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Everything posted by mom4cem

  1. Julia, Sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope you can find a pcp, someone to help hold this all together for you. You are a very strong person and no doubt will get through this also. I hope you feel better soon.
  2. I am so sorry you were treated like that. The nerve! I would write a letter, file a complaint, whatever, let them know about your appt., how you were left. She should not get away with that. I remember reading some on here who have filed complaints after the way they were treated, hopefully one will read this and can tell you the best place to start. I wish I could help you, but I don't know what else to say. Trying to find a doctor who genuinely cares and will do everything to the best of their ability to help is a hard one to find. I read how Dr. Grubb and Beverly are like that. Maybe you can call and tell their office what happened and possibly get in sooner if possible? Hang in there.
  3. Tiny steps, that's not a bad way to start. From there on, you just build on that. Remember how it takes infants to learn to sit up,crawl and walk. When you've been down for so long keep in mind that it is just like starting all over again.. Glad to hear from you. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing some positive improvements from you with your pt.
  4. Hi Belinda, What a great post. I feel the same way also. This site and the wonderful people on it have been a very supportive, uplifting part of my life since I came on board a few months back. Though I have had some form of dysautonomia for years, only within the past year and 1/2 have my symptoms really begun to take it's toll and me physically and mentally and on life in general for me. Hang on during this crazy ride!
  5. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you that this will be a positive, fresh start of the New Year for you!
  6. I have to ditto Michigan Jan. It is easier said than done, but try not to think the worst. You need to get some Dr. to listen to you. You need to call and be seen by your Dr. and have some tweaking of your meds, something to give you some relief. Have you been to an endocrinologist.? I don't know how extensive your testing has been but that might be another avenue to pursue.
  7. Hoping all went well and wishing a speedy recovery:)
  8. I'm sorry you are going through this with your son. It certainly is hard to deal with at any age. I think Patti really gave some great ideas on where to start, if you have not gone down that road already. Wish I could give you some input but please tell him not to give up, you will do whatever it takes to get answers and then you can both work from there. I remember when I was about 17-18 and started having strange symptoms. Back then my family dr. just told me it was anxiety. At that age I could not believe I had anxiety, but since I did not have symptoms severe enough, no other tests were done. It was until I was about 23 that I had some more significiant symptoms and pursued more agressively other drs until I could get some answers. I hope you both can get some solid help and answers soon
  9. Congratulations, that is great news! You've gone through some very trying times together and made it. Marriage should be a piece of cake..lol What a beautiful baby. Oh how I love them when they are small. Now I can barely get my 3 to smile once a year for Christmas pictures. Enjoy and wishes for many happy and healthy years together!
  10. I almost always feel like I have fluid in my left ear, like I was swimming and water is in it. I pop my ears but it closes back up, it even flutters, the fluid I mean. I also have tinnitus, that one is new to me as of this year. I figured my ear problems were from allergies. I always seem to have some stuffy nose issues also.
  11. Hi and welcome. I have MVP also. It is common for symptoms to wax and wane, change, lessen or become more intense. Definately at the least call your Dr. since these are new symptoms and are lasting. Once it sticks around longer than usual it is easy for the anxiety to take hold and increase the intensity. Dysautonomia can affect so many different parts even those you may not think. Try to relax, do some type of relaxation. It could very well be a dysautonomia symptom with hyperventilation. If you read up on hyperventilation, tingling of the extremities is a common symptom. Hope you feel better soon.
  12. Hang in there. The ho, ho, ho of the season takes its toll on the best of people forget about the ones with some type of illness etc. Take the time between semesters(I'm assuming you have a break) and recoup with some extra TLC for yourself. Hope you had a Merry and received some nice gifts that you can enjoy while you relax and get yourself together again.
  13. Hope you had a good day today. If my reflux acts up, I get palpitations and my heartrate starts to quicken also. Sometimes even when the tachy is first, later into the episode I start with the endless burps. The do say the pressure of the stomach when full can put pressure against the heart and cause palpitations. I have seen many posts on that at www.medhelp.org .
  14. Hi Rossman, Sorry to hear of your ordeal. It sounds like you have some form of dysautonomia. There are many types. Myself, I have just been given the umbrella term of dysautonomia. All in all I think treatments for each can be similar of course with some differences too. Have you been under medical care for these symptoms? Received any type of information or reason for what you are going through? Welcome to the group, I am sure you will find a wealth of information and support here.
  15. All the same to you all. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone no matter how or what you celebrate. Wishing all of us a symptom free-or at least a manageable symptom holiday!
  16. Hi Bamagirl, Mine started last year and the worst episodes were coming once a month usually related to my cycle. Over the past few months they have become more frequent and in the past two months I have had several in a month and a few times when they have hit, I have had 2-3 a day with the lingering high resting pulse for a few days. I have not noticed any triggers, no explanation. I wonder if it is just our bodies going through a change again. I remember someone told me years ago that your body goes through changes every 7yrs or so,(we were talking about menstrual cycles at the time), and even in that I have noticed a year or two of really bad cramps, abdominal pains, then they got better and went away then a few years later they came back, off and on since then. So may be some merit to that theory. Just came back from an early Xmas celebration at my sister's and I drove home it is about a 45min drive and had a slight attack, not as high pulse from what I could tell but the lightheaded and all the nasty surge feelings were there. Hopefully this is just a bad phase and once things peak and level off from here on in they will become less frequent and intense. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  17. Wishing you a joyous holiday and a speedy recovery! Enjoy
  18. (((hugs))))) to you. Please don't give up!!!! I go down to the Ala. clinic when I can, usually 1x a year. It is quite a long trip for me from NY but that is the only place that I have found that has taken me seriously. I do not suffer quite as bad as most on here but to me what I do go through has taken its toll. If you can call them they can offer you some good support. If you can get there, it's a start. They have someone there to talk to also outside of the cardiologist/physicians. I loved Dr. Sawyer, saw her from my first visit until she left the practice. She does practice in the same building but solo. I wish I could give you a great big hug but the best I can do is a cyber hug. Please pm me anytime day or night. Are you under anyones care right now? Have someone to talk to?
  19. After my kids I noticed that problem. Not always bad but sometimes a good sneeze when my bladder has a little in it and there it goes, just a bit. Other times all of a sudden I really have to go. I've tried the kegel exercises but forget to continue them.
  20. After the inital surge I am left with a high resting rate for a day or so. I can certainly relate to the Oh **** feeling, that one hits from the moment the surge hits until, well, whenever it decides to go, a day, 2 days, a week. I never know. I have not found anything that helps either. I take the same I always do even without the surge, my BB and klonopin.
  21. Positive thoughts and prayers to your brother and the entire family.
  22. I don't know how you did it but you did and glad you are o.k. now. I hope that they can gather enough info from these tests and be able to offer you some help without subjecting you to additional tests. Hope you are feeling better each day.
  23. Thanks you all, you have made me feel better. I'm still battling this every day surges with it... I used to take 12.5 once a day now I am on it in the a.m. and p.m. and still have to add another 12.5 when it's bad. I have to call my cardio today and let him know this is still going on. Thanks again
  24. HI Bama Girl, Sadly, I have been getting these surges daily also. Of and on all day, it is really starting to freak me out. I can feel it in my chest and am just waiting for it to make my heart race. I was just telling, rather crying to my hubby yesterday that I can't take this anymore. I go to sleep feeling like this and wake up with the adrenaline surging. I'm tired of the palpitations, the heart racing up to 140, the sometimes high resting pulse etc. I know this is a lot of whining and not helping you. I just want you to know you are not alone. Have you worn a heart monitor to catch any of these episodes? Are you taking any beta blockers?
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