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Everything posted by Aprilmarie52

  1. florinef, zoloft and lots of gatorade and salt have made a world of difference for me.
  2. I seem to get very tired in the late afternoon and early evening. I get a second wind around 7pm for some reason. I never really thought about why.
  3. I went to the "girlie doctor" today and they prescribed me yasmin. As most of you know, I had a baby at the beginning of the year and I just recently stopped breast feeding. I wanted to go on some kind of birth control so gabby wont have a sibling anytime soon. I am scared about taking the pill. I was just wondering if anyone here had any experiences good or bad with yasmin. thanks
  4. happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! Happy birthday DEAR CORINAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOOOOOO YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And many more. there is my birthday song to you. Just imagine it being sung really off key because I am very tonedeaf. Hope you had a great day!
  5. I was also thinking about you guys. Please let us know that you are ok.
  6. I am so glad that the chemo is working!!! I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear from you and especially glad that things are going so well for you!
  8. mine is definatly fluish, but I dont have body aches. I just get very tired and I feel feverish even though I am not. I also get nausea when I am really run down.
  9. that is so awesome!!!! I am so glad that you had such a wonderful paramedic to help your daughter. We need more people like that in the world!
  10. you poor thing. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I remember the first time I passed out I was already in the emergency room. They had me in a wheelchair and I passed out. Luckily for me my mom was there.
  11. that is awsome about the braclets!!! I am not that creative. Good luck being back in school. I started back last week and I am already exausted.
  12. morgan, glad that you are feeling good enough to post. I hope that you continue to feel better.
  13. I havent really paid that much attention. I am on zoloft for depression which I didnt have until I started with the POTs symptoms. I will definately pay more attention to that.
  14. I am so glad to hear that your husband is doing well. I have been thinking about you, but didnt want to bother you!
  15. welcome! Glad to have a new member. Not glad that you have POTs though.
  16. I have called the ambulance twice. One time they took me very seriously. They took me right into the er and into a room. The other time they dropped me off at the er doors and they sent me to the minor emergency department.
  17. I take the florinef in the a.m. and zoloft before bed.
  18. Unlike those who have already posted, SSRIs work wonders for my POTs symptoms. I take 100mg of Zoloft a day. I tried to switch to Effexor and I had the same symptoms you are having now. Then I tried to switch to Lexapro and the same thing happened. I hope that you can find something that works for you.
  19. welcome tracey! Glad to have you here with us.
  20. Hi Eve and welcome. I have a worse time in the morning, too. It seems from the time I get out of bed my heart is racing. It usually goes away after about an hour. I just assumed that it was because I was laying down for so long and my body just had to get used to being upright again.
  21. I am glad that she is ok for the most part and that the babies got away uninjured. My prayers will be with her and her family.
  22. My grandmother has POTs as well as I do. She was not diagnosed until after I was, but I never regret being born. I truly believe that everyone is put on this earth for a reason. I was not a planned pregnancy, but my mother decided to have me anyway. I have a 6 month old daughter and she is happy and healthy. I also plan on having at least one more child in the future. I understand where you are coming from and I respect you for speaking your mind, but disagree whole heartedly. I am very sorry for what you and your daughter are going through right now. I hope that both you and her can find some support on this board.
  23. they said that my daughter had a heart murmer, too. we went to the cardiologist on tuesday and they did an ekg and an echo. the dr didnt find anything abnormal. he heard the murmer, but said that it was an "innocent" murmer. I hope everything goes ok for your daughter, too.
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