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Everything posted by pat57

  1. http://www.autoflug.com click site map then AUTOFLUG LIBELLE GmbH
  2. works great . I was able to take them a month or two, then started to throw them up. (sorry) Twice I took a break and tryed again but- threw them up. I do boulion or popcorn now.
  3. did you click on the list of 34 conditions? The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Blue lips. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. * Cold weather * Low body temperature * Cyanosis * Inadequate oxygen circulation * Smoking * Anemia * Iron deficiency anemia * Certain circulatory disorders * Certain heart disorders o Congenital heart disorders * Certain lung disorders o Asthma o Bronchitis o Chronic bronchitis o Pneumonia o Emphysema o Pulmonary thrombosis o Pulmonary embolism o Pulmonary edema o Airway foreign body o Fibrosing alveolitis o Pneumoconiosis o Extrinsic allergic alveolitis * Coughing * Croup * Fume inhalation * Laryngeal edema * Shock * See also blueness and cyanosis [see full list of 34 causes of Blue lips] - (Source - WD writers) Review Symptoms of Each Cause of Blue lips â–²TopBlue lips and other symptoms The cause of Blue lips may be more easily identified if other symptoms exist. Listed below are some combinations of symptoms associated with Blue lips, as listed in our database. When you follow a link to our interactive multiple symptoms page, you will be able to modify your list by adding and removing symptoms thus helping to better research your condition. Interactive Multiple Symptom Page - Other Symptoms * Blue lips and other symptoms Interactive Multiple Symptom Page Combinations * Blue lips and Psychotic Behaviour * Blue lips and Vein symptoms * Blue lips and Orthopnea * Blue lips and Premature aging * Blue lips and Hospital acquired fever * Blue lips and Calf coldness * Blue lips and Numbness * Blue lips and Pleural rub * Blue lips and Absenteeism * Blue lips and Knuckle coldness * Blue lips and Heart symptoms * Blue lips and Exercise symptoms * Blue lips and Spasms * Blue lips and Stridor * Blue lips and Breast coldness * Blue lips and Eosinophilia * Blue lips and Menstrual irregularities * Blue lips and Blue tongue * Blue lips and Lip pain * Blue lips and Cold feet See full list of 327 symptom search combinations related to Blue lips
  4. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/blue_lips.htm a list there
  5. I did a search on clammy hands and feet and the result was, effect of the autonomic system and sympathic . So it does look like a harmless effect of anixiety.
  6. did you ask a dr. about the cause of the clammy feet and hands?
  7. http://www.labtestsonline.org/understandin...s/fsh/test.html re: menopause testing
  8. thanks lthomas, the doc did mention that about the antis, the trouble with the sedating ones is that I generally lack energy to begin with. And I was thinking if this becomes a serious depression I will have to take the meds. Most likely there will be no problem re the liver. But the less meds, the better is always a guideline. We (the dr and I) are trying to avoid it. I was telling Pat S I was crying in my dreams over a realistic situation (at school) with my 11 year old. Not something that did happen but not wild dream material either. Anyway I take that as sympton of depression too. Well -if it gets bad there will be no question. Have to write melanie and see what I can learn about menopause. I am 50 years old, BTW. I appreciate the concern and thankyou OLL I plan to check that out. I work at McDonald's! That al'do it. (made me smile- yeah that's a good sign!) I went looking for that book (which is due to arrive on the 4th), OLL, and came across this. interesting........ http://www.vagusnervestimulation.com
  9. congratulations. I hope she continues to sleep well for you. That will help.
  10. I suggest acupunture. Can't hurt! good luck, I'm so sorry.
  11. thankyou guys, menopause has not been ruled out . I've been peri- seems like forever, but at least 5 years. Only time will tell if my last period was indeed my last. The doc did not- yet -run the FSH (?) soon I suppose. Everything is ok except for visiting my mother in a nurseing home, and I have huge guilt over that. But I don't go because I think I need to tend to the home front. Been about a month since I was there. I love church but have not been going about a year- not enough energy for everything. Irritable and tearfull was ok, I did not take it seriously and found my sentimental emotionalism humorous. I was aware of, but bearing ,the guilt over my mother, but recently- like yesterday- I felt taken a hold of. Its like being hopelessly ensnared. I have only felt that once before and it was deppression. I will PM you roselover. thanks again
  12. been increasinly irritable, tired, tearful. Thought it was menopause. I think it may be deppression now. I can't take anti deppressents and sleep- they keep me up. I may refuse to take them. Doc wants to see me in 6 weeks, agreed to put me on St. Johns wort. If I have to take a sleep med to counter the anti- its just not good. I have liver damage. I did experiance major deppression once from anti-viral meds. I took the procaz for that- since, a, I was not working and could afford to toss and turn, and b, I knew it would lift when the anti viral treatment was over. ANYWAY, I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN!
  13. It could be wrong for you,but I find that moving with the pain and stiffness "works it out". I swear by the temperpedic bed too.
  14. http://www.nymc.edu/fhp/centers/syncope/POTS.htm
  15. I let my doc choose the tests to run! When I have input he listens. I suspect that Drs. have a protacol that they must follow- for three reasons. One being ins company rules ,to protect them from malpractice, and the standard that they were taught works best. It is very frustrating how long a dx takes sometimes and its possible to meet with high or low abilites in any field. I think the human body is enormously complex and that's the heart of the matter. BUT you Dr. should "answer" the concerns you put forth here. That is a fair expectition- I think. good luck!
  16. http://www.medsitecme.com/(l1layoapwzyknfz...)/Sections.aspx testing! go to Psychiatry then Depression & Chronic Disease: Understanding the Vital Link but still no page, I think one has too registar
  17. was the VA hospt. a long trip for you? So glad they were competent. can you go back for further care- there?
  18. your are certainly welcome. and again, good luck!
  19. masuemh, I have a feeling your conversion disorder, is the same as my DX of puesdo seizures. inaccurate! However I'm not saying I think it is epilespy. Something to keep in mind. The body is enormously complex. You might ask your neuro about getting a "SPECT" scan. I got one. I was sent to a phychiratrist with puesdo seizures, he ordered the SPECT Scan checking for epilepsy. From that of course I deduce its heplfull to DX epilepsy.
  20. lamictal causes downregulation of cortical 5-HT which antidepressents do also. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...l=pubmed_docsum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...l=pubmed_docsum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...l=pubmed_docsum "However, its exact mechanism of action in these conditions remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antidepressant-like effect of lamotrigine in a mouse model of depression, namely the forced swimming test"
  21. masumah, Tammy, check this out. There is a form of noturnal seziures. http://www.epilepsy.com/101/ep101_symptom.html
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