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Everything posted by pat57

  1. I have NCS but not adrenal dysfunction. At least theres been no mention. The fact that you were laying down and got up is enough for symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. Considering you are new on your meds it could be that too. And Julie is so right. I go from 0/P faint with seizing during TTT to conscience and (I think) alert 15 seconds after laying down. Also I think its possible that you BP dropped fast and landed at a "good" rate. If the startle and fear of the sensation "like a bolt of electricity going through you" raised your BP 60 points, it could drop 60 (make you feel sick) and land normal. Seems to me, I have no idea really.
  2. why don't you call the DR. office and ask about benadryl , the vet recommended it for my dog who has anxiety when we are on vacation. And my daughters Dr. recommended it pre air flight- for anxiety. I have no idea what it does to POTS people. I think you have good cause to be anxious tho. Remember the anxiety is not dangerous, neither is having POTS symptoms in public. Again, good luck to you both!
  3. For NCS Norpace, it has given me back functionality.
  4. the answer is here! http://www.thebetterboobjob.com/lowbeams.html
  5. I have have colonoscopy and endoscopy, the prep for the colonoscopy is not fun and everybody hates it, but the procedures are not so bad. I wonder about a 16 year old submitting to it tho. I think it will be hard on her from a modesty point of view. I cannot speak to Ddavp or bleeding. As for your symptoms , if you have a spell- you will be in a safe place. Take one day at a time, if that doesn't work one hour- if that doesn't work take minutes. You will get through it. Does it really matter if you have a spell? I don think so. Good luck to you both!
  6. Hi, I have NCS, but I certainly do have problems between episodes. I seem to be sensitive to exertion or lack of sleep. note the following - from http://www.potsplace.com/ "What are the symptoms of NCS? Neurocardiogenic fainting usually occurs while standing. Emotional stress, stressful condition and pain may trigger an episode, especially among the young (Shah, Gupta & Lokhandwala, 2003). The onset may be abrupt or associated with warning symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, nausea, sweating, pallor, visual disturbances, abdominal discomfort, headache, pins-and-needles, lightheadedness or vertigo (Deering, 2003). Presyncopal patients may also complain of palpitations, vomiting, disorientation, and difficulty speaking clearly or coherently (Grubb & McMann, 2001, p. 60.). Other symptoms that may present before a faint include feeling either warm or cold, tremors, yawning and having a bluish/purple or red coloring to the skin (Alboni, Brignole, Menozzi, Raviele, Del Rosso, Dinelli, Solano & Bottoni, 2001). During the faint "seizure-like" activity may occur (Grubb, Gerard & Roush, 1991). This convulsive activity is thought to be distinct from a seizure disorder. Patients are sometimes symptomatic after a faint as well. Patients may complain of symptoms including nausea, clamminess, lightheadedness, headache and malaise (Deering, 2003). Patients may also experience vomiting, abdominal discomfort, weakness, tremors, cold or warm feelings and confusion (Alboni et al., 2001). Patients who experience frequent neurocardiogenic syncope may report symptoms between faints as well, such as chronic fatigue, headache, chest pain, exercise intolerance, heart "flip flops" and an inability to tolerate prolonged standing."
  7. I do believe 4 teenagers will make you nuts- 2 made me certifiable. nice to meet you.
  8. The expression, "I can't get out of bed" is meant literally. You know how to take a fall. You don't care how people look at you-in line- when you start stamping your feet. Your pet resents it when you get out of bed. You wish you could take a nap on the toilet. Laundry is a full time job!
  9. anything that further fatigues "us" can increase sensitivity. IMO
  10. http://www.nymc.edu/fhp/centers/syncope/POTS.htm under POTS defined "Symptoms of anxiety may proliferate and appear to be autonomically mediated in many cases; there is also overlap with anxiety/panic disorder."
  11. well in a word. Ambien. When I have energy challenges I make sure I get a good nights rest. Scheduling naps is good to, but- feeling excitement- you may not be able too.
  12. I no longer expect people to understand, although if I am visibly weak, I tell them I have abnormally low blood pressure. They seem to understand that. good luck
  13. I'm with Sophia show her the numbers.
  14. you chip away at the entrenched thought that your "crazy. Loony. A nut job." Remember that its entrenched. Be willing to do what it takes. If you have to rethink your opinion of yourself 100thousand times in a day, then that's what you do. I guarantee if you do that 100 thousand times today it will require less tomorrow, and less the next day. You can have a bad day in still be making progress. I don't think any Dr. said you were crazy. Loony. A nut job. That is you bashing yourself. Stop that right now! You are more then your anxiety level, appreciate your own efforts to care for yourself, for others and for the planet. do that right now. Stop the bashing Do the building day in day out your reaching out here your seeing a councilor good job GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT! beware impatience , it will take as long as it needs to, just aim in the right direction consistently- and you will get where you hope to.
  15. good news, I wish you continued improvements!
  16. congrates, It looks like a reference book and you will be the quoted expert, when this topic comes up. cool And now ,I hope, you can enjoy having a lighter workload.
  17. good idea- I adore your member name yikespanic.
  18. I haven't been to EA but I support support groups. Go for it!
  19. I was neurotic, I am quite serious. went here. http://www.recovery-inc.com/meetings.html I am cured. And I'm quite serious about that also. The closest meeting to you is Fargo ND. Its cognitive therapy and it works. You should get it. What a difference. Of course you can go elsewhere. These meetings are free tho. You are taught not to work yourself up. In this case-as you stated- you will know that you own thoughts are scareing you- progressively. You are taught, first to realize what you are doing. And then 2 ,trained to think objectively. You are given and arsenal of thoughts to chose from. These are not even your own thoughts. You choose one and you greatly reduce fear and stress. For example. My feelings are distressing, but not dangerous. This sensation is distressing and I will plan to ask the Dr. if its dangerous. I will not sabotage my mental heatlh. I will bear this discomfort and comfort will come. Sensations are distressing but not dangerous. By repetition you learn the automatically think these "secure thoughts". And listen, you are FAR from alone, there is comfort when you see that others have gone before you and you are not a freak. Others DO know the way out.
  20. I have some kind of a wart that looks like a big freckle. I told the Dr. it itches like crazy-which is how I know its a wart. After he told me its nothing to worry about, I attacked it- repeatedly. Which is to say scratched some of the skin off. Its much better now. Go figure. Can't recommend that esp since you have other skin problems.
  21. Finally got a cell phone, also one for my daughter, and the hubby and I can track her with "Family locater". That's actually why I got them. I can look at my phone a see where she is. That's a comfort. Mine was free after the rebate hers was 200 after the rebate, and worth every penny!
  22. I certainly have forgotten to ask things. If you have the time and good ins. I suggest making another appt. That way he gets paid for his time on it and you'll feel better about taking more of his time. PLUS get the answer!
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