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Everything posted by puppylove

  1. Awww- she's adorable. I can't believe you made that coat for her- it looks perfessional. We still have Twix because we are foster failures and she is so sweet we decided to keep her. That makes four.
  2. I got a wedge pillow and it helps a little. Sometimes I think it helps with acid reflux, but mainly it helps in the way that I can slowly make my self vertical when I wake up. I don't notice it helping my symptoms during the day at all though.
  3. For the melatonin I use the brand nature's bounty. I started with 1 mg and kept increasing it, but I really only noticed a big difference when I got to 5 mg- which is what I think most doctors reccomend anyway.
  4. I tried Midodrine a few months ago, but stopped after two days because it made me feel so bad. My new doctor wanted me to try it again and I feel awful again (chills, feverish, tiredness etc.). Is this normal and you just have to wait it out or does it sound like Midodrine and I don't mix?
  5. A few months ago I think someone posted a very similar thing. It ended up being an allergic reaction. Could that be it for you?
  6. For me it only happens during a flare.
  7. I'm 15 (not married ) and my own family does the same thing sometimes. "you're POTS is ruining our life", "it's all about you", " we all know you feel sooo bad, now come go iceskating with us". At the beginning this upset me so much and I was looking for any way to make them understand because I was hurt and frustrated. But I've learned you can't make them understand. Now I just take it with a grain of salt and try to put myself in their position. My POTS has taken over their life, it is basically about me all time, and they are upset that I I'm not myself anymore. But over time they are starting to realize that there is nothing I can do about it(besides striving to do what I can to help myself get better) and giving me a hard time about it isn't going to help anyone. I'm really sorry, it's the worse feeling I know. (((hugs)))
  8. This happens to me too. Right when I start to doze off... Are you taking melatonin? That helped me a little. 5mg helps. I didn't notice much of a difference with anything less than that. Sorry your feeling so bad- not being able to sleep is terrible. (((hugs)))
  9. The first cardiologist I went told me I had mild POTS. Today I went to my fairly new cardiologist and he told me it was severe. Who knows?
  10. I have been having such a hard time concentrating. I have so much work for homebound schooling because I missed so much and I'm trying so hard to get it done but my brain will not cooperate. It took me forty minutes to read ten pages of a book and I wasn't even comprehending what I was reading. So frustrating. Then I end up staying up late trying to finish assignments, which doesn't help my symptoms of course. Any advice?
  11. I complain. A lot. And I didn't used to be a complainer before this. I just can't help saying I feel sooooooooo bad when I do. But I know it's not good, and it has/is getting on my family's nerves when we all have enough to deal with. I don't want to be a depressing negative nelly either. So, how do you stay positive and keep yourself from complaining?
  12. It's a trigger for me too! Especially when she puts all my hair over my face I get so hot (I have a lot hair ). My neighbor has three little toddlers and she found a hair dresser that will come to your house and you just wash your hair beforehand. She charges the same amount so I'm going to go that route next time.
  13. Thanks for the warning. Were not going to risk it.
  14. Thanks everyone. My gastro doctor actually called after I posted this and said he was going to try me on a low dose of Reglan. My parents got kind of worried when they saw the side effects... Has anyone been on it?
  15. I just don't know what to do any more. My stomach problems never end. Normally there is no pain, just nausea, GERD, and diarrhea but today it starting hurting so bad. I have had so many tests done, they all came back fine. My GI doctor really doesn't know anything else to do besides giving me phenergan, which isn't working anymore. I have gone to the ER several times over the past year when I feel like I do today, but as you guys know they can't do anything. I have tried herbs, Ginger, liquid diets, eliminating foods and nothing has helped in the long run. I'm just fed up and needed to whine. I really thought it was gastroparesis because I had so many symptoms of that but the test came back negative. Are there ever false negatives or something with that test?
  16. Awww poor thing! That's good that it wasn't a seizure though. One of our older dogs whose 12 has been having some problems lately, maybe we should get him checked!
  17. Thanks everyone! Today has been rough, I guess I really over did it. I guess I just need to build up to things like that.
  18. Hi! Welcome to the forum. I just started seeing Dr. Abdullah in Reston too. He's a great doctor. Hope this forum is a lot of help to you!!!!
  19. I decided I wanted to push myself more so tonight I went to volunteer at a doggy adoption event even though I wasn't feeling well. It didn't go well. I just felt so bad I could have lied down on the side walk. It wasn't enjoyable and it used to be one of favorite things to do. But I did it. I just don't know what to do because I don't want to let POTS run my life, but I don't want to make myself miserable all the time. What do you guys do?
  20. I have seen a few people mention that they had signs of POTS earlier in their life before there symptoms got really bad. What were they? Mine were: feeling bad after hot showers, sensitive stomach, feeling bad during PE, and purple legs.
  21. It's awful. My worst symptom and it's constant. That's haliorious, I just tried Preggo Pops the other day to no avail. Trying to look on the bright side- I don't faint so really I'm not in any danger it's just a terrible feeling.
  22. I always get the chills so I like it when it's warm. If I get overheated though I am so much worse. Last year before we knew what was wrong with me we went to Disneyworld in July. It was literally 100 degrees and we walked around for eight hours. I felt SO awful.
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