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Happy Christmas From Around The World


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As Christmas is almost upon us and things are getting a bit hectic , I thought this is a good time to start a chain of christmas wishes from around the world to all on the site.

Here's my Christmas message to you ;

To all the staff, the members and their families who make this the best site on the WWW , I wish you a very happy christmas and may all your christmas dreams come true.

May 2007 bring you better health and the knowledge that even when you feel that all is lost and you can't go on , we are here for you , your friends around the world , sending you our love , our understanding and the biggest hugs a site can ever give.

Merry christmas all .................Ami, Mark & Mike ............Plymouth , Devon , United Kingdom. :blink:

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Thank-you for starting this post Willows.....Happy Holidays to you all and I wish all of you a very happy, healthy, and exciting New Year!!!


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You are quite welcome--for me, giving fills my spirit and helps to make me feel happy, even when my health isn't so great.

Safe and warm holidays to you all--and may your new year be filled with better health and the people that you love.


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thanks for starting this topic willows. to me it feels so very special that people from all over the world find eachother here at potsplace/dinet. it gave me so much knowledge, understanding but most of all? new friends.

so from the netherlands my christmas whish for all of you who celebrate: i wish you a very warm christmas and a very happy new year with better health and strength to carry your rucksack!

love corina :lol:

ps: the rucksack for me means everything that people have to carry with them along their journey through life. for me it is chronic illness (and some other things) but of course it can be all kind of things.

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Wishing you all joy and happiness this holiday season... and the best wishes for a safe and happy new year..

may 2007 be your year for a miracle!



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I also want to wish everyone a very Happy, Healthy, Safe Holiday with their friends and family..Hopefully this year brings happiness as well as good health for all of us!!!

Happy Holidays!

Jacquie (Massachusetts)

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