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Everything posted by MomtoGiuliana

  1. So sorry your symptoms are not under better control right now. What does your doctor say? Do IV fluids help stabilize your symptoms?
  2. I agree. It's certainly not recognized as a therapy that is beneficial to POTS; no studies. Like many things seem to be, we all respond differently too. B/c of the likelihood of lowered blood pressure it would make sense to be cautious with this.
  3. Just wanted to share this with forum members in case it may be a therapy that is useful for anyone. I searched briefly and could not find research on the use of this therapy for dysautonomia, but it is used successfully (according to studies) to treat anxiety and depression and other ailments. The therapy has been studied for decades. Salt float therapy is gaining in popularity around the country, and we have a facility in my community. I had not thought much about it, until I started having another flare up and at a friend's suggestion decided to try it. I was a little nervous bc I wasn't sure what the warm water and weightlessness might do for my symptoms. They do warn that the treatment lowers blood pressure. In any case I went ahead and had one session a few days ago. Basically you float in a warm (not hot) bath of Epsom salt--the temp is just at skin temperature, it's not a hot tub. The feeling is amazing as it makes you completely relax, effortlessly. In addition you can choose to turn off lights and relaxing music and experience a stimulus free hour of floating. The sensory deprivation along with the relaxation is supposed to bring you effortlessly into a meditative state and deep relaxation. For me, I did not notice a change in blood pressure that was problematic. Did not feel dizzy etc afterwards. I did have a feeling of calm and well being and felt very relaxed afterwards. The next day, my POTS symptoms were greatly reduced, and this effect seemed to last over a couple of days. I wonder if the Epsom salts helped, along with the intense relaxation? I plan to continue to go once a week and see if I notice longer term benefits. Studies show that many weeks of multiple treatments are needed to treat anxiety or depression successfully.
  4. Hi Catherine Welcome to the forum although I am sorry you had to seek us out. Your symptoms sound like classic dysautonomia symptoms. For many people, and sounds like your mom is one of them, symptoms can wax and wane and do tend to improve over time and/or with treatment. This information may be helpful to you https://www.dinet.org/info/pots/ We would recommend you try to see a specialist and get a diagnosis and then of course treatment if you have not started to do so. We maintain a list of specialists here: https://www.dinet.org/physicians/ Have you tried adding fluids to see if that helps? Most people find some relief from extra fluids and salt. (But again it is best to get a diagnosis from a specialist rather than try to self diagnose and treat.) I hope you find the forum and our website to be useful and hope you starting feeling better soon.
  5. Do you think the fluids helped at all? It sounds like your symptoms did not improve. They may have not given you enough fluids slowly enough for it to be helpful. Most POTS patients do improve with IV fluids. When I am in a flare I get 2 bags over 4 hours. The slower rate is more valuable to helping improve symptoms. When I was really sick I was hospitalized and got fluids continuously for 24 hours. Can you talk to your doctor as a follow up about options for controlling your symptoms better? Maybe they can order fluids for you that you could get at an infusion center or such setting and on a slower drip. I would also talk to the doctor about other things that you can do or try (including meds) to reduce severity of symptoms.
  6. So sorry you are going through this. I am 51 and definitely in menopause now. I am not sure what the next few years are going to be like for me due to this. Two weeks ago I got a sinus infection and it put me into a downward spiral with POTS and also insomnia that I cannot believe would not also be related to menopause b/c normally I weather infections better than this. Anyway one of the things that helps me most is IV fluids 2-3 times a week, when I am having symptoms. My GP is so helpful and understanding about this, and prescribes them for me at the drop of a hat when I am feeling at all badly. I have learned from going to the infusion center that they are serving a lot of POTS patients there on a regular basis. It seems doctors have come to realize how useful this is. I agree w Pistol that it is important to be seen by a doctor knowledgeable about this condition and open to helping you try a variety of treatments until you find what is going to work for you. Most of us get better with proper treatment. Hope that you find some answers and feel better soon.
  7. So sorry. I have not heard of patients becoming dependent on saline. Personally I have been on regular saline for as long as a month at a time (2 to 3 times a week!). At the infusion center I met other POTS patients and some had been coming to get infusions for months or even years (although I think off and on). Does increasing salt intake, as well as fluids, help you? Hopefully others with experience with longer term use can weigh in with their experiences.
  8. That's good. I notice you said you are getting vitamins via IV. Perhaps you could ask your doctor if this might artificially inflate your vit levels in a blood test. I know when I started getting B12 shots and taking B12 orally, B12 in blood tests went sky high. But from what I understand that is not a good indication that a patient is not deficient. You have to take B12 at high levels for many months to address deficiency, from what I understand.
  9. If you are experiencing malabsorption I wonder if your doctor has tested for any vitamin deficiencies that could be exacerbating or causing your symptoms. I was diagnosed with low B12 a couple of years ago. This can cause neurological symptoms.
  10. This is not uncommon with dysautonomia. Here is a recent discussion that may be useful. https://www.dinet.org/forums/topic/30856-swaying-back-and-forth Just as a side thought, and maybe you have already had this evaluated, but low B12 can cause neurological symptoms. I was diagnosed w low B12 a couple of years ago and had multiple symptoms including loss of balance that finally improved after taking a supplement and getting shots over several months ( I still take a supplement).
  11. Thanks for checking in. I am so sorry you still have no answers.
  12. I find that reducing sugar intake and increased fat and protein intake reduces feeling POTS-y--particularly in the AM. I think it has something to do with blood pooling in the abdomen after eating -- and not sure why eating foods with lower glycemic index reduces that (if that is what is happening?). Here is a list of foods and their glycemic index: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/glycemic-index-and-glycemic-load-for-100-foods Also plenty of fluids especially in the AM and salt--that is the dietary change that has helped me the most. However, prior to developing POTS symptoms, my diet was already pretty healthy. I don't eat a lot of processed foods and I am a vegetarian (although I do eat eggs and some dairy). Some POTS patients have problems such as gastoparesis which adds additional problems and constraints.
  13. To reiterate somewhat what has already been said, this physician is actually one of DINET's advisors; she is a leading expert on dysautonomia. As others have also said, her phone consultation would rely on working with a doctor you are seeing in person. I did consult with her once. I had to send her all lab and study results and other records first. I think a phone consultation may be helpful if you have a doctor willing to work with her. Because there are few experts nationwide, her phone consultation fills in gaps, for patients too unwell to travel long distances to see a specialist. She will make recommendations for tests and treatment but she will not treat/prescribe; that will be up to your doctor.
  14. You may feel badly afterwards and it could trigger feeling more poorly for a few days afterwards. This definitely happened to me. But I also had no idea what my diagnosis could be at that point and did not understand that salt and hydration were helpful for reducing symptoms. Regardless it's an important diagnostic tool--so important to have it done. Take care.
  15. Please note that normally we do not allow the inclusion of any sort of commercial links in member posts. However, DINET maintains a list of physicians, and sharing a link to doctors' websites in this vetted list is allowed on the forum. Dr. Blitshteyn (website above) is a valued DINET advisor and is included in our DINET research, newsletters and physician database. Dr. Blitshteyn is also prominently featured in our original documentary,, "Changes: Living with POTS" To learn more about our Medical Advisors, please visit https://www.dinet.org/aboutus/advisors/
  16. My specialist encouraged me to exercise and really never talked to me about what was a maximum safe hr. He also started me on beta blocker when he diagnosed me. I had also had various tests on my heart function and structure so I assume he felt comfortable there was no dangerous abnormality. My heartrate tends to be lower if I am well hydrated and also later in the day I seem to tolerate exercise better than first thing in the AM. Good to be evaluated by a cardiologist if you are experiencing a high heart rate or other concerns.
  17. Have you been diagnosed with POTS and do you have a specialist? If so, and if they have admitted you (you said you may be in the hospital for a couple of days) the hospital should consult with that specialist. I am almost positive it would be recommended to put you on IV fluids. Hope you feel better soon.
  18. I do not know how unusual this is for POTS. When I am dehydrated and my blood volume is low, my bp actually goes up. At the same time I will feel faint, dizzy, etc as if my bp were low. Rehydrating can bring my hr and bp down. In general it is not too unusual w dysautonomia for a patient to experience both low and high bp. If you are dehydrated you may notice more symptoms on standing, such as more palpitations. IV fluids help me a great deal when I get into a "POTS hole".
  19. In case you have not looked here already, we maintain a list of specialists: https://www.dinet.org/physicians/ So sorry you have had trouble with a close relationship.
  20. I also felt lonely and scared with severe disabling symptoms and no diagnosis, back in 2002 while pregnant and then with even worse symptoms post partum. Multiple ER visits and multiple specialists and finally hospitalization I was diagnosed with POTS. Even with all my internet research I never came across this diagnosis as a possibility. Until I was diagnosed by an EP I was told I had depression and anxiety, and was brushed off by doctors who couldn't seem to grasp the extent of my physical disability. It was a frightening time, during a time of life that should be full of joy. I promptly discovered DINET after my diagnosis. Even in 2002/2003 the site was full of information and members and administrators were so kind, understanding and helpful as I navigated acceptance of my diagnosis/physical limitations and treatment. As I recovered (basically fully recovered 4 years later) I felt a strong need to give back to the organization that gave me so much information and support when I was in need. I hated the thought of anyone else needlessly suffering through months of severe and frightening symptoms with no diagnosis except mental illness. It's almost 2020 and I believe a lot has changed since my diagnosis thankfully. There is so much more information available on line AND doctors are much more aware, in general, of the condition and how severe it can be. But I still feel strongly that DINET plays an important role for patients and their caregivers, as there is always new information, new research and there is always a need for support, as diagnosis and treatment is still far from perfect. It is my hope that the work I provide as an administrator of the forum helps others with this diagnosis to better navigate healing/recovery/lifestyle modifications and to feel much less alone.
  21. Thank you both for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
  22. Have you been evaluated as to why you cannot sit up or walk and has a doctor advised you to remain in bed? When my symptoms became that severe, due to POTS, I was hospitalized, and given IV fluids for 48 hours. I was then at least able to stand up and walk across a room and use a bathroom. After that I went to infusion center 3X a week for weeks to get fluids, which helped me not to slide back to that state. If you have POTS, IV fluids may help you greatly. I agree w Pistol that remaining in bed is not likely to help you to improve.
  23. I've had episodes like this. Including, years ago, followed by a thorough work up and no life threatening problems detected. It's good tho to let your doctor know and have some follow up.
  24. Yes I have felt this way. Drinking more fluids and salt and ideally eating or drinking something rich in potassium helps me.
  25. Please keep in mind that forum guidelines disallow any commercial links. In addition, advice on how someone else should do something medically related is not allowed. It is fine to share your own experiences and it is fine to share brand names that you like (without a link). Thank you!
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