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Everything posted by Aprilmarie52

  1. dont worry...it does pass. I had a few weeks recently where everything I did sent my heart into a crazy rhythm. Its better now though.
  2. I am currently going to school full time to get my degree in education. I want to teach elementary school. I dont think that my goals have changed. I have changed majors 4 times, but not because of POTS. More because I couldnt figure out what I wanted to do. I have a year left of classes, but with working full time and more importantly, the baby, it might be closer to 2 years before I finish. I truely believe that I can do it, POTS or not. I know that some days that I have to take it easy, but classrooms are very flexible. I wish you the best of luck.
  3. zoloft works great for me. Effexor made me really sick.
  4. sorry guys! I am a moron. the address is http://afoust1.photosite.com the one you were looking at is someone elses. just a brainfoggy day I guess.
  5. I take .1mg once a day. I have been on this dose for 4 years. If I am having a particularly bad day I will take another .05mg. That usually does the trick.
  6. thanks everybody! I actually have a site for her if you want to check it out. It is http://afoust.photosite.com
  7. Congratulations!!!! I have POTS and just had a baby girl 10 weeks ago. My pregnancy was normal. I threw up in the beginning but was fine after that. My drs told me that I could have an epidural, but when I got to the hospital I was 9 1/2 cm dialated so it was too late for that. I had a normal vaginal delivery and went back to work 7 weeks post partum. My little one is happy and healthy. I took both florinef and zoloft during my pregnancy. I think that it is just different for everybody. Let me know if I can be of any help.
  8. I dont have any problems with sugars either. They dont make me feel better or worse and I love sugary cereals so I eat it all of the time.
  9. morgan, so sorry to hear of all that is going on with you. Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will be praying for you.
  10. Florinef works wonders for me. I can not get out of bed with out it. I have been taking it for 4 years now at the lowest dose. On really bad days, I take one and a half pills and sometimes still fall into potsholes, but I function 100% better on it. I wonder if its effectiveness has anything to do with what caused a person's pots....
  11. I actually work in retail management so I spend a majority of my day on my feet. As long as I move around alot and sit when I feel lightheaded I do ok. I have days that I am so lightheaded that I can hardly drive home, but others I am fine.
  12. bless your heart. that is a lot to go through all at once. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  13. christine, I recently had a baby and I stayed on florinef the whole time. My cardio said that he thought that there were too many risks to me going off of it due to my past experiances. So far she is a normal, happy, healthy baby and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Good luck with whatever you decide. Keep us posted.
  14. congrats! I am glad to hear that you are doing well. You are going to have your hands full. Have you guys picked out a name yet? Keep us posted.
  15. I have had pots for 4 years. I just had a baby last month. I didn't have any problems with my pregnancy. I was on florinef and zoloft the entire time. My cardiologist didn't think that it would be good for me or the baby if I went off. In fact, my bp actually normalized while I was pregnant. I gained 30lbs most of it water weight. I had a normal delivery and a normal weight baby. They told me that I could have an epidural if I wanted one but when I got to the hospital I was 9 1/2 cm so no pain medication for me. She is 5 weeks old and I feel great. Still have pots symptoms but I feel like I am recovering well. Good luck.
  16. Her name is Gabrielle Mira, but we call her Gabby.
  17. Hello everyone, we are home from the hospital with our new baby girl. She was born on the 27th and weighed 7lbs 8oz. She was 19in long and very healthy. She has a full head of hair. I was in labor for around 6 hours, most of it at home. We went to the hospital around 6:30 p.m , but they said my contractions were not regular enough and I was only 2cm dialated. I knew that I was in pain, but try telling the doctors that. So they sent us home around 9:30 p.m. I rested at home for a few hours, but I couldn't sleep because of the contractions. Around 11:30 p.m my water broke and by the time I got to the hospital 30 minutes later I was 9 cm. So needless to say it was to late for pain killers. They gave me something through my IV for pain but it didnt help with the pain, it just made me out of it. Anyway she was born at 1:36 a.m. I will post pictures on the website as soon as my husband downloads them onto the computer. Just wanted to share the news with everyone.
  18. feeling like you have been drugged is a very good way to put it. I feel like I'm on a sedative or something. Very strange. I have a bp monitor at home and have been keeping an eye on it daily in addition to going to the dr once a week. It has acutally been right around 120/80 (my bp is usually 105/65.) Thank you for all of your good thoughts and reassurances.
  19. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I am SO tired. I know that it is normal to be tired, but I sleep for 10 hours and then take naps during the day. I am just trying to figure out if this is a normal pregnancy thing or if it is POTS related. I haven't been feeling that great for a few days now, but my bp and hr are normal. I am having extreme brain fog. Up until now I have been doing well. Just the normal pregnancy stuff. Maybe I am just nervous about labor. Still, I was wondering if anyone else experienced this while pregnant.
  20. I get a little tachy in the cold but not nearly as bad as in the heat. The cold actually makes me feel better. I keep my house at 65 degrees. It freezes my husband, but its the only way that I feel comfortable.
  21. It sounds like a great idea to me! If we cant post the info online maybe we could email it all to one person and they could complie a list and email it to everyone.
  22. I have been informed that I can not share info from the DYNA forum. Sorry Kristin
  23. I am a DYNA member but I dont check the board often.
  24. welcome Naomi! I'm glad that you found us. You should try taking your BP when you are not feeling well. If it is low then you might want to try taking salt since you can not take any drugs. I am currently on florinef but extra salt and gatorade have helped me greatly.
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