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Everything posted by pat57

  1. I do tell people but very breifly and matter of factly. I guarentee they will freak out if you start bobbing and weaving or (better yet) hitting the deck. So I tell em- look sometimes I collaspe- its nothing to worry about. - I recover in 15 seconds. My explaination is, my BP gets too low and when I lay down the BP goes back up. Works for me. It ocurrs to me that they think its justfied for them to freak out but at the same time doubt the day to day constant struggle we claim. Generally speaking.......
  2. the 12 steps can handle your despair you should get involved ASAP. And the 12th step is a life saver, find someone to help. Seems to me a pen pal for a prisoner or soldier is workable. Become invlolved in someone elses life- help them. good luck........
  3. I'm probably the wrong person to ask this. But because of too any responsibliles I sold the house and moved to a condo. It was my house. I tryed to warn him, "I can't do this anymore, I need a house with no steps and no yard. " This includes though, my daughter- he did not step up for her either. And she has a mental condition. As far as I'm concerned he was mean leaving so much in my lap. He is not a mean person- but that was mean.
  4. Symptoms presumed to be related to autonomic overactivity include the following:** Palpitations 75% (Grubb, 2000) Tremulousness 37.5% (Low, Opffer-Gehrking, Textor, Benarroch, Shen, Schondorf, Suarez & Rummans, 1995) Shortness of breath 27.6 % (Grubb, 2000) Chest discomfort and/or pain 24.3 % (Grubb, 2000) from the dinet page
  5. I have felt like that too, I'm sure now its was low bp. My disclaimer is - that doesn't mean its what is causeing it for you. good luck!
  6. I take norpace for Brady issues. IDK how it would mix with you other issues, probably badly. Are you a candidate for a pacemaker?
  7. Sounds awefull, could it be withdrawl? ask your pharmacist- maybe.
  8. I highly recommend it for muscle tension. FM - can't say.
  9. casper, thankyou, Very well said ,and helpfull to me- also
  10. If it makes you feel any better,I hear that people with encelopathy are not in mental/emotional distress. I hope it does prove true for him. I sometimes feel I might be overcome by sadness. It helps me to visualize my hurts in my closed hand which I open and set free. Good luck
  11. The ability to see colors ,to hear music , to feel a cool breeze and of couse ICE CREAM!
  12. Wow. I could feel your hurt, it really came across. Do you have any pets? You could volenteer as a message board monitor someplace. That would give you a sense of accomplishment and contribution. You could build frendships. I think your dad has encelopathy. Lactulous works very well for that. Look up Hepatic encephalopathy. How old is he? Your brother would not want you suffering like this, you know that. I suggest you try to remember fondly- the good times- enjoy the memories. good luck
  13. Get permission from your Dr. to start licorice, being on licorice and Florinef - I would say - is not a good idea.
  14. when I was 10 I broke my wrist- badly- and didn't know it, til I looked at it. Acouple hours later, I knew it alright!
  15. Please excuse my ignorance, I have not been to college. But don't they have advisors there to help you suceed- in general? If so, I suggest you run this by them. good luck
  16. My daughter who suffers constant anixety was ordered an EKG, by Childrens Hosp. of Philadelphia. Also thyriod tests, my point being heart and thyriod isses can cause "anxiety". My experiance is that too much norephrine can do it too. good luck to you
  17. pat57


    ok, good, I have alcohol wipes. thanks
  18. pat57


    well, I decided to "save money" and get the old PC , from my garage ,running. It cost 270.00 and took this long to fix. But I'm BACCCKKKKKKKKK. I'm useing the "magic jack" telephone - 20.00 a year. I'll have experiance with it soon and maybe others would be interested in making the switch. This old keyboard is a gummed up mess, I think I'm going to have to try to clean it. Any advise? TTYL!!!!!!
  19. I have been a house cleaner. There's no reason to feel bad that your reading and she's working. That's a win win. I do think its best to offer to clear out if she is doing your room. Until you get to know the person and can chit chat. It feels like a first date sort of thing. "What should I say", type of feelings/thoughts. Also I think its very wise to adjust and act according to what you need. If you need help (and you can afford it), than its clearly the right choice.
  20. I was on Neurontin because I was dx with epilepsy AND have liver damage. Neurontin is the easiest on the liver- of the anti seizure meds. It was my understanding that it is a type of protein that blocks pain receptors somehow. I know its frequently used for peripheral neuropathy. It takes about a week to acclimate to it. So if you feel punky in the beginning- that should wear off. Turned out that my "seizures" were lack of blood to the brain, not epilepsy. good luck
  21. pat57


    Hee Hee, There was a check in the mail today from my sister for a laptop. I said I wouldn't keep it and she got mad at me, so I'm keeping it!
  22. pat57


    I'm moving Nov 4th. As of this moment I don't have PC to take with me. Getting separated. My decision. Anyway- if I go missing- that's why. Time to pack!
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