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Everything posted by labas_2u@shaw.ca

  1. Hi Lori and welcome! Have you been tested for Von Willebrands? I have had bleeding problems for years (bruising, hemmorhaging etc) Actually your story reads like mine! The bleeding was never identified until fairly recently when my doctor did bloodwork for Von Willebrands disease. Von Willebrands is a clotting factor problem and is usually not tested for because it is hereditary. However, rarely it can be 'aquired' (And we certainly are a rare breed! ) Google 'aquired Von Willebrands' and you can see if you feel there is a connection there. There is a simple blood test that measures all the clotting factors. Most people have a deficit of factor VIII . My problem is having too much of factor XI. If any of the thirteen or so factors are out of whack...the clotting 'cascade' does not work properly resulting in excessive bleeding/bruising. My platelets are usually in the normal range so simple bloodtests never showed that although yes, I have the platelets, but they don't work. Prior to this diagnosis I was told I had 'lazy platelets' because they could not understand why I had the full amount but they did not work...... For myself, I have days when they are fine and then all of a sudden, I start brusing and bleeding.... I do have to watch my platelet count because once my platelets did drop quite a bit and was told I had ITP. Don't know if this helps any but it wouldn't hurt to check it out! Welcome and good luck
  2. Go Pooh Go!! Just a misunderstanding.... I think what you are doing is wonderful ps. Is George Cloney a given? I mean....there are others too.....
  3. Wow! I get that pain too!! I was told I had renal colic but then had an ultrasound while I was actually having the pain and nothing showed up. I felt like a hypochondriac so I've kept that one to myself for years! Gee I love you guys........I feel so 'normal' here Let us know how things turn out for you and good luck
  4. Hi Willows I too didn't respond because the list is so long and tedious. I have had a hysterectomy, numerous D&C's, tonsillectomy, toxemia, septicemia, ITP, multiple pneumonias, muscle biopsy, endoscopies, cystoscopy's and more..... You are not alone.... I am currently told I need a heart ablation and am now 'impaired glucose tolerant', I am also having bleeding problems due to Von Willebrands.... It seems never ending....something goes wrong or falls off AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  5. Hi!! I'm interested too!! I Love Montreal!! I will be going there this summer but don't know when as of yet! I'll keep watching for the date..... Maggs
  6. Congradulations Persephone!!! Have a good cry because you deserve it!! Then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going..... You're doing us all proud!! Maggs
  7. My feet turn a mottled purple colour. I can tell that they are a bit swollen because my shoes feel tight......
  8. Brenda... Hoping you and your daughter feel better soon
  9. pssst...Morgan......... I am still lurking about Everyone is out of the house right now....and the cats better not talk...... It's a good thing too after reading your post!!!
  10. I crack and pop if I have been still for any amount of time... When I get up I usually look behind me to make sure everything came with me and I didn't leave anything behind...... Maggs
  11. By the request of my family...... I will no longer be reading anything on this post! My 'problem' tends to increase dramatically as I have stated earlier, when I laugh. My poor family is being traumatized by this post and made me promise not to read anything further on this subject or I will not be allowed anywhere near the computer. Our two cats are in agreement...
  12. Awesome Janine!! I was thinking of you! Maggs
  13. I have nothing to suggest to help, But, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone! P.S. My kids know NOT to make me laugh too hard or they are responsible for the 'outcome'
  14. Hi Katie! My first pregnancy was totally uneventful! Totally natural delivery with no drugs or intervention. My second however was a twin pregnancy so needless to say that it is automatically a higher risk pregnancy from the get-go. My major problem was with BP and tacycardia which, with rest and taking it as easy as I could (with a two year old running around ) I still managed to get to the third trimester ok. Then I developed pre-eclampsia. I was admitted to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy, still no medications but total and I mean TOTAL bedrest. The first baby (a girl) was delivered normally but she KICKED her brother (second baby) into a breech postion which complicated things quite a bit. An internal rotation (ow ow ow) was done because it was too late for a c-section. I did have bleeding complications after the delivery ( a seperate issue) as I also have a bleeding disorder. There was the doctor who delivered the babies, a pediatricain, an anaestesiologist and three nurses in the delivery room along with my husband. Talk about crowded! I'm lucky they had enough room for me. I'm sure there are other people on this forum that can be more informative (as my children are older now)and they're experiences would be more up-to-date than mine. In my own opinion, I would start out with the more natural way but stay VERY closely monitored and be prepared for medical intervention or a longer hospital stay if you have to or want to (especially if you're worried). I believe a more natural way is better if everything goes well but remember to think of the baby and don't be stubborn if the docs or you are not comfortable in how the pregnancy is progressing. All the best Katie! Maggs
  15. Hi Rose Lover My understanding is this: Our spine (from the base of the head to the tailbone) has natural curves in it that curve inwards and outwards into the body. This is suppose to help with balance and as shock absorbers. Scoliosis I believe is an unnatural curvature of the spine that goes sideways. ( Is this correct Mighty Mouse?) My friend has scoliosis and that is how she explained it to me. Straightening of the C-spine is an unnatural straightening of the natural curve in the neck area. This is what I have. Most information you read on it states it is caused by injury such as whip-lash. I don't get much neck pain, the worst for me is in my shoulders and upper back (severe pain) I would like to know if cortisone injections would work...... When my back pain is at it's worst, it pushes my BP and tachy up and I feel worse overall. Just before Christmas, my upper back pain was extreme...I had to go to the ER because my 'normal' tachycardia turned abnormal (diffuse ST's) and my BP was as the doctor said 'all over the map'. THEN the migraine kicked in The ER docs thought I was having an aortic dissection! After loading me up with morphine, my tachycardia went back to 'normal', my back pain lessened and the migraine went away but my BP was still quite elevated. They admitted me to the hospital but I checked out as soon as the pain was under control ( after about 3 hours) I had to sign waivers stating that I was responsible for my own demise. They don't understand that this is how I (and others) live on a regular basis. I work in this hospital (clerical) and when I see these docs in passing, I think I amaze them that I am still alive. Rose Lover....read Mighty Mouse's message as she has scoliosis and her information is quite informative. My problem is with the C-spine unrelated to injury. Anymore information would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Take care of yourself Belinda Maggs
  17. Be Still....(or anyone) Is there a connection between Dysautonomia and straightening of the C-spine? (not from an injury) Could one cause the other? Also, what (if anything) can be done for it? I have tried chiroprators and physio-therapists but nothing seems to help. Would cortisone injections work for the shoulder pain or a nerve block? Has anyone tried these methods? Any information would be greatfully appreciated!!
  18. I thought I was the only one! I had a series of x-rays because of shoulder pain and nothing showed up for the shoulders but, it did show 'definite straightening of the C-spine possibly due to muscle spasms' I looked this up on the net but really couldn't find anything that applied to me(or dysautonomia) You think you are really unique and voila! ....you come to this forum to find out you are one of many
  19. Hi! Would this also be related in some way to 'straightening of the C-spine' ?? Thanx
  20. Hi Sunshine Organic Foods...YES!!! Organic foods around here are defined as chemical and pesticide free. The soil that certified organics are grown in have to have been cleared of all chemical and pesticide residue for at least 7 years. Organic meat, eggs and dairy products are produced from animals that have been fed only organic feed. Fruit and vegies are left to ripen on their own instead of chemically induced ripening or sprayed with colours to look good and more inviting. You get the 'real deal' We grow organic vegies in our yard and there is a big difference between store bought and organic. They are much richer in flavour and you can't beat the health benefits. Organics are more expensive and we cannot afford to be totally organic but I think that even some helps give our poor broken bodies a chemical break. We don't use that many tomatoes in the winter time because nobody in our house likes them. They taste like cardboard but, in the summer.....we eat tomatoes almost every day and other goodies from the garden! My kids eat the tomatoes from our garden like apples! I enjoy getting outside in the spring/summer and fall and puttering away in the garden and then eating my 'fruits of my labour' for supper. My husband does any manual labour required and I do the tending to look after it. I think it's also a great reason to get outside in the nice weather and just mosey around. Most of our garden beds are built up so I can sit on the side and weed or whatever else is needing doing. Because we don't use chemicals...we get a lot of small wildlife in our yard and we enjoy watching them from our deck. It makes for a relaxing evening. Even if you have a small yard or an apartment balcony...you grow your vegies in containers...we have multiple containers on our deck of peppers, lettuces and cherry tomatoes. The herbs smell wonderful in the evening and are great for cooking!!! Sorry to ramble and go a little off topic but it is a great hobby and the bonus is chemical free food!! Spring is coming guys..........
  21. Hi I had to stop watching the Olympics!! My heart races to 160 if we are in first place
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