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Everything posted by labas_2u@shaw.ca

  1. It sounds so much like autoimmune..... Has she been tested for 'hereditary angioneurotic edema'? I know someone who is being tested for this because of similar symptoms........ Not a doctor by any means but just grabbing at straws and trying to add some ideas that might open up some other avenues.... Please tell her we are thinking about her and sending her best wishes.... Maggs
  2. Hi Amber If the 'shocking' your doctor is referring to is actually is being cardioverted, I was was cardioverted twice(at one time). My heart was racing upwards of 240 bpm. The medications given would not bring it down so I was cardioverted once (which didn't work) and then again (which did). I don't remember much about it.....just remember waking up in the Cardiac Unit My understanding at the time was that the heart cannot continue to beat effectively at those rates.....and if medications don't work then they use cardioversion. Mind you, this was quite a few years ago.... I would ask for a better explanation for why and how the procedure will be done.. Good luck and keep us posted Maggs
  3. Hi Madeline I had my own horse for years (riding English - my horse was a hunter-jumper) It was at one time a very big part of my life. I would caution you to be very careful also. You have to be extremely alert riding a horse at all times as you are in full control and must think for both of you. (brain fog or being on medications would be hazardous) In English you 'post' when you trot which would be the equivalent of getting up and down out of a seat using only the inner thigh/knee over and over again. I know that today I could not do it. Your body is never relaxed when working a horse (except maybe pleasure riding??) I don't know the level of functioning you have with this disorder but unless you only mildly affected by your symptoms, I would not recommend it. But.....under very controlled conditions who knows??? Just be very careful and I hope you have a great time tomorrow!!! Maggs
  4. Hi Jacquie. I have TMJ and the pain I get sometimes takes that path..... If your doctor knows about it and isn't too concerned, maybe check with a dentist. He diagnosed mine. Just a thought.... Maggs
  5. Hi Maxine: I don't have anything to offer in the way of information or advice. But, please do follow up with the neurologist and keep us posted... It sounds like there is a lot going and hopefully a good neurologist should be able to sort some of it out. Good luck!!! Maggs
  6. Hi Lauren Just wanted to wish you all the best..... Hopefully North Carolina can help you! Keep us posted Maggs
  7. I too have felt that loss.... Sending you best wishes. Maggs
  8. I really enjoyed both these poems....!!! Keep them coming! Maggs
  9. Hi Noam I don't sweat but I have never thought much of it.... It is just not something I am worried about because of other more impacting symptoms! Maggs
  10. Not from Ohio, but lived most of my live on the Great Lakes....St. Mary's River (which joins the Great Lakes) is a 5 minute walk from my front door. My parents had a cottage on Lake Superior where myself and my family spent all summer. Been to Cedar Point..... ???? Maggs
  11. Count me in on the salt craving.... I have had my adrenal glands checked quite a few times....nada Maggs
  12. Oh Cardiatec! I hope it doesn't last long...... I think most people with dysautonomia are super-sensitive to medications. There are very few meds I can take at all. I know how it is...you put such hope into a new medication that will make you feel better and something else falls off..... Take care Maggs
  13. Hi Dionna Sorry I have no answers for you but just to let you know, I drink quite a bit and still can get dehydrated too! Don't understand it but you are not alone..... Maybe someone else here knows more about it.....we have a lot of really well informed/knowledgable people on this forum. Maggs
  14. All the very best Morgan!! Miss you on the forum!!! Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon! Maggs
  15. Hi Lori and a big welcome to the forum! Hi Cardiatec I DO have a question for you....... What causes 'diffuse ST waves' I sometimes have them on my ECG... Just curious.... Thanks in advance! Maggs
  16. Hi Cardiatec I have nothing to offer but sympathy, but am sending (((((huggs))))))) and best wishes.......... Keep us updated..... We are here for you...... Maggs
  17. Hi (Maxine) Hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted!! Maggs
  18. OMG cardiatec!! You wrote my feelings exactly!!! Beautifully written..... I saw myself there and cried. Maggs
  19. Hi Bri I avoid confrontations at all cost! It just sets everything in motion....the shakiness, tachy and flushing. I literally have my hubby be my 'stand in' for these situations. It just takes too much out of me Maggs
  20. My dysautonomia is the result of an autoimmune disease. Maggs
  21. Hi Bri I fall into that category. I developed out of control blood pressure during my last pregnancy which has still stayed with me. Everything else fell apart following that. Maggs
  22. Hi Cardiatec I don't have the dizziness very often, but then, my problem is high blood pressure. I do get more 'light-headedness' which is for me milder. Gee-Whizz..... does this make me 'lucky' Maggs
  23. Oh Willows!! I wish I could help. I can tell you a bit about the petechiae and how it applies to me. I don't know if it is applicable to you or not but maybe something in it might help...... I have an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder (which probably caused my dysautonomia issues). Many years ago, before they knew it was autoimmune, I had ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpurea) which is a drop in platelets. One of the symptoms is petechiae. (platelets help clot the blood to stop bleeding) I saw a top hematologist in Toronto who could not figure out my platelet problem. (Lupus-an autoimmune disease was also ruled out at this time). Even though my platelets came back up to within normal levels, I still continued to have outbreaks in petechiae (along with bleeding problems) About three years ago, after a bout of rectal bleeding (and my platelets remaining in the normal range) I was tested for Von Willebrand's disease. Now, this is a hereditary disease and I have no family history of this but rarely it can be 'aquired'. You can 'google' it under 'Aquired Von Willebrand' This has to do with clotting factors or lack of. I have too much (again very rare) of factor X1, which disrupts the clotting cascade. (Hemaphelia is lack of factor V111) My doctors believe my problem is caused by the autoimmune disorder which is disrupting the clotting factors. Hence the petechiae. Most days, I have no problems with it. But if my autoimmune problem is active (and I can tell by the petechiae) I have to be more careful - not a good day to get run over by a bus...... Cuts bleed for longer periods of time and even having blood drawn can leave a bit of a mess if constant pressure is not applied. Willows, I have no idea if this applies to you or not, but, if your doctor is stumped and looking for suggestions.....he/she might want to look into the autoimmune angle and test your clotting factors. Oh, and just to make it more interesting, clotting factors can be in the normal range but not be working properly (I think this applies to factor V111 - but I am not sure.) The only medication I know of that helps is prednisone for when the autoimmune issue is active. I haven't taken any in years though because I don't like the side effects. The petechiae and bleeding is just something I put up with. Pain in the behind but so is everything else about this disorder....... Maybe worth a shot to ask your doctor about????? Good luck and please keep us updated Maggs
  24. I too feel that way, also about the beta-blocker. My mouth is soooo dry, I drink tons of water which does not help at all. Then I am running to the bathroom steady! I am shaky and on edge. If the phone rings next to me, I just about jump out of my skin! Taking the beta-blocker does not seem to help that much because my body just seems to 'fight' it, although taking it on a regular basis does decrease the amount of the attacks. My resting heart rate was recorded at 120 during one of these episodes and it was a sinus tachy. I generally just wait it out.....not fun.......... Sorry, not much help but I just wanted you to know you are not alone Maggs
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