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Everything posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. Thanks for your suggestions, I know I was asking alot in one post. blackbirdsinging...may I ask what prescription nausea med you found. I can't tolerate compazine and for some reason Zofran makes me sicker but phenergan helps sometimes. Is this something you take regularly or as needed? Ithomas521...I look into compression hose and licorice tea tomorrow Thanks Dayna
  2. I just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of you and hope that you find a doctor that can help you real soon. Dayna
  3. I would really like to go to my next appointment with some knowledge. I've finally been linking some of my nausea to POTS. I'm always more nauseated when I'm on my feet for a long time or engaged in activities (cleaning, walking, shopping etc.) I know I have gastroparesis which is the main reason but if I try to get the orthostatics managed I feel I would feel results in the nausea at least some. Besides flornief what other meds might work for high hrs. Could rapid hr cause nausea? Are all the meds steriods? Also I'm going to start logging my hr/bp. Does anyone suggest a wrist kind? When should I do it? Sorry for all the questions but after 1yr & 1/2 I'm finally starting to feel the effects of POTs. I always just thought it was my stomach but now I feel there's more to it and want to try to manage it before it gets out of control. My doctor gives me very limited time with her so if anyone has any imput I'd appreciate it. Thanks always Dayna
  4. This is a no brainer for me NAUSEA....!!! Dayna
  5. I'm still in search for the magical nausea cure.......haven't found it but if I do I'll let you know. Phenergan helps take the edge off for me. Reglan helps me alittle.I'm not quit sure. Right now I'm on an Ethromycin (antibiotic), Reglan, phenergan combo and still feel like puking YUCK!!!!!!!! Good Luck Dayna
  6. You and your husband are in my daily prayers. Dayna
  7. I get so excited about starting a new med and then get REALLY dissapointed when I get all the side effects. I don't know if this is bad but I no longer read the side effects until I'm okay on the med. Obviously if I have a bad reaction I read them right away. I just don't want to worry about the effects if the meds could give me a better quality of life. I tried florienf for two days and the first pill made me dry heave and the next morning I started throwing up. I don't know why I reacted that way and am very dissappointed that it didn't work. I'm going to give it another shot in a few days to see if it was the medication or if I cought some bug. Good luck to you. I think it takes alot of trials and errors to find the right drug for each person. I think my doctor thinks I'm overreacting but I'm completely willing to try anything and I can't help that I don't tolerate most things. Like I said I get really excited in hoping something will help so she should see that as a sign that I'm not over exaggerating. Keep keeping on and good luck....let us know if this med helps. Dayna
  8. That's wonderful.I'm excited for you. Is your improvement due to the exercising? Good luck and I hope you have a permanent recovery! Dayna
  9. I'm right with you guys. I've been sick for 1yr and 1/2 and can count on 1 hand how many times me and my husband were intimate. Nausea and intimacy just don't go well together. My husband is understanding but it causes some tension because we know a marriage needs intimacy and we have everything but that. Too be honest I know my husband loves me, but I don't think he's attracted to the person I've become with this illness. I think he feels more like a cargiver and we are closer than ever but it's just not the same anymore. It's definitely something we need to work on. I need to take better care of my appearance (sweats and no make-up aren't working). Dayna
  10. Hi. I have Pots and gastroparesis and autonomic neuropathy. Before I got sick I never really had problems with tingling unless I was sitting on my feet for a long period. Now I can rest my hands funny or sit with my legs crossed and get tingling in a few minutes. My newest thing is a tingling in my bottom lip. It's nothing major I just feel it sometimes. POTS, Gastroparesis and autonomic neuropathy are just specific names for an autonomic dysfunction so I just chalk up these symptoms to a malfunction in the autonomic system. I know how you feel about seeing more doctors but I would get this checked out from a neurologist just to eliminate anything. Dayna
  11. Thank you hmichel and gena. Wow I can't even imagine working out of the home. I think I would get fired because I would not be able to function. My kids are 7,4 & almost 2 so I have alot of work with them but since I've been sick my husband does 70% of care taking and upkeeping of the home. I'm the fun one who gets to read the stories and watch the movies with them and just cuddle them. Dayna
  12. Well I know exactly how you feel as I just posted something similar. My doctor says this illness is not terminal although somedays you probally wish it was. But it is a chronic illness and we just need to find a way to get symptom control...which is hard for me because most of the meds make my symptoms worse. I know how hard it is to have good and bad days because on the good I'm hoping it was my last bad (spontaneuos recovery?) I actually enjoy my good days sooo much that I forget that I have this illness and then of course a few days later I get the reminder. Your not a baby and this illness is scary but just try not to think to far in advance. And extra worrying will probaly make your symptoms worse so try to relax and keep keeping on. Dayna
  13. My thoughts will be with you during this procedure. Take time to relax after so you have a speedy recovery. Update us so we know how your doing Dayna
  14. I was prescribed to take xanax .25 up to 3x a day. Because of the warnings and stuff I just take it as needed. It sometimes helps with my nausea and it does make me more functionable which decreases the depression and lets me better care for my kids. As far as addicitions I haven't felt the "NEED" to have it maybe it's because of the small dose I'm on. I'll go months without it than have a really bad streek and take it before getting out of bed every morning for up to two weeks. I only have taken it in the morning since that's my worse time. It's worth a try. I'm for anything that will make your quality of life better as long as your cautious with it. Dayna
  15. Unfortunely I can't tell the difference between a normal episode and the flu so I think I'm getting the flu every couple weeks. I suggest alot of fluids and alot of rest!!! Get well soon Dayna
  16. That is soo cool! Baby girls are soo precious. I'll keep you in my thoughts good luck and I hope the pregnency gets better till the end. Dayna
  17. I have mentioned this in the past but I can't handle the rollercoaster this illness brings. Besides from this site I have never heard of people who are sick all the time. I have a friend with severe liver diease and she only gets sick about once a year and another friend who has a chronic illness but is only sick once or twice a year. I guess my point being.............why do we have to suffer soooo much? For the past year and 1/2 the longest I have gone without feeling too horrible is 5 weeks (once) otherwise I get sick every couple weeks and still feel crappy inbetween. And it takes about two weeks to a month start to feel tolerable again. So basically I'm always sick. It's really hard to have friendships or consistency in my life or with parenting when I wax and wane sooo much. I can't tolerate most meds so my quality of life can't improve that way. When I get sick I can't really push myself, I try but the nausea is debilitating, the fatigue is sooo bad I feel drunk and sometimes even getting up to go to the bathroom seems too much (but I do it.) I have no obvious triggers so I can't prevent these episodes and it's taking a tole on my family. I worry that my husband while supportive now will eventually have had it and leave. When I first got sick my daughter was 5-1/2 and busy with princess stuff. Now that she is 7 , I see dissappointment in her eyes when she looks at me. I know this is beyond my control but I feel like I have failed myself and my family. I'm not depressed. I've been handling my emotions great lately I'm just really dissappointed in life right now. I feel this nightmare has to have an ending. I guess I need you guys to tell me even though we are miles away I'm not alone in this. Do you guys get sick every couple of weeks and have it last for a few weeks? Shouldn't that be a clue for my doctor so she can fix whatever is wrong with me during these bad episodes? Does anyone know what causes me to be walking along with my head up than........BAM I hit a brick wall AGAIN! Sorry for rambling but with all the advances in medicine why can't they figure out how to calm the nervous system? Dayna
  18. Has anyone had increased nausea with flornief? My nausea was doing okay for the last two weeks than I started florienf and I want to puke my guts out. Am I alone in this one? I once took methapredisone and puked for weeks. I was hoping this steriod wouldn't do the same thing. I want to give it a shot but not for increased nausea because than I'm a zombie and my kids need me. Do symptoms go away the longer your on it? Dayna
  19. My bp seems to be stable but obviously upon standing my hr shoots up. When I'm standing for over 15-20min. I get nauseated and a headache. Is flornief a typical drug for high hr? I'm not double guessing my doctor I was just wondering if some of you are on it because your hr is too high? I thought she was going to prescribe a beta blocker from what I've read. There are so many meds out there I could be confused. How will water retention help my hr? I feel like I have enough water weight already so I'm alittle scared to gain weight. Obviously if it makes me feel better it's a no brainer. Dayna
  20. I was dx with it but can't find the cause. My neurologist says it could be from a virus causing damage to the nerves or no know cause. There has been alot of discussion on this topic and I think autonomic neuropathy and dysautomonia and autonomic dysfunction are all the same. I could be wrong but they all have the same symptoms and all are a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Sometimes my doctor writes A.N. or A. dysfunction on my orders. I was dx with autonomic neuropathy because I failed the TTT, sweat test and my bp went weird when I did the blowing test. Hope this helps but I'm confused about it also. Dayna
  21. That is exciting news!!!!!!!!! I hope the best for you....you deserve it! Happy Trailing Dayna
  22. Count me in. I have three small kids so I'm always on my feet and have chronic headaches because of it. When I do get help or have an easy "lazy" day I don't get the headaches as frequently. Dayna
  23. No. She said we will have to watch my potassium levels. I see her again in 6wks so I'll ask her than. Dayna
  24. Hello ladies. Well my doctor finally wants to address my autonomic issues to see if it helps get the rest of my symptoms in place. My hr is real high and I think it's adding to my headaches and nausea. Is 0.1 MG twice a day a normal dose? Dayna
  25. My doctor just prescribed this to me. I have gastroparesis. He said he wanted me to try it for 14 days before I try domperidone. If it works he wants me to stay on it long term. Right now I'm suppose to take it 30 min. prior to meals and at bedtime. I just started it and took my second dose. I notice cramping in my stomach but haven't been on it long enough to evalutae it. It's 200 mg. I'd rather try domperidone because I have alot of issues with the nausea and I think that's suppose to be better for nausea. My motility doc feels "E" could work so we'll see. Let me know how it works for you. Alot of people on my gastroparesis yahoo group tried it. It worked for some and not for others. Everyone's different. Dayna
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