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Everything posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. Good luck Julie, I'm sorry to hear your having such a hard time. Dayna
  2. I have bone spurs in my neck C3-4 and 4-5, and disk protrusions at T4-5 ,T7-8 T9-10 and T 10-11 most prominent at T7-8. I was dx with cervical spondylosis and thoasic disk protrusions Why my back is so screwed up is unknown. I've never been in an accident or ever hurt myself. I haven't really felt too much pain from it except for my shoulder. Now the last 2 weeks I've been in chronic pain and neck to my butt bone hurts. I didn't do anything strenuous. This is the third time I had a flare up of pain this year. What do you guys take for pain? I've been taking 800mg of advil and vicodin every 4 hours and it's not touching the pain. I go see the doc Friday and need some suggestions. Does anyone have any suggestions on how someone's back could be so bad without ever injuring it? This really bothers me because I feel I have enough medical problems to deal with and I fear eventually I'll be in chronic pain long term. I just feel soooo defeated lately. I see that alot of you have back/neck pain so I was hoping you might have some suggestions. I hope everyone is doing well and I've been thinking of all of you who are going through a hard time sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the posts lately, it even hurts to type. Maybe it's Fibro, what's the difference? Dayna
  3. I've just been feeling really down about my weight also. I got sick in 8/04 when my son was 7months and I still never lost the baby weight and added some extra to it. I weigh about 10lbs more than you and I have a real petite frame so it's alot of extra cushion for me. As if we don't have enough to worry about. Sorry and I feel your pain Dayna
  4. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dayna
  5. Completely healthy Aug 22, 2004 and horribly sick Aug 23, 2004. So it's been 2 yrs and a few months. I feel I'm slowly improving....................or I'm just getting used to it. Dayna
  6. Dr.D is really smart and knows her stuff I just feel that because I'm not as sick as all her other patients she blows me off or doesn't take my symptoms too seriously. I'm just getting a second opinion but like I said before I'll probally end up with her but at least I'll have the chance to compare dr's. Give Mestinon a try, it might be worth it. Dayna
  7. Thanks melissa. I just read that report. I'm not to shocked because it does seem to good to be true but when they throw in biblical information it makes a person feel like they are trustworthy know what I mean. If there was no mention of God I would have threw this magazine out along time ago but since I heard about it through church I started hoping it might work. Either way I juice veges because of my gastroparesis and I might follow some of their suggestion but I firmly believe in fish being nutritious I think I'll go with the "Dayna's healthier eating plan" (adjusted to my health needs) and exercise and see if I start to feel better on my own without purchasing expensive supplements. Dayna
  8. I was wondering if anyone ever tried this diet. There are tons of testimony stating how people were sick and then started getting better by eating a certain way. I also know 2 people from church who are not completely cured from MS but have greatly improved. It is biblical based diet. Well if anyone interested www.hacres.com. I already juice veges but I'm slowly going to incorporate the rest. Dayna
  9. I got mine two weeks ago and 3 days after I went completely down hill and am back to my miserable nauseated self which I've been free from for the past 6 months. is there any relation I have no idea. But I'll never do it again. Dayna
  10. I've been feeling really wiped out and I have my intense nausea back. It all started after I got the flue shot 2 wks ago. I don't know if there is any relationship but about 3 days after the flu shot BAM I'm back to being really sick. I regret getting it. Hopefully this will pass and not take my illness to a lower level. Dayna
  11. I just started on Sertraline and I guess it's the generic version of Zoloft. I hope it's as effective as the zoloft would be. Hope you find something Dayna
  12. Thanks Marie, I see Dr. Dotson and can't handle her bedside manner anymore so I switching to Dr. B. I hope he'll be able to help me otherwise it's back to Dotson. Did Dr. Dotson help you? Dayna
  13. I have been having migraines for almost 2 yrs now. I have tried every abortive there is (maxalt, imitrex......) they ALL make me sicker for longer than the migraine would. So I asked my doc for vicodin when I had shingles and I took it for migraines and when I take that the pain is still there but very minimal and I'm able to completely function for the rest of the day. Well I asked my doc if she can just prescribe that for my migraines and she said no that's how they handled migraines years ago and there are new advanced meds...................I tried them all. I don't want to be looked at as a drug seeker but I need relief from these migraines and I finally found something that works. does anyone here just take pain meds for migraines and not abortives? Yes I also tried daily preventitives with too many side effects. Head throbbing pain Dayna
  14. I'm sorry to hear your still dealing with the nausea. I don't get nauseated in the shower but I do get very exhausted so I try to take quick ones. Dayna
  15. My heart goes out to you. The lightheaded, off balance drunk feeling *****. I can relate to how your feeling (I think) but mine is not constant. It did just start happening after being on treatment for the past 6 months so I don't know if things are getting worse which scares the crap out of me. I also understand the anxiety part. I am now having small anxiety attacks because of these lightheaded episodes that scare the crap out of me. Maybe you should try a different medication. I'm currently trialing an SSRI to see if it helps with these episodes. So far no success but it's only been a few weeks. How about trying Flornief? Hang in there I know how hopeless and depressed your feeling I pray things will get easier for you soon. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on you can pm me. Dayna
  16. Maybe I'm just experiencing POTS symptoms and it's not anxiety attacks. Who knows, I guess time will tell. Dayna
  17. Maybe my pots symptoms are really bad right now causing the increased anxiety Dayna
  18. Thanks Carmen I have been meeting with him weekly so he knows all that is going on. Thanks Dayna
  19. Did your attacks begin before your illness or during your illness? Did you stop having attacks after starting an SSRI? I have been having alot of panic and anticipatory anxiety that I never had before. I always had the normal illness anxieties but not where I get these attacks when I go places. I think alot has to do with my anxiety since it doesn't happen at home (in my comfort zone). If it were more my illness than I think it would happen at home also but I think my illness plays a huge part because when I'm out I am overstimulated very easily as most of us are than the physical sensation of being overwhelmed causes me to catastrophize what I'm physically feeling than my mind takes over and freaks out. I'm feeling really discouraged about this. I have enough standing in the way of my everyday responsibilities with this illness I don't have the energy to deal with panic disorder or whatever it's called. Anyone successfully overcome this? How? I just started zoloft 25mg 3 wks ago but am not seeing any benefit yet and my counselor has been teaching me relaxation techniques for CBT. Does anyone know why this would happen out of nowhere? Is my illness worsening? Also I'm so sick of everyone telling me..........well, it's always something. Can't they think of anything better to say? That hurts my feelings and makes me feel like they don't believe me or think I'm crazy and I'm not........I hope. Need encouragement Dayna
  20. I didn't become fatigued. Just more anxious for awhile. Dayna
  21. Congrats on the new addition to your home. He's adorable. Dayna
  22. I'm going to see this doctor in Jan. hoping he can help with my treatment. I started treatment about 6 months ago and the wellbutrin or flornief has helped my stomach amazingly but my POTS seems to be on a decline. ...............weird you would think the meds would help with the lightheaded feeling. Who knows maybe it is anxiety, I can't tell the difference but am starting zoloft to see if there is any improvement. Anyways anyone ever use this doctor? Dayna
  23. Your not alone in this one. I have 3 small kids and constantly have to be compared to the super moms which is really hard but when the day ends I feel my kids get 100% of me because I'm always here for them ....literally. While it seems alot of my peers are searching for material success and putting their kids on the back burner. Through this illness I have learned what is really important and for me that's GOD and my family everything else isn't that important. It did take me along time to get to the place of contentment that I'm at and I think suggestions through this group about being the best mom I can be made a huge difference in my life (thanks all). Still I do have bad days, days I want to have another child and just live carefree again. How blessed I would feel if that would be possible. But I am so very very thankful that I had gotten married and had 3 wonderful kids at a young age 21 before I got sick otherwise it would be alot harder to deal with this illness and my heart breaks for those of you that are longing for a family. I can't even imagine what your going through. When I was struggling more last year about my idea of success some told me "Compare and Despair" that is so true everytime I compare myself to someone else I feel sad and let down so I try not to hurt myself by doing that. I hope things get better for you and I hope they get better for all of us. Dayna
  24. I take care of my 3 kids and watch another full time but I wouldn't be able to work out of the home or without the help of my husband. Dayna
  25. Jan my heart aches for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. God Bless Dayna
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