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Everything posted by icesktr189

  1. yes this happens to me every night... it could be low bp that brought on adrenaline surges or just over doing it that day. also pms is a big trigger for me. hope you start feeling better. I used to panic a lot when it would happen, but now I just chug some water, lay down, and try to relax.
  2. I get VERY irritable when my adrenaline is high or im very ligjtheaded.
  3. This year has been a tough one! I underestimated how hard it would be to have a toddler during Christmas. I stupidly took her shopping with us and it was terrible! The long lines, tantrums and me passing out... next year I am going to plan out everything and she will be older so maybe it will be a litttle easier. Hope everyone has a symptom free or less symptomatic holiday!
  4. I have look everywhere for the group, but cant find it :/ Could you send me the link? Oh and is it okay to bring my daughter and husband? I cant drive LOL
  5. I do think exercise can help because any improved muscle tone can help pump more blood, especially in the legs, but no way is it a cure for POTS. When my POTS began I was working full time and a full time student. In no way was I sitting around the house all day being lazy. I even had a class that was to exercise every day for 2 hours. I just started to slowly start exercising, but I dont expect some life changing things to happen. I am just looking to give me body the best chance by eating healthy and treating it right.
  6. Oh please tell me what doctor did this for you? Was it a cardliologist??
  7. My fiance rubs my back everynight and it helps soooo much. I think that is why smoking helped me too is because it also increases dopamine levels when I used to smoke in the past. Also massages help with blood supply and pooling even if only for a short time. This would also explain why I am so addicted to chocolate LOL
  8. You are just like me and SSRIs gave me my life back at one point. lexapro was a godsend.
  9. Oh low bp and pooling can definently cause nausea. I can tell when I am nauseous that my bp is too low... its one of my first symptoms before actuall dizziness.
  10. I only do a subtly amount like Rama said. If I over due it on salt, it makes me much worse.
  11. My mom has Crohs disease and was diagnosed this year with POTS. There is definently a genetic factor and I think its autuoimmune
  12. I have been seeing a therapist and it helps so much just to be able to talk to someone who will just sit and listen. A lot of the time I dont even realize that my anxiety and depression are from over doing it. I just do way too much and my body and mind give out. You have to be easy on yourself. I too have a massive phobia to medications but I finally got to the point where I was just so fed up feeling this way that I started trying them. Just always remember that you are not crazy, but you are dealing with a very crazy illness that can make you feel crazy Hope you start feeling better soon.
  13. Oh did you eventually get to a point where you didnt feel like passing out the entire time? I feel like staying conscious is way harder than the actual exercise
  14. I am just worried about crashing or my hr going too high because I am not sure what is considered "too high". I know previous times I have gone over 200 bmp but I just layed down after a minute. I am not looking to loose weight or anything, I just want some more muscle in my legs because I literally dont have any lol I just feel pathetic that 5 mins feels like one hundred
  15. Please tell me it gets easier. I did 5 mins on my stationary bike tonight and some light arm ones and i feel like death. This is the first night I am doing this and my hr did hit 182. I just dont know if I should stop or keep going. I dont have a cardiologist at the moment and not sure... thanks!
  16. oh my mom had been using hers for over a year now
  17. my mom has a port fo her pots and does two bags of saline a day. her nurse comes once a week. I am in the process of trying to get a port also.
  18. endure... I definently cant tolerate caffiene, alcohol or really.anything, but did suprisingly well with general. I couldnt imagine doing that without anything! wow.
  19. thats why I hired a lawyer... I couldnt keep up with the stress of it and it improves your chances... have you looked into getting one? I just got denied on reconsideration and now its the year long wait... ugh.
  20. Lieze that is very true for me also. I dont want to "look" disabled ,but its also the fact I am 22 and LOOK healthy. (I am pale and thin, but so are a lot of other people).
  21. I just get so embarrased... everyone tells me to use those electric carts in the stores, but I dont want people looking at me and thinking I am perfectly fine and wondering why I am on it
  22. I have the type where I can feel myself start to pass out before I actually do. I mean I do have times where I will stand up suddenly and drop, but in the store when I am walking around, I can feel myself having very severe pre syncope systems and I know I have about a minute before I am out. I just get really embarrased and dont want to just sit on the floor infront of a bunch of strangers, so I always end up running to the bathroom and hope I make it in time to sit on the bench or whatever is in there. It wouldnt be such a problem if this didnt have EVERY time I go out somewhere. It is so annoying. I was walking around the store yesterday and realized that my vision was very off and I forgot where I was walking too and then the symptoms started up. What do you do in those situations?
  23. I came down with POTS at 17 too and now I am 22 years old and it has gotten worse for me. BUT I dont have permanent brain damage and usually I can think (unless I am having a really bad brain fog day
  24. Do you get the ones that come right when you are just about to fall asleep and zap you awake? Those really stink! That was the first clue I had before my daignosis that it was not anxiety because there is no way you can be falling asleep and having a panic attack.
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