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Everything posted by nadine

  1. I hope you frame that check!! It's wonderful regardless of the amount--- Congrats to you!!!
  2. So glad you were able to get your new family member and provide a loving home for a pet in need. I think much has been said for tips. I agree that Donnie is making a major adjustment right now and it may take awhile, but hopefully he comes around. The barking can be tough, mine never barked for years and now that they are aging, bark with every little noise. Tough, because you want them to alert you, but not drive your ears crazy!!! Hope you can work it all out. Do you have an area where you can put a run for exercise and to sit and play, so you don't have to walk him, but can still be out together? Well good luck to you!!
  3. I have a hx of endometriosis and fibroids and had surgery about 15 years ago. I had my second bad flare up of CFS at that time. There has also has been research showing many CFS pts. with endometriosis. I had a lot of nausea, vomiting at the time and back pain real bad. When they did the surgery, the scar tissue was considered extensive and fibroids were growing.The one hour surgery turned into almost 3 hours! It then took me several months to recover from CFS symptoms. I am not sure about the connection with POTS, but just thought I would add this comment as I know many also have CFS and or FM as well.
  4. Continued prayers and thoughts being sent for both of you------------- Oh yes, the simple things in life can seem so wonderful sometimes, being home, clean sheets, a shower and well the ability to vacuum is a real bonus!! Spoon in those sheets and enjoy your moments together between all the apts. Take care
  5. This is difficult for sure. When I was first diagnosed with NCS they told me drink more fluids, exercise and just make sure you're in a clear area, so as not to harm yourself if you feel faint!!! I thought this was the most insane thing I had ever been told!! First, I could never assume I would be in a situation where I have enough warning to get to a safe position, sometimes I was driving and would panic trying to find a way to pull over on the road in traffic. This was before we tried meds, but even with meds things have since gone way downhill. I am now homebound and spend most of my time on couch, recliner or bed, but I was so frustrated at them telling me this, like it was no big deal - not fine with me- however, haven't found a better answer yet as meds aren't doing it for me.
  6. Amy- How wonderful, your little one will soon have a sibling!! CONGRATS and I hope that nagging back pain soon goes away~~~
  7. Sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly again- just when you were posting that you seem to be improving!! Hope you get answers soon to your concerns --- take care
  8. Happy trails to you ----------That is a lengthy trip----enjoy your senior year!!!
  9. Great to hear the positive experiences people are having
  10. Thanks for sharing the photos-- love the beauty of the building, the rows of books, painitngs- wow- I can't imagine standing there and taking it all in!! How wonderful for you!! You look wonderful and happy there.
  11. Have you looked into LTD? Sorry, I can't remember if you mentioned this before- would you be eligible for benefits?
  12. Many prayers being said for you and your family--------- I hope this trial goes well
  13. Why is it that these specialists seem to often respond in the same way? I have seen several highly respected MDS that I waited for months to see and hours in their office as well, only to feel blown off!! It is frustrating as they are in such high demand and they just seem to lack compassion. I will not say this is true for all, but almost everyone that is of such high esteem by their credentials!!!
  14. ariella- Sounds like you are in a tough position regarding taking possible trip. For me the flight was the beginning of my nightmare, but you have probably made other trips- how have you done on them? I am not sure about the pressure comments in the cabin- It deft. had an affect on me- no question about that. I would be concerned about the pressure you are feeling in your head and flying- what do they think is cause? Is this an ongoing symptom for you or something new? Is it from the suspected encephalitis? Anyway, good luck and I must say trying to do all this in one week seems like a lot- Keep us posted
  15. Kel- I like your personal mantra as well- it happens to be a beautiful sign that hangs in my living room, given to me by a friend- For fun??- well getting out of the house is a very rare event- so it's movies, friends and family coming over, reading, internet games, ordering out - although that is really not fun anymore as it has become the norm. Love sitting on my porch and watching all the wildlife-- that's about it. Little things, watching butterflies and hummingbirds brighten my day, as well as the pets. Going for short rides when I can handle it.
  16. Willows- Wonderful thoughts and words you shared regarding your friend. Glad you crossed each others path- I am sure he is going to appreciate your visits- even if it can't be expressed---
  17. Have a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to all the August folks!!
  18. Just wondering how many members are using the igive.com to donate to DINET? I have tried to remember to use it whenever I shop online. I am homebound and do all my shopping off internet or QVC, etc.- there are many stores that participate and many I never knew about - so just a reminder to everyone out there who also shops online-- you can make a wonderful donation. My little small amounts are starting to add up- every bit counts right?? I just have to remember to not pick up the phone when watching QVC and order it through igive.com -then go to QVC- to place order. It helps to know that when I do make a special purchase that I may not need, at least I am helping a good cause!
  19. I have this and balance problems as my number one problem when attempting to walk or stand, still trying to sort out what exactly is going on a year later!! Can't stand or walk any distance at all.
  20. That was fun and interesting. What I want to know is what number people picked- do people tend to use the same number? hmmm - i am guessing that 7 maybe common choice? just curious- no i tried it with another number, same results- guess math can be fun!!
  21. Hope you are soon feeling Mighty again!! Take care on those steroids--
  22. I have also taken multivitamins for years, but having a hard time tolerating them lately, makes my stomach go wild. I have taken vitamins for 30 years and I think it helps some- but certainly no cure all. I think it helps with fatigue for me. I had my vit. D checked recently and that was quite low. They started me on supplements for this with the calcium.
  23. can go from one extreme to the other temp wise in minutes. Sometimes freezing, chills, other times, hot, opening windows. Right now I am quite comfortable with the house at 64 degrees, with blanket and windows open. Nice.
  24. Morgan- I think I would also have some wonderful comments regarding all these physicians!! I guess what comes to mind is that they are all have a serious lack of responsibility here. Did I miss something here? Why couldn't the ER doc and on call cardiologist- make decision to keep you for observation at least for 24 hours!! I can't believe they didn't admit. I know you have been having major medical problems, where is your primary? Why did his office say ok to follow up in a week!!! This just sounds crazy to me. They have documentation of arrythmia at hospital and didn't send you home with a monitor for readings?? They must know you are not someone to just run off to the hospital--- Well, i do hope that you get someone to take this seriously. I hope this doesn't keep you from going to ER again if you feel you need to- take care - and keep us posted, if you can. I know you were a nurse, if I remember correctly-- did you ever work at this hospital?? Have any good connections??
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