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Everything posted by pat57

  1. My RA, GI and PCP think my NCS is autoimmune secondary to long term hepatitis C. I never mentioned this to the EP. That's pretty funny.
  2. http://www.questdiagnostics.com/kbase/topi...353/results.htm according to that 0-20 is normal
  3. I wear the 30-40 pantyhose. Has anyone mentioned to use latex gloves when putting them on? It helps alot.
  4. Mine make my legs feel great-also. Hope you figure it out.
  5. Austin, I just want to say good luck, and try to take life on one day at a time.
  6. I put that my appearance hasn't changed, but folks can tell when I'm having a drop in my BP because I get pale and weak.
  7. I have abnormal PTT, from liver disease.
  8. I am post menopause. During perimenopause I had a narrow pulse pressure and low BP. Now both are normal. I also had more bouts of dizziness/ weakness during perimenopause. Prior to perimenopause I had normal BP and pulse pressure also. My PCP does think blood loss may have been the issue and reported that one of his patients had a blood transfusion due to the heavy flow of perimenopause.
  9. have tried wearing a wet shirt? A percale type cotton, wrung out- as it won't drip.
  10. I have decided those people don't deserve to know "how I am". Those that show they don't care just get an "I'm fine". After a few instances of that they know I don't like them enough to use my time and talk to them. I consider that fair. They are a waste of my time.
  11. Is there any consulting work available in your field? Like free lancing. good luck......
  12. Vitamin K deficiency is very rare. It occurs when the body can't properly absorb the vitamin from the intestinal tract. Vitamin K deficiency can also occur after long-term treatment with antibiotics. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. Without the vitamin, even a small cut would cause continuous bleeding in the body, and death. Blood clotting is a process that begins automatically when any injury produces a tear in a blood vessel. The process of blood clotting involves a collection of molecules, which circulate continuously through the bloodstream. When an injury occurs, these molecules rapidly assemble and form the blood clot. The clotting factors are proteins, and include proteins called Factor II, Factor VII, Factor IX, and Factor X. Factor II is also called prothrombin. These proteins require vitamin K for their synthesis in the body. The blood-clotting process also requires a dozen other proteins that do not need vitamin K for their synthesis. http://www.healthline.com/galecontent/vitamin-k-deficiency
  13. I used to go up steps on all fours and down on my butt. In public I found that pulling myself up with the handrail (arm strength) was much safer then using leg power. I went arm over arm -. I asked for a spotter in public, when going down. Which means have a friend go down just ahead of you. THANKFULLY the med I am on now gives me warning time- . good luck!
  14. Hi Ernie, You have a nice summer ,as well. I'll echo Maxine. Strengthen yourself by being with people that care about you and support you.
  15. He is going to the University of Arizona. Not going to Quailridge apts now-but- something closer to the school. Planing to work also. He is leaving Friday AM. He will be 24 in July. Thanks for the info and offer. I will pass on your info. He will have a house mate at this new address who can help him with logistics. Everything seems to good to be true. He got a grant for living expenses- I never heard of that?????? Russell has Wolff Parkinson White and arthritis, both are minor issues for him.
  16. I grieve I cry I accept. My experience indicates to me that when I can't do anything- I cry. After that I've done everything I could- and I accept.
  17. www.QuailRidgeApts.com 4500 East Sunrise Drive Tucson, AZ 85718 It hasn't happened yet but that's the plan. Anyone near there that know where he can buy household items CHEAP. He will arrive nothing but clothes. I've little ability to help financially.
  18. I believe a big bowl of your favorite ice cream, daily, is in order. good luck
  19. How long were you on the Neurontin ? The side effects usual disappear after 3-7 days.
  20. My daughter has been on it for over a year. The only advise I have is eat in the AM then take it. The idea being take it early so it effects your sleep less. good luck
  21. I was DX about 2001. It took 5 years for the DX. I was having serious problems since like 92. No doubt I've had this much longer but it was manageable. developed orthostatic hypo tension (in 92), which aggravates the NCS.
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