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Everything posted by pat57

  1. everyone around me insists that slowing down cognitively is part of getting older (I'm 50). The only time I feel clear headed is when I'm doing something that I've done a million times.
  2. sigh I forgot the link http://www.jobsearchsecrets.net/2006/09/23...over-qualified/
  3. LOL! I wish I could write like that, or spell like that, or think like that! That was copy and pasted from someplace. this might be alittle helpfull also tho is disagrees with the #7 on the previous post.
  4. good ppl and they compound some of their own medicines- worth a phone call. Fisher's Specialty Pharmacy Services Web Site: http://www.spsdrug.com Address: 3904 Perrysville Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Phone: 412-231-3777 Fax: 877-231-8302 Email: pharmacist@spsdrug.com Hotline: 888-347-3416 We are an independent, full-service pharmacy specializing in infertility, hepatitis , and HIV mediations and are dedicated to high quality service. Our staff is experienced and focused on meeting your needs. At Fisher's SPS, you get the health care you need and the service you desire at a price you can afford.
  5. "a little food for thought" If you are "overqualified" If you are a high-skilled worker such as a computer programmer, reach the age of 40, or have more than 10 years of experience, and don't want to go into management, then you will be confronted with being rejected for jobs for being "overqualified". Recent surveys of hiring managers show that more than 95 percent of them either have never hired anyone with more than 10 years experience, or would not consider doing so. There is no easy way of getting around this problem. You just have to adapt to it the best way you can. The first thing you need to do is understand what is going on. Here are the salient elements: 1. Rejection for being "overqualified" is a fairly recent cultural development. There was no such thing before the 1970s. 2. "Overqualified" is not just about age, although those over 40 may be presumed to be "overqualified". 3. HR professionals, who are also a fairly recent development, and many hiring managers, would rather leave a job undone than risk being criticized for making a "bad hire". There is no downside for reporting that no one could be found to fill the position. 4. Hiring managers often have a personal agenda that differs from the best interests of their company, and a worker who has more skills or knowledge than the minimum needed to do the job may be a threat to the hiring manager and the established order in the department. This attitude has been expressed by some in such words as, "They've seen it all and want to show you how it's done." 5. Highly experienced technical workers are also seen as misfits by co-workers. As a manager once put it, "It doesn't work to start a senior guy at an entry level because he knows too much, and sets a standard the others can't match, but if we start him at a high level the others resent him for not having come up though their ranks. It is easier to just avoid the problem by not making the hire." 6. Hiring managers will usually prefer to fill a position with someone underqualified, or leave the job undone, than hire someone who is "overqualified". 7. The myth that "overqualified" workers are more likely to leave for a better job is just that. Nonoverqualified workers are just as likely to leave. It is only the incompetents who cling to the job. But the myth is deeply entrenched. 8. It is not about obsolete skills, and retraining is not the solution, unless it is for working in an entirely different field, such as carpentry. 9. Discrimination against the "overqualified" is relentless. Don't believe protestations that they don't discriminate on the basis of age or experience or "overqualification", or when they point to a token "old guy". They are lying.
  6. I've heard it before too, you can have difficulty finding a job because your over qualified. I would think that would make you a good catch- but apparently not. Maybe "they" think you will move on when you find something better. Perhaps you should ask why they think dumbing down would land you a job easier.
  7. I have used ginger tea- it helps. Supossed to sip a cup 20 minutes before a meal.
  8. it is heart breaking to get such news. You seem to have articulated your feelings well, and I think that's number 1 for copeing. And we'er all here -as is your husband and mother- to listen. SOOOOOOOO you are on the right road.
  9. My daughter is double jointed- the doc didn't seem concerned at all. Her skin doesn't seem different- tho............
  10. do what you can and do it often. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get a diet and excercise plan from your doc or whatever apriopriate professional. I would really go for it, I lost 15 pounds and feel much better without it.
  11. its always about calorie intake and calories burnt. I think it is reasonable that with less body fat you will need to hold less water. Are you still takeing in as much water and salt as you were?
  12. For nausea, a tea from a slice of fresh ginger is recommended 20 minutes before a meal, among the group I was in. It being- like I said a sub cutanous interferon and ribivarn pills.
  13. ya' all got to wear your "Dysautonomia shirts".
  14. well ,I'll jump in here after reading masumeh's post. I thought my ways were odd, but it echos how she explained that ppl don't understand. I don't waste my breath. ppl have no clue. If I "make a scene" by collaspeing I tell folks to relax its no big deal I have abnormaly low BP but its not dangerous. While they are paceing around with the urge to call 911- I get up and go on my merry way. WHO"S overreacting now? I do not tell my family- except my husband, any details. It makes one look stoic.
  15. take one day at a time and you will handle it. Also take your favorite dessert as needed. I did ribivarin (pills) and interferon sub cutanious for a year, its the hepatitus C treatment. You will be getting your meds- IV? The shot is once a week. I slept 24hours around the clock on shot night. It is scary because chemo can really mess with your system, BUT that's why the docs do reqular blood work. You will probably have a 24hour nurse call in line with all the support you need. Drink 2 liters of water a day! I think it would be a good idea to ask your pots doc it he has other patients that have done the chemo and ask for permission to call them. There is nothing like haveing some one to talk to that understands.
  16. lol, it is cornfusing. I have NCS and dysautomia. I "don't" get tachy. I put it in quotes because this past month a had a heart in the throat and jumping sensation that lasted about 5 seconds. Don't know what that was, but it was related to working extra hours. I'm done that!
  17. YEAH! congratulations. Just between you and me, I doubt that I could do it in good health.
  18. thanks for the replies- guys. Sushi - what a nightmare.
  19. do stairs make you legs feel like dead weight?
  20. I thought everything was protocol? Esp the way ins companies are. But even so there could be some factor that I'm not aware of. I'm sorry to worry you Amby, I meant well!
  21. well, might sound odd, but. If you wear an underwire bra. Ditch it, and see if you get better.
  22. Elegiamore, I have lowered my standards- job wise. And you really just have to laugh. My nicname at work is pathetic old lady. I tell them if I forget something- if I'm confused- its not my fault. I don't make a lot of money tho. I was employee of the year! This is because I work STEADY, and that's to keep the bp up.
  23. well I'm sorry but I recommend you call a doc and inquire about an EKG @ 48 hours. That is to see if it effects your rythem . Its an important precaution. The EKG takes 2 minutes, no big deal. I'll tell you right now that its gona drive you crazy trying to take the med excatly 12 hours apart. I bought a watch with 2 alarms to take care of that. The CR costs me more so I'm off it. I prefer the other, I can take that one hour and 20 minutes early because there is a 10% dose decline possible in the generic non CR. When I started the generic I Was collaspeing at 10am most mornings. And 10am - 10pm is when I took the med. SO it was low levels. Also ask your doc about if you accidently double dose. Its scarey. However I was told it was ok. I was afraid if I forgot to take it and afraid if I double dosed by accident. But you have to get that info from your doctor. We were talking about poor cognition, I can bet that at some time you will face the- did I take it quandry. In 4 days your gonna be feeling great! Well I did. I have not passed out or had a seizure since starting it. Well except for during a TTT. I was passing out- with convulsive (or worse) symptons a minimum of once a month- pre norpace. hope it works for you!
  24. Crying is for me the final stage to acceptance. That is not to say that things won't get better. No No. We need to mourn the lose of health. And when you can do nothing else- you can cry. Cry- you will feel better. ((((lina)))
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