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Home from ER--Partially colapsed lung


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Well, it wasn't my spleen, it was the lower lobe of my left lung They're thinking I had bronchitis which is now working its way to pnuemonia. The lobe is compressed--I'm on strong antibiotics, zofran, drops for my ears, two different anti-inflmatories & and pain meds. I just wanted to fill people in--now I'm going to bed. I was given enough morphine via my iv to put down a horse, but I'm still up. They're hoping it will resolve itself by the weekend--if not, they'll either add a round of steroids or have me back at the hospital. I'm still in pain and hoping to get some sleep.

Thanks for the good thougths.



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Nina, I'm glad they found out what's wrong, but I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Hopefully you are all better by the end of the weekend if not sooner. I'll keep you in my thoughts, take care.

;) Jacquie

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Guest Julia59

I'm glad they found out soon enough to maybe keep you out of the hospital.

Rest up----and let the meds do thier job. Hang in there---i'm sending good thoughts your way.

I'm sorry your infection got that bad---hopefully a lot of rest and the meds will make you feel stronger and clean up the infection.

Stay warm---and sip a little tea.......... ;)

Julie :0)

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Hi everyone--just woke up from some sleep, which was delicious. I'm very sore and short of breath, but at least relieved to know that for ONCE there is an identifiable reason for the pain. The ER doc told me to stay home tomorrow too, so looks like maybe Monday I can go back to work, as long as my breathing is a bit better.

Thanks for all your good wishes... they help me feel a little better. ;) Nina

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oh my nina!! Ihope that you feel better soon!! and am glad that you did go to the ER.. and that they found a cause of your pain. and that they can fix it!!.. hang in there mighty mouse..



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Just saw that you were ill and wanted to send some get-well vibes your way. You don't want to be anywhere near a hospital during the Christmas season ... the fourth-string staff is usually on call.

Hope you're better real soon!


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Thanks for the get well wishes. I'm trying :(

I'm very shaky, and I've been sleeping a lot and a bit nauseated. My energy level is low, low looooow.

The formal diagnoses from the ER were: atelectasis (partial lung collapse), pneumonia and pleurisy (which I've had before). I have to follow up with my gp to make sure the antibiotics are working b/c otherwise the pneumonia could get worse. I agree with the few of you who mentioned that the hospital is a terrible place to be on the holidays. Those who know me more than a few years know that i spent new years' of 2001-2002 in the hospital with pneumonia and a massive sinus infection. I have no wishes to ever repeat that performance!!

sleep is on the menu for the next few days...but I did use up 4 sick days out, leaving me with only 4 more for the rest of my school year (to June 2006). Oy.


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HI Nina, what type of teacher are you????? Anyhow, I agree with the others, def get alot of rest so you can ENJOY the holidays!!! :(


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wow nina!! OMG!! I have had both pneumonia and puerisy.. though i cant say that i've had them both at the same time.. one alone is enough.. and hurt like H***.... Oh my... and collapsed lung to boot.. whew!

girl take it easy....I really hope that you start feeling better soon..



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