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Everything posted by pat57

  1. this seems to explain why the SNRI I started last month is helping my OH and NCS. thanks for posting it.
  2. I've had 4, the last three were to see if meds were helping. I was all for getting them done since my drivers license was revoked. for 4 years. due to my frequent fainting. Mine didn't cost me anything tho, except the taxi fare.
  3. welcome back glad you got the trouble maker out. Treatment of Hematoma Hematomas that occur intracranially require immediate specialized medical attention. For contusions (bruises), treatment consists of initially applying ice or cold packs a few times a day, to produce vasoconstriction (a reduction in arterial blood flow) which helps to decrease hemorrhage (bleeding) and edema (swelling). In general, the quicker you apply ice after the injury, the less bleeding will result. If possible, elevate the bruised limb. Blood will leave the area of the wound and there may be less swelling. Resting the limb will also help to prevent further injury. If the area is still painful after about 48 hours, apply gentle heat with warm towels, a hot water bottle, or a heating pad. The heat is applied for 20 minutes at a time to promote absorption and repair. Since heat causes swelling and increases tissue fluid, which may impair function, hot compresses may be followed by cold applications to minimize the secondary effects of heat. Pressure in the form of an elastic adhesive bandage may be helpful to reduce hemorrhage and swelling. If infection should develop in the wound, the signs and symptoms might be increasingly severe pain, a fever of 101 degrees or more, swelling with surrounding redness, and pus. If any of these signs appear, your physician should be notified to make sure there are no additional problems.
  4. I don't have POTS, but I was disabled by orthostatic hypotension and neurocardiogenic syncope. I function at very high- above normal- levels. Thanks to Norpace and conditioning. I have always felt better going full tilt because it kept my BP up. Now the meds do that very well but being so very active has made me fit aswell. I know this doesn't work for POTS people. But I wanted to chime in and say meds work great for me. good luck
  5. Well! I was on 10 mg of paxil and switched to 10mgs of zoloft. 10 mg is below the therapeutic levels for use with depression , but is for autonomic dysfunction. It interfered greatly with my sleep. It could easily take 4 hours for me to fall asleep. But they had another side effect that was funny in the beginning, but after a while I started to think I was crazy. Anyway I had an orgasm in my sleep every day. I kid you not. So it greatly increased my libido. SNRI's don't keep me up or cause hypersexuallity- thank God!
  6. I have experienced what I would describe like you have, but when bystanders describe the event I see that I missed a lot more then I realized. In other words I thought I heard everything, but I didn't. good luck
  7. I was normal til perimenopause then ,clearly low and now ,after menopause , I'm, normal again
  8. you can have POTS and NCS, perhaps it was to check for NCS. My NCS response to the meds was a huge drop in HR and BP. from 82/P to O/P or O/palpable, with the HR going from 121 to 46
  9. yes, Ernie was dxed with that wrongly also. I searched the forum I believe there are 5 that were told that. try "Munchausen ' WITH ADVANCED SEARCH /MOST RELEVANT
  10. I always find that very brief comments work best, like "I can't". For one thing, if they don't believe me when I say that, I sure don't want to waste my time trying to explain (convince). If someone asks for more info I think you can tell whether its from a compassionate stance or not. Those like, my sister, listen and validate. Most people don't get it and don't care IMO. And it not -like already pointed out-, that they are meaning any harm, they are just not capable of more at that moment.
  11. Hi, I don't have POTS. I have OH and NCS- and I go white.
  12. I like to use a gift card, so there is not much to be taken. Not all sites take them tho.
  13. you've got to give it your best everyday and the appreciate the efforts you make. en⋅dorse    ?verb (used with object) 1. to approve, support, or sustain: 1. make effort 2. endorse your effort you will do more, the issue is NOT how much more, and you will feel better about your self good luck
  14. Hi, I am wondering why you took the Ritalin and was it your first dose? Because if it wasn't the first dose then why would you think the Ritalin caused it. I think-perhaps- the condition you took the Ritalin for is more at fault. What was the Ritalin supposed to help with?
  15. I was offered a pace maker, but gained control over the brady with Norpace. Norpace is "for" tachy but has certain side effects that discourage Brady.
  16. A heart rate below 60 beats a minute is called bradycardia. www.mayoclinic.com/health/bradycardia/DS00947
  17. I'm with Thankful also. The med I take, Norpace has a side effect of sudden death. But it has given me my life back. FDA alert "Considering the known proarrhythmic properties of Norpace or Norpace CR and the lack of evidence of improved survival for any antiarrhythmic drug in patients without life-threatening arrhythmias, the use of Norpace or Norpace CR as well as other antiarrhythmic agents should be reserved for patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias." http://www.healthline.com/goldcontent/diso...+(disopyramide)
  18. ramakentesh, I'm not understanding your points. (not your fault) But since I saw you mention vasospasms, and I get vasospasms (in my hands) I have a question. Do you suppose an SNRI would reduce the occurrence? thanks, Pat
  19. colon cancer is preventable, you need the colonoscopy. I have had 4. I'm 52, had my first at the age of 39 and had precancerous very large polyp removed. Since then 5 more small, "safe" ones. Had that first one early because of family history . Very possibly saved my life. Most certainly saved me from major surgery.
  20. I lost it when something happened to my son, I went to a psychiatrist got on Pristiq and am getting therapy, I was over the edge. The Therapist really helps because the cloud was to dark for me to see past. good luck
  21. LOVE my stockings HAVE TO HAVE norpace or I can't stand up. love my new med Pristiq- SNRI. as always, be aware the I have NCS and OH no POTS
  22. I have been told that Pristiq is very similar to Effexor but less is needed and so less side effects. The Pristiq is working great for me. I was given it for depression and anxiety. Please note I have NCS and OH I do not have POTS. It is definitely helping me with my OH and NCS. I am taking one 50mg every other day. I was nauseous taking it once a day. It does make me sweat but I have extreme dry skin so that's a good thing. Also, I am told, it is non addicting. good luck
  23. What does a high hematocrit mean? Higher than normal hematocrit levels can be seen in people living at high altitudes and in chronic smokers. Dehydration produces a falsely high hematocrit that disappears when proper fluid balance is restored. Some other infrequent causes of elevated hematocrit are lung disease, certain tumors, a disorder of the bone marrow known as polycythemia rubra vera, and abuse of the drug erythropoietin (Epogen) by athletes for blood doping purposes. Reference: http://www.medicinenet.com/hematocrit/article.htm#5whatdoes
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