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Everything posted by Darlene

  1. mine is 1:80 positive ana homogeneous pattern. i ve been feeling pretty ill. nauseous and all over body pain. i see a rheumatologist monday.
  2. my lower back has been hurting for about 10 years now. i have been to my family dr. off and on about this problem. i have went through physical therapy, the chiropractor, and i have taken motrin 800. none of this has helped the pain. well, yesterday the pain was so bad i went to the ER. they gave me percocet, an injection toradol, and flexeril. i m still in pain. they also did an xray, and said it looked ok. but he did say an xray would not show a herniated disk. he wrote me out a few prescriptions and told me to schedule an appontment with my family dr. well, i had an appointment with him today anyway i had made a few weeks ago. well i told the dr. about going to the ER monday and asked him if he could order an mri. he said he couldnt. hahahaha. is that true. a dr. can't order an mri. if he can't order one, then who can? i don't think my back would hurt for 10 years now if nothing was wrong.
  3. my cousin (his great grandpa and my great grandpa are brothers), he was just dx with dysautonomia recently.
  4. thanks for the replies. i will just stick to the percocet and flexeril.no side effects there except i am extremely tired, but i am always tired anyways.
  5. i went to the ER today because of severe lower back pain. he gave me a percocet and a injection. neither worked. he wrote out a presciption for 3 meds, with one of them being methylpred. has anyone had experience with this med?
  6. what about dr. blair grubb at the university of toledo medical center
  7. is celiac easy to diagnose? i thought about going on a gluten free diet, but don't think its something i should do unless i am gluten intolerant. what is a good blood test to test for celiac and it accurate? or it it like lyme disease and mast cell, difficult to diagnose?
  8. i was dx with POTS in 2005. i see dr. blair grubb in toledo. i did ask him about mast cell. all he said is that it was hard to dx. i really do believe i have this. my cousin (who happens to be a dr.) was just dx recently with dysautonomia too. when he told me his symptoms i told him it sounded like mast cell. he seen dr. afrin, and sure enough he does. well, i don't have money to drive to north carolina or where ever. i wish i knew somewhere i could go locally. cleveland clinic maybe?
  9. i was dx in 05, and in 09 it started falling out quite a bit. i didnt know if it was POTS, the meds, or what. i too believe i have something else wrong with me the dr. hasnt figured out.
  10. i take isoniazid because i had a positive reaction to a tb test.
  11. well, i already told u of the ANA being positive, and being referred to a rheumatologist/immunologist. she did more blood work, and she says my liver function is this sgot normal 10 - 39, mine is 81 sgpt normal is 4 - 42, mine is 93 so, what do i do? quit taking isoniazid.
  12. my cousin was just dx with dysautonomia (wonder if it runs in the family now), the dr. believes its secondary to a mild case of mast cell, and is referring him to a mast cell specialist. i have read about mast cell, and have every single symptom it list. i cant afford to drive out of state like he can. do u think this rheumatologist/ immunologist will be able to look for it, or has knowledge of this condition? i had a positive ANA, so i was referred to this specialist. and was gonna bring up mast cell to him.
  13. milk and eggs make me nauseous. msg's and artificial sugar trigger episodes. i do not eat hotdogs (nitrates), or histime releasing foods. i try not to drink caffeine, but love pepsi.
  14. holy cow. just looked up carcinoid. it's cancer. i better not have that.
  15. katybug, yes, thats what it feels like. thankful, does your mom feel funny when this is happening? this crazy episode scares the **** out of me. use to freak out really bad when it happened, but that just makes things worse. so no i try to remail calm. i was diagnosed in 2005 with dysautonomia by a local cardiologist, and he referred me to dr. grubb. i have told grbb of this condition, and he just says it sounds like peripherial neuropathy, but never order tests to confirm. i dont get anywhere with my family dr. so finally i went to my neurologist and said hey, somethings not right and told her of my symptoms. she did labs. the ANA was positive. and is referring me to a rheumatologist. i will bring the carcinoid thing up to him, abd getting chromogranin A drawn/CgA checked. i thought maybe i had mast cell or something. and wish i knew why i had tachycardia at night. at rest, your heart should be slower, not faster. thankful, is there anything your mom does to try to ward off the episode? if you know something that helps. let me know. i started isoniazid 6 months ago, and my symptoms are worse. i have 3 months to go.
  16. i get the burning inside my arms, chest and back. like my nerves inside my body are inflamed. and have a feeling of not feeling right when this is happening. and sometimes after the attack, i have this suden urge to go to the bathroom.
  17. today i was driving, and all of a sudden it felt like the upper half of my body was burning up, and i felt really weird. hate when this happens when i am driving because i dont know if i am gonna pass out or what. this happens to me quite a bit. anyone else. what is it?
  18. i know i have made several posts about mast cell. sorry i keep talking about it so much. i do believe my symtpoms match it closely. i do not have the money to drive to mayo or vanderbilt. i had a positive ANA, and my neurologist is sending me to a rheaumatologist. whats tests can i ask him to do to help determine if i could have mast cell. i m not talking about the test that can come back negative and u can still have mast cell, but reliable tests. thank you!
  19. my right eye feels funny. sometimes if you look at me it looks different. does anyone else have this, and know what can help?
  20. i have been feeling pretty sick lately. i seen my neurologist a few weeks ago, she ordered labs. today went over them with me today. she said my ANA was positive and is sending my to a rheumatologist. not sure what the positive ANA means, but i know i sure havent been feeling well. i have also suspected mast cell, even though i have not been tested for this. can u have test positive for ANA if u have mast cell?
  21. i just found my paper, it says normal range is 3.8 to 5.6. mine is 3.7. my sodium, potassium, chlroide, uric acid, calcium was normal.
  22. pulp, i do have mild edema (shin area). guess if it was concern the dr. would had said something. how can i make my albumin higher?
  23. i was looking at past blood test i had done, and my albumin was low (just a little). just curious what it is and what causes this.
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