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Everything posted by labas_2u@shaw.ca

  1. Hi Willows First off...missed your step-daughters wedding pictures!! I was out of town when they were posted...perhaps you can post them on the DINET photo website??? But the needleprick marks...could they be petechiae?? I get those a lot but I have autoimmune bleeding issues. They are little tiny broken blood vessels and look like red freckles. If my bleeding issues are active, I even get them on my upper arm just from having my blood pressure taken. They don't really hurt, but there is some tenderness to them...... I wouldn't want to diagnose anyone's symptoms, but it just sounded awfully familiar. Maggs
  2. Good luck Morgan!! Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Maggs
  3. Hi Sophia Here is a link that might help... My problem too, is elevated BP upon standing. I have to take Altace (10mg) at night because of the spike in BP when I get up in the morning. It works pretty good (and I am super sensitive to most other medications) Mine was caught and recorded while wearing a 24 hour BP monitor. I had no idea that I was getting such extreme spikes. Also, I have been told I have 'Impaired Glucose Tolerance' (pre-diabetes) because of an elevation in blood sugars. What is interesting is mine is also elevated ONLY in the morning when fasting blood sugar tests are traditionally done! It falls slowly during the day to normal levels no matter what I eat! I have done some research on it and you can 'google' it under 'elevated blood sugars morning' (sorry I don't have that link handy) There is quite a bit of information on it. Hope it helps. p.s Gee, for a while there, I thought I was the only one with 'weird' symptoms EVERYTHING about this disorder is weird......... Take care Maggs oooopppps link didn't work one more try with the link.... hyper.ahajournals.org.cgi/content/abstract/28/1/42 brainfog..
  4. Sending all the best wishes your way!! Hope that everything goes well for you and your family! ((((HUGGS)))))) Maggs
  5. Antibiotics absolutely make me feel worse but like Nina said, is a necessary evil. I try to avoid taking them at all costs, but, sometimes you just have to. I become very much more symptomatic Hope you feel better soon! Maggs
  6. Hi Cathy I don't know if mine is similar but, I do get a sharp burning pain in my upper left thigh/groin area. It feels like I pulled a major muscle in there and it burns for a long time. Mine eases up with resting it too. If I rest it completely, it goes away, but, if I start moving around too soon...I'm back to square one Ack! Maggs
  7. Hi Tammy You are not alone, trust me!! We did a post on this a while back........ Please do a search....not only will you feel right at home....I think you will get a good chuckle out of it too!!! It is not just the tachy that causes this 'problem' either! Maggs
  8. Hi Tammy I take 50mg in the morning and I have to say it does work in slowing the tachy down quite a bit. It has also helped bring my BP down (My BP mostly jumps up extremely high) and helped with the severity of the flushing. That being said, I don't really like the side effects. My heartrate does not correspond to my activity level. When I stand up and start moving, my heartrate sometimes stays the same as if I was sitting or laying down and makes me very short of breath. I also don't like the extra tired feeling. It just doesn't 'feel right'. I have tried most of the other beta blockers and they made me feel worse....... Dang this disorder!!! Maggs
  9. Thinking about you Dizzy!!! Hope you are feeling better soon! Tinkerbell!! Love it!!! Maggs
  10. Sending you the best of thoughts and wishes to get well soon!!! Maggs Keep us updated!!!
  11. Such great news!! All the best of luck and for sure, just as Babs said... Keep us informed!!! Maggs
  12. I'm with the others Amy, call your doctor especially if this is something new. Take care of yourself and let us know how you make out... Maggs
  13. Sending get well wishes your way Nina!! Christmas nose....hmmmmmmm Good one! Hope the mouse can take care of her kitty Take care of yourself! Maggs
  14. Ha Ha!! Loved it Lauren... I will be saving that one for sure! Morgan, I hear you! Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing..... Maggs
  15. whoooooo-hooooooooooo Way to go LuLu!!! Maggs
  16. Hey Jacquie, I'm here for You! I had the same test years ago when my blood pressure was all over the map. They thought for sure I had the same thing. I researched back then and they are rare and almost always benign. My tests came back negative. Every time my BP goes bonkers I get the same reaction....'Have you ever been tested for phenochromocytoma?????.......' My blood pressure has hit 220/135 and then drops like a rock!!! Actually, at the time I even entertained the thought that having a removable benign tumour might have been better because it is surgically curable in 90% of cases. This disorder isn't. Please research it Jacquie......knowledge is power and I think it may alleviate some of your fears... Good luck and sending good wishes your way.... Maggs
  17. YEHHHHHHHH LAREN!!!!!!!!! Such good news!!! Hope it keeps getting better for you!!! Maggs
  18. I hear you wareagle! I am in the same position...I have to have dental work done but have been putting it off only because, I too and scared....I can't take the novocaine either....keep me updated on how it is going and what you decide p.s I also had a problem with nitrous-oxide (laughing gas) aggghhhhhhhhh
  19. Wow, I am so glad this topic came up!! I too seemed to have just passed a kidney stone not too long ago! I was having pain in my right side, had an ultrasound, went through a severe bout of electrolyte imbalance (potassium level 2.7 ) had CT scan while in the hospital and found out my right ureter was inflammed (from what they think was a big kidney stone) If anyone has any info on the connection between kidney stones/pain and this disorder, please let us know.... CT reads.... 'Minimal dilation of the right ureter which appears thick walled. The cause for this is not shown in this exam. This may well be due to edema following recent passage of stone.......' Like we don't have enough to worry about....... Take care all, Maggs
  20. For myself, it all depends on how I am feeling.... Last Christmas, I felt awful after just 1/2 glass of wine! A few weeks ago, went to a BBQ and I drank 3 beer and felt good....as a matter of fact....started feeling REALLY good. The difference for me was at Christmas, too much food (along with sweets) and the old Christmas stress thrown in.... At the BBQ....more relaxed, munched on some salty chips and peanuts and sipped slowly.... Hubby was so surprised!! (it was his beer I was drinking) I seldom drink but I will if... I am feeling well I have had a small meal in my stomach I am in a relaxed situation and can sit down comfortablely (not jumping up and down serving others) My problem is really high blood pressure, and I know everyone is different but it works for me Maggs
  21. Happy Birthday Jacquie That is weird.....I had a similar experience yesterday when I took a cooling shower.....The water running off of me in the shower felt hot. I had to keep putting my hand up to the shower head to make sure that the water was cool..... Had no fever (checked after) , didn't feel too bad either. It was just the water running down my back and from my head/hair felt hot!!! Weird is a good adjective to discribe this disorder, Maggs
  22. I have blurred and double vision in my right eye.... Two years ago, I too went to an eye doctor who could not find anything wrong..... Now I have very poor vision in that one eye.... What to do??? Maggs
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