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Surgery Tomorrow


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i'm probably too late for you to see my post, but still wanted to send my prayers & good wishes your way. you'll be in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow as you have the surgery & afterward as you recover. i hope & pray that the stimulator will bring you more relief than you can even imagine...i know of many people for whom it has worked wonders. i'm jealous that you have the chance to try it!

take care of yourself & be patient as you recover....any kind of surgery takes a lot out of you, and the stimulator doesn't always reach it's full effect for some time.

sending lots of prayers & best wishes!

;) melissa

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hope you're resting & recovering well, hopefully at home by now as well! take it easy & let us know how you're doing, even if just a one line "i'm hanging in", when you're able.

keeping you (& your new accessory!) in my thoughts & prayers,

:unsure: melissa

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thanks for your prayers and best wishes. unfortunately things are not going well. i am having horrible spasms and pain from the device, we think, and my doctor has conveniently left town after i spent four days trying to get in to see him so he could shut this thing off to see if the pacer is the cause of all the pain/spasms. i informed my electrophysiologist of all this since he puts in cardiac pacers by medtronic thinking that maybe HE had a way to shut it off, and he didnt. BUT he ended up calling the GI office this morning and reaming them out for the GI surgeon not taking care of this yesterday by shutting it off before he leaving town and leaving me with no other option than to go be admitted into the hospital until thursday until he, the only one in this state who can manipulate the device, is back to shut this off!

i met with two GI surgeon's the first trip into the ER who said that nobody else could do anything about it except the GI doc who implanted it and that they believe the device to be malfunctioning as they have never seen this device contract the whole abdominal cavity and cause so much pain. they have me on dilaudid, similar to morphine, and it still isnt cutting the pain.

just got off the phone with the oncall GI surgeon who is covering for my surgeon and he said my options were to be admitted into the hospital where my pain levels can be managed better or to wait it out until thursday! my cardio was FLIPPING OUT over this. i am on my way into the hospital to sit around, pick my nose for five days until the doctor comes back to shut this off. unbelievable. on a more positive note, my dad just got off the phone with medtronic, the company who makes these devices and they said that there was a rep from their company that may be able to meet me over in the ER and that they could turn this off.

i am so frustrated, tired, in pain, tired, tired, tired. please keep me in thought and prayer.

thanks gals and guys.

a sick and frustrated cardiactec. :o

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Oh Angela,

I've been waiting for word from you. Not what I wanted to hear. How awful! It sounds like your surgeon accidentally turned it up to max power??? I know they usually try them on the weakest setting first. What a nightmare. I am praying that a rep can meet you at the hospital and turn that durn thing off. In the meantime, hightail it to the hospital and get the medication you need. I am praying for relief for you NOW. Don't lose hope. Your device still may end up being helpful once it's properly adjusted and you get used to it.



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