. I'm feeling so terrible because of a bad GI flare and I can't take anything to make me feel better. I will probably end up dehydrated. I really don't want to reschedule and just take my medicine because it took forever to get this appointment and we would have to pay a fee for canceling on too short notice. If don't though it will be a long night of misery... Ugh.
  15. This has happened to me!!!! That exact thing- during my homebound classes. Unfortunately though it only lasts about an hour and a half but my home bound classes are two and a half hours. I'm so completely focused and trying to understand what my teachers are telling me I forget about my symptoms. It's times like this when I still worry that this could all be in my head- but eventually around the two hour mark my legs turn purple and I need a salty snack so I know it's not. It's really interesting though- wonder why it happens?
  16. Painting and drawing on days when I can concentrate. On terrible days (and nights) I watch too much TV. I just find getting my mind off of how bad I feel helps a little.
  17. Just remembered another funny one. I was having a terrible GI flare and finally just decided to go to the ER. I told them my stomach hurt so bad and it was so bloated which is normal for me. Also told them I had POTS. After some tests they made my Mom leave the room and I was like ok what's going on... Two nurses came in and asked me if I was pregnant! I almost started laughing and I said no I'm fifteen definitely not pregnant. They acted all suspicious and then made me take a test. Oh good grief! I don't go to the ER anymore unless I'm seriously dehydrated.
  18. I wasn't feeling well on Christmas day but I went to my grandparents house any way because all my aunts uncles and cousins would be there. Anyway we have such a big family all the kids pass the presents out to everybody. My grandma was like "okay anyone who is going to pass out you can pass out now! Okay everybody let's pass out!" Everybody kind of glanced at me and started laughing.
  19. It lowered my heart rate but unfortunately none of my other symptoms improved.
  20. Sorry to hear that- I can relate. There are three foods I eat when it happens- dry bread, crackers and bananas and then in a few days I will start to feel a little better. Somedays I just can NOT eat a thing so I just drink ,but I know it's not good to do that. Do you have any nausea meds? I don't notice a huge difference with them but usually I can force food down if I take one. I really hope you feel better- it is so miserable. Also sometimes when I take a Ginger capsule or fresh Ginger it will work better than my prescribed pills. Or Ginger tea.
  21. I don't have any ideas sorry. But I also get the same thing but only on my face and neck, so you are not alone.
  22. Well, they couldn't do the test. I tested too high before the test even started even though I hadn't eaten anything I wasn't supposed to. I'm being tested for gastroparesis on Monday and I ate cake two days ago so if I do have it that could be why.
  23. Thanks for the ideas. I will try the little "test" too.
  24. Tomrrow I have a test to see if I have bacterial overgrowth/ sibo in my stomach and you can not eat anything with lactose or sugar in it 24 hours prior because it will alter the test results. I don't know if this is a coincidence but I have felt awesome today. I ran with my dogs which I haven't been able to do in so long! I'm wondering if sugar or lactose makes my POTS worse? We thought I was lactose intolerant but lately I have been fine with milk so I don't think it's that. I think it would be really hard to cut both of those things out completely- I never realized how many foods contain them! Just wondering what you guys think?
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