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Everything posted by puppylove

  1. I have only gone once due to terrible stomach pain that lasted three days- longer than normal. They tested to see if I was pregnant ( at 15 lol ) and told me it was just POTS and there wasnt anything they could do.
  2. Well, my favorite way is chocolate covered carmels with sea salt on top but that's probably not a significant amount. I also eat pickles and just add a bunch of salt to my food.
  3. Yeah- it did kind of feel like that! And I was so relaxed and eveything was clear. It felt just like before when I didn't have POTS. Too bad it didn't last very long
  4. I had an endoscopy today and during/ afterwards they gave me saline which I have never had before. Normally after a procedure like that I am super posty from the general anesthesia but after it wore off and they pumped me with saline ( they know I have POTS now) I felt really great!
  5. 2-3 liters is what I try to drink. Really hard for me though.
  6. Ohhh ok. I didn't know heart valves could regurgitate!
  7. Yes, I have to be reminded to drink all the time. I am NEVER thirsty. I don't know what mvps is though- sorry . I do have POTS and if you are talking about regurgitation of food then I also get that all the time. Not much help just saying I'm the same.
  8. I am a fraternal twin and my sister does not have POTS. I was just curious if there are any twins, triplets etc. whose siblings also have POTS? Also are you fraternal or identical?
  9. I, myself was a tiny baby. Only four pounds, but I was premature.
  10. I have never fainted from POTS, but I have fainted when I had the flu really bad. I felt so terrible before I fainted and when it was over I felt a lot better... Not sure why.
  11. Yes I do. During my TTT it was so bad my cardiologist brought student doctors in to show them an example. This was actually one of the first things that told us it was not all anxiety because I turn SO purple/ redish.
  12. I only have one or two periods a year for three years. I'm 15. Is POTS causing this or could it be something more serious? I told my doctor before I knew I have POTS and she said I should look in to it so now I'm just worried if it's not POTS.
  13. My parents had a meeting with my principal today and it went really well! He said he noticed I used to be an honors student so he will take my homebound schooling grades for the year. Also, he said I have enough credits from honors classes previous years that I won't have to repeat 10th grade! Yaaaaaaay! I have been approved for two homebound classes and if Dr. Abdullah thinks I need it I can have more homebound classes. I have an appointment with him in a week.
  14. If anything is really high or low I would! I hope you are feeling better.
  15. I bring tums with me where ever I go for nausea/ GERD. Water, salt and different medicines depending on how long I will be out for. Also I always wear a tank top or T shirt and bring a jacket incase I get too hot/cold.
  16. I completely agree. Dealing with this has been awful- sorry if I seemed like I was belittling it. I was definitely not trying to do that!
  17. I'm sorry for your loss. One thing that helps if riding in the car makes your nausea worse is to wear seabands. They are this little wrist band things that press an accupressure point which relieves nausea. They work very well! I think you can get them at CVS...
  18. I understand what you are saying, but I don't think having POTS is more difficult than cancer in any way. I am very thankful that I don't have a potentially fatal disease, even though POTS makes me miserable on a daily basis. Cancer is normally "quicker" than POTS and there is so much more info on it but I don't have to live in fear everyday that I might be killed by this syndrome or that cancer might come back.
  19. Painting, drawing, words with friends . I volunteer at dog rescue when I can. And I used to metal detect but I can't now.
  20. Normally high for me is in 130s/ 100s- 150s/100s
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