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Everything posted by pat57

  1. thanks again, everyone. I really appreciate the well wishes.
  2. Enjoyed those pictures, and so did my daughter. She looked at everyone with me. She's 11 and not much catches her interest. What is that green tent room? And you look so medieval. Looks like fun! LOVE your fine feathered friends!
  3. That link went clear across the page when I posted it so to type a message "broke " the link, so heres my comment. The stuff works good. Not cheap. It has a strong smell. If you can't tolerate hairspray, you probably can't tolerate this.
  4. http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/shoppin...eyword=psssssst
  5. Thats interesting Sophia and flop. I do those things too. hmmmmmmmmm?????? I just don't get tachy. thankyou for the well wishes. The job could be a good one. It turns out I will be the head hostess and will schedule the hostesses- in time. Then I can schedule my own days off. But more important can expect raises when I get proficient. Also he agree that I can be out in time to catch the bus bringing home my 6th grader. whoop tee do! oh flop, the outfit has ice packs in it and I can chill when ever I need to. Its a 2 hour stint. we shall see......
  6. oh good, I was starting to wonder if I was a freak. And your right- we are lucky. I can do it in my sleep!
  7. welcome aboard, many of us were told it was psychological . Its nice when you get past that- hopefully you will soon! I was told to see a shrink, for pseudo seizures. Four years later- found neurocardiogenic syncope was the cause. It was worth the process because the right treatment makes all the difference. You will get there!
  8. Ok now I'm getting curious. After my divorce, (prior to my 2nd marriage) I started to have O my sleep. I has on Paxil for a brief time, and I had them everyday that I took a nap. And I took a nap on weekdays when my daughter was in school. When I got off the paxil- it went back to normal, which is 2 or 3 times a month. I can have an O in under a minute. I find the urge annoying and inconvenient. Its not like a man is EVER there when ya need him. And worse then that my relationship with my husband is the pits. Anyway- no one has them in their sleep? Yes it wakes me up- and I know.
  9. a doctor is the best one to answer those questions. I can't imagine they would put you at risk, and yet nobodies perfect so I feel sure that what you need is a better understanding of the process.
  10. oh mom4cem, lol, but its a good cardio workout for him!
  11. yes, both jobs are on my feet- but in motion-not standing still. I do wear compression stockings everyday to work. And they are wonderful. I think you "POTS" folk might do better with less motion. I have OH and NCS. Its true staying in motion wears me out which is why the shorter shifts should help. I hope so! They are use to me laying down occasionally at my present job. I SO want to get thru 5hours without needing that, or at least making it to a private place. These people don't "know the drill". You know what my current boss said, after seeing me have a episode? "Laying down on the job? You have to clock out first." I was LMAO. I am not comfortable about the issue- in the new place. I was a manager at McDonald's- flop-night shift. LOVE those kids, I will miss them. I am going to Red Robin- the restaurant. I'm supposed to be the Red Robin Mascot on tuesday night for 2 hours. First let me tell you I think it will be a lark. Sounds like fun to me. Anyway "the kids" from McD's are supposed to come see me. They better!
  12. when you have time, which may not be in this life post pics!
  13. A ways back I mentioned I was depressed. I went to the doc and we discussed things. Less stress would be helpful. Meds or therapy. Getting 8 consecutive hours of sleep. Normally I work til 1am and have a young child to get off to school. So I promised to take the St. Johns wort that I was far from diligent about. See a therapist. Which I have not yet (Shhhhh) did find one tho- local. Tonight I was hired at a new place. Shorter shifts. Can get 8 hours of sleep. Much less stress, I will not be in charge, I will be a hostess. THANK GOD! The money is good considering, and its about 3 miles away. whoop tee do!
  14. I see that you get migraines. I think there is a migraine without pain but with visual disturbance. hope you feel better!
  15. oh, well then never mind my previous post! what was your suspected reaction?
  16. I looked up the med and it says,"Why is Diamox prescribed? Diamox controls fluid secretion." So you would think since you stopped taking it, your body fluid would be effected.
  17. Linda, physical exhaustion can cause shaking similar to a shiver. A person can convulse too if the bp is low. Blood sugar problems can cause convulsions or seizures.
  18. yep,next to the last item, hope they can change that med for you! Sertraline may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away: * upset stomach * diarrhea * constipation * vomiting * dry mouth * gas or bloating * loss of appetite * weight changes * drowsiness * dizziness * excessive tiredness * headache * pain, burning, or tingling in the hands or feet * excitement * nervousness * shaking hands that you cannot control * difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep * sore throat * changes in sex drive or ability * excessive sweating
  19. flop, this site has a list of anticholinergic medicines http://www.innerself.com/Health/medications.htm
  20. I take a fairly hot shower, I think mine are stress related.
  21. yes! Its most helpful that I have quick recovery, the TTT staff are the ones that timed it. Julie's words were reassuring.
  22. doctorguest, me to, as I am on Norpace- longterm. thanks!
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