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  1. Yes, I have been thru extended periods of not eating. The longest period went for 6 months, I barely ate anything, food repulsed me, I tried to force food, but I couldn't. I can remember my family getting excited if I was able to eat half of a cracker.
  2. Seen my doctor today and he seems to think I may have a connective tissue disease, ....as if POTS and graves disease weren't enough! gah!!!! Does anyone else here have a connective tissue disease? I'll be going for more testing and all that, but in the meantime my symptoms seem to fit the Sjrogrens form of the disease. Is anyone here familiar with this disease?
  3. Just before I was diagnosed I was horrendously sick and ended up in the ER, my diagnosis was "dehydration" they kept me for two days and released me. Well, they were correct, I was dehydrated, little did they know I had pots. I am constantly dehydrated despite drinking fluids all day long, lots and lots of fluids. Sometimes I am so dry I can't swallow, and at the same time I am bloated from all the water I drink, I feel like I should slosh when I walk around. This might be TMI, but I pee very little, for as much water as I drink I should be pee'ing every two hours! SO here is what does not make sense. I drink from the moment I wake up in the morning until the time I go to bed. If I am not pee'ing it out where is it going? It's certainly not hydrating me, and it's not coming out of me, so where is it? I seldomly sweat so I'm not losing it there either. Doesn't make sense.
  4. It just came out of the blue one day, all of a sudden I had the urge to chew ice,,and I'm talking all day long every day,,as in fill up a large mixing bowl with ice and just chomp chomp chomp. It's like an addiction, a need. I googled it and learned it's called PICA, and is usually caused by an iron deficiency. I had my iron checked and it was fine. The doctor said it could possibly be any number of vitamin deficiencies. Just curious if anyone else has had this?
  5. If I only knew what was causing it I could deal with it alot better. But the not knowing is what makes it scary. It's a horrible feeling. Makes my head feel so messed up.
  6. Wow, I really didn't expect for that many of you to experience this same thing. I guess I should chock it up to POTS. This and the nausea are my two worst symptoms, blah!
  7. Dx'ed with POTS 6 years ago, but I've had this monster since I was 15, I'm now 46. I have many many symptoms, the nausea, the chest burning, the blackouts when you stand up, and all those common symptoms but I have this symptom which comes and goes and frankly it scared the doopy out of me. It's a horrible feeling in my head. I don't know if this is related to pots or if it's something completely different going on. To me it sounds like something neurological, I'll try to describe it the best I can. When I get this symptom is lasts anywhere from a couple days, or as long as a week or two, and then it will subside for a while, only to come back again. I feel it in my head, it's not a lightheaded feeling, it seems to be in connection with eye movement. It almost feels like when I move my head my eyes are trying to catch up to the head movement. It feels like my eyes lag behind and constantly trying to catch up to the head or eye movement. And it makes my head feel horrible, just a very "off" feeling in my head. Gosh I'm having a hard time describing this. And also, at times while having a flair up with this particular symptom I also get leg jerks. All of a sudden I get a more intense horrible feeling in my head and within seconds my legs make a sudden violent jerk. I can deal with all the other symptoms, the nausea, chest pain, blah blah blah,,,but THIS particular symptom scares me, it seriously makes me want to sit and cry. I went about 3 weeks without this symptom, but it came back this past Sunday, and has not let up since then. I have been to two neurological doctors, and neither one were of any help, they weren't familiar with POTS, and of course blamed it all on anxiety, grrr!!!!! I'm currently searching for a different doctor. But in the meantime, can anyone relate to this? Is this a POTS symptom, or something completely different?
  8. I'm in the exact same sitchy as you, I have pots and graves disease, my tsh is .005, and I've lost half of my hair. My doctor said its most likely caused from either of the two diseases. He said either my blood isn't getting to my hair follicles enough because of pots,,or,,my antibodies are attacking the hair follicle.
  9. For the past few days the veins in my hand will protrude and get very itchy, it's driving me crazy. Is this a dysautonomia thing? Or something else? Anyone else experience this?
  10. <Raising my hand> I was diagnosed with graves disease/hyperthyroidism back in 2004, shortly after that the POTS hit good and hard.
  11. I seem to have inflammation all thru my body, my entire digestive tract, my sinuses, even my gums, as well as female parts. I can't help but wonder if its all related to the dysautonomia in some way. In August when I was hit hard with the dysautonomia is when all the inflammation started. The inflammation lasted for about 2 months, then subsided, but now it's all back. Does anyone have any insight or answers to this?
  12. I experience 37 separate symptoms, but the two worst ones are the dizzyness, and the nausea.
  13. Symptoms since I was a teenager, but never had a diagnosis, but not debilitating until this past August, it came on with a vengeance. I had just taken a shower, and layed down on my bed for a sec to catch the weather report. After that I got up to take the towel off my head and was instantly extremely dizzy and felt funny all over, and my body began shaking uncontrollably. It scared me so bad hubby called for an ambulance and I went to the ER, where they kept me for 2 days and insisted I was just dehydrated, then sent home feeling worse than when I went in, I continued to worsen and became bed-ridden.
  14. Yes, when at my worst I have zero appetite. I've lost 50 lbs in the past year. Right now I'm doing better and my appetite is back with a vengeance,lol
  15. Wow, I'm so glad you all said that general is better than twilight, it eases my mind. However, I am worried about the nausea after general, did anyone experience that? The surgery is scheduled for Jan 12. They actually wanted to do the surgery earlier, Dec 22, but I told them too many Christmas have been ruined by health problems, so I decided to wait.
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