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Found out some very sad news.......

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

Yesterday I received a call from my Dad about my brother Joe. :)

My brother has been through a great deal lately---one being pancreatitis. Horrible pain.

On the call from my Dad I was told that my brother's doctor told him that it looks like he has colon cancer by the look of the biopsy. He had a colonoscopy yesterday because they had found thickning in his colon on a C-scan----so his doctor wanted to take a closer look. She told him that he needs to have surgery right away---on Jan 2nd to have it removed and to see the extent of it.

We are praying the doctor is wrong and that the biopsy is OK. My brother and his wife went into see the doctor today for the results as she requested. WELL---she had an emergency---and now they have to wait until Friday. None of the nurses will tell them the results---they expected this, but tried anyway. Only the Doc is allowed to give out the results. Can you imagine the pins and needles they are sitting on right now?

My brother has been through a lot lately---a victim of the times..............It seems every time something goes right for him----it's gets taken away......... He has a daughter 24 and a son 15---and they need him.

Could you send any prayers or good thoughts his way---and also for his family?

Julie :0(

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Bad news is never something anyone wants to hear esp. around the holidays. I am going to say a prayer for you and your family.


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My hope and thoughts with ur famiy Julia.

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your brother & family are in my thoughts & prayers.


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Guest Julia59

Hi again........Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers.

I was at my parent's house yesterday celebrating Christmas early with my son and his Girlfriend, and her daughter because they will be out of town in Maryland with her family.

I invited my sister in law Debbie and their son Jeremy-(15) over also. She is out of her mind with worry and I thought this would help take her mind of things. Their adult daughter Jessica couldn't make it as her husband's grandfater passed away and they had to go to the funeral home.

Debbie had talked with the doctor yesterday and she was told it is confirmed --- Colon Cancer. The biopsy is positive. My brother was working second shift---when she took him some lunch-------- he told her he wanted to know now. SAD..........

He may have surgery as soon as Monday---or at the latest Jan 2nd. He has had the Cancer for at least a year. We are hoping for the best. The doctor is optimistic----but will know more after he has his surgery. She is hoping it hasen't spread to the lymph nodes, or anywhere else.

Please continue to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


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I'm so sorry about your brother. I am going to keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers.


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julie -

i'm sorry to hear the news but also glad that the agony of waiting isn't dragging on and on any longer. my uncle was diagnosed & treated for colon cancer last winter & is doing great so i'll hope the same comes to pass for your brother & his family.

:) melissa

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