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Everything posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. As the other ladies mentioned their is no clear cut answer and that's scary. I have 3 kids (7,4 & almost 2) I didn't get sick till my last son was 4months. I needed alot of help caring for him for about alittle over a year. If my husband wasn't here....someone else had to be. That alone was hard because I wanted to be the sole provider for him. But now that he's almost 2 I find myself needing less and less help from others. My health is better than last year but still not good enough to perform all tasks as a healthy person and sometimes I still need help cause when your really sick the needs of three kids can become overwhelming. So basically I'm saying you might need help for awhile but they do get alittle more independant and less demanding. Than you have to consider the toddler years where they are full of energy. I let my kids run around in the yard while I sit under an umbrella with my gaterade or pull a chair up to the swing set and push them on the swings. Life will definitely not be the same as a "healthy mother" but I find just compared to my healthy mom friends that I get way more quality time and have the ability to sit down and play games all day or snuggle up with book or movies, colors, homework or music. My only job is loving up my kids and I'm ever sooo grateful for that. It took me long to accept not being the "healthy" on the go mom but now I see all the positives that have come from this derailment. My kids are so caring and compassionate in a way other kids might not be. I'm sorry this is so long I just have a tug in my heart for those that want children and thought my personal experiences might help some. I always wanted 5 kids but I'm super scared of the unknown with this illness and my husband would probally not agree on me being pregnant because I could get worse.....know one knows.....I could get better! Anyways, my point being if I get better we will adopt 2 kids in a few years. Have you considered adoption? Or even foster care for 1 child. That would give you an idea on how things might be and you can foster infants so maybe it would be the missing link in your family! Just throwing out some options. Well I hope you don't mind my rambling....Good luck on your decision. Follow your heart and instincts they will lead you to a path of happiness. Dayna
  2. My neurologist says that nausea is common for patients with dysautomonia. I have slow gastric emptying caused by autonomic dysfunction. Even though my stomach is slow I get nauseated when I'm on my feet for a long time too.....so we don't know exactly the cause of the nausea. I guess it's probally both for me. I'm sorry your going through this. A few things that help alittle for me are root beer soda. Pressure point wrist bands that they use for traveling. I just got those and I've worn them every morning for 2 weeks and it helps alittle. Also green ginger tea. These are just a few suggestions. But I have to take meds to help deal with my nausea. Zofran and reglan (switching to domperidome soon.) Good luck I hope this is just a temporary thing. Dayna
  3. I hope this treatment plan works for you. It would be great not to have to suffer so much. The baby and immune system stuff really made alot of sense. I got sick 5mon. after having my 3rd and I can pin point the day also so I think your imput on this was right on target. Keep us updated. I've never been on prednisone so I have no imput their. Also let us know if it helps with the eating. I have gastroparesis and am interested if it helps in that area also. I have my fingers crossed for you. Dayna
  4. I just wanted to write a quick note letting you all know that I am thinking of you and you are all in my heart. I wish I haven't been posting because I'm all better....I'll keep wishing. Anyways I'm having computer difficulties and we might have to go shopping for a new one. It is eating me up not being able to see how you all are doing. I hope everyone's going to have a happy 2006. Well I better go before I get kicked off. Dayna
  5. I also have gastroparesis. I found this out Feb 2005 and POTs March 2005. I've been taking reglan and would like to try domperidome to see if it helps with the nausea. Post us on the results of your lyme test. I am curious about this for me since I got seriously sick 2 weeks after camping. It could just be coicedence. Their are some on feeding tubes and alot that have stayed the same or even gotten better. None of us know our future so try not to worry and just hold on to your faith. It will get you through. I'm a member on a gastroparesis site. If you do a search for yahoo groups gastroparesis it will come up. another one is G-pact.com You can always email personally if you want to talk more about this. dayna
  6. I am soo sorry to hear about your horrible night. The passing out and fight with boyfriend. I hope your move goes more smoothly and you start to have better days soon. Depending on people is the hardest part of this illness for me so I understand why this would be bothering you. Don't let it cast a cloud over you. It is what it is and for now you need the help. Hopefully you'll gain some independance in the near future. You in my thoughts and I hope the best for you. dayna
  7. Katherine.....thanks for your post. I'm not on any meds except for Reglan and phenergan as needed. I will talk with my neuro on the 15th and track my rates till then. Since I've been sick 17mo. I've learned not to get too worked up about new symptoms because they can come and go. But you can't help but having that nagging feeling in the back of your mind wondering wether it's getting worse or not. Thanks for telling me about women's heart rates are higher. I never knew that and was always comparing mine to my husbands. Do you know if that's the same for bp? Dayna
  8. I was dx with autonomic dysfunction (neuropathy), Gastroparesis and POTS. Well I have alot of migrianes and chronic nausea. I never really felt the orthostatic problems..........until now. When I stand up and am on my feet my symptoms increase alot. I first experienced this on Mon. when I was baking x-mas cookies with the kids. That evening when I was fixing my hair. Now everytime I'm not just relaxing I feel really sick (nausea -not unusual) my heart rate is fast, head is pounding and I need to sit down again. I don't know if this is due to deconditioning because I've been homebound/relaxing for the past 2-1/2 mo. or if it means the worse that my illness is progressing which scares the heck out of me. I moved some couch cushions 5 stairs yesterday and my hr was 106. My husband moved a COUCH and his was 74. Should I see a cardiologist for this? I hope it's a temporary thing. Dayna
  9. I took it for slow gastric emptying and I had major diaherra from 1/2 a tablet. Anyways after a week my doctor told me to stop it. Dayna
  10. The pins and needles is probally something I have to look forward to but as of now I don't experience them. I just wanted to say I wish you were feeling better. I give you sooooo much credit for doing the college thing and when I see that your having a hard time or your getting negative comments re: dropping a course I get furious. You should wear a shirt that says " GIVE ME A BREAK.....I'M DOING 110% MORE THAN MY BODY IS CAPABLE OF"!!!!!! I hope things start looking up soon, you deserve it. Dayna
  11. It's nice to hear some good news! I hope things keep staying positive for you. dayna
  12. I just read your post and I hope today is alittle better for you. I don't know your situation but just wanted to remind you to follow your heart. I hope the struggles pass soon and I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. Dayna
  13. I'm glad you feel better after you got to vent alittle. I just vented yesterday and it helps. Well I don't have much advise seeing I'm having ALOT of the same feelings as you are but I just wanted to say your not alone and we just have to hope the future will be brighter.....for all of us facing this life altering illness. Try not to isolate yourself, if anything family becomes your only real friends through all of this. Hang in there Dayna
  14. Thanks everyone for posting. I guess I have to keep fighting in hopes the future will be better. I'm sick again this morning so it's easier said than done but I'll do it for my kids. I do have a therapist who works with chronically ill (usually AIDs patients) but unfortunately she's not that much help. She lets me vent but doesn't offer much for strategies to help cope. This site seems to be the one thing that helps. When I'm feeling overwhelmed I need to express it or I bottle it up than lose control. Thanks for letting me lean on you guys. Dayna
  15. I knew there was going to be pain and suffering in everyone's life but I never knew it was going to be on a daily basis. I heard your never given more than you can handle. Well I must have been confused with someone else because this is more than I can handle....more than my family can handle. I'm not depressed today or sad I just don't know how I can wake up another day and feel so physically horrible and watch the disappointment in my families eyes. When I was first sick I would get a week of feeling good and a 2 bad ... now it's constant for 2-1/2 months. It starts to wear you out. Do you guys feel sick everyday? Sorry for the pity party but this just feels like a horrible nightmare and i'm not waking up! Well for my kids I have to keep fighting but this is the hardest challenge I've ever faced. I don't think it's normal to be sick everyday. I personally don't physically know ANYONE who is sick all the time. Trust me I know alot of people and families and only 1 person had a chronic illness and she's only sick few times a year. So I find this hard to accept. Are you guys in this alone too? Thanks for letting me vent..again! Dayna
  16. I also hope you get some answers. Enjoy the sleep during the procedure. I've had a few done. Let us know what's going on. Dayna
  17. Wow, thanks for that website. I read the whole thing. Very interesting and very scary. The last thing I would want to do is get sicker. I'll see what my test comes back from my regular neurologist. I trust her more than the doctor from the wellness clinic. Dayna
  18. I find this interesting this topic came up. I just met with a Lyme Literate Doctor and he's from a wellness clinic but is an M.D. Anyways he said I don't fit the criteria for Lyme but I do for heavy metal toxcity. Well I did the urine test with the provoking agents and my Mercury and Tin were high. The mercury was very high. Average is 4. I had level 22 in my body. Tin is 10 mine was 13. Of course he said remove my almalgam and then they do intravenous chelation to get the mercury out of the body. When I did heavy metal through my neurologist it was urine and it came back fine, I think (no one called and I can't reach her). Anyways she didn't use the provoking agents so I don't know what to do. I've been around and spent THOUSANDS of dollars in alternative approaches since I became sick last year and lets just say.I lost thousands. I'm not saying they don't have healthy ways of bettering yourself but it didn't "fix" me like they ALL said it would. So now I'm pondering is this the answer or no? I scared to invest more but scardier to stay so sick. My parents feel that I should because my system is sooo sensitive and maybe this is adding to my symptoms. Not necessarily the cause just adding more to my body and if you get the metal out maybe the nerves can heal better. My mom did read an article that said the causes of peripheral neuropathy and one of them was mercury ,I don't know what form. I had autonomic neuropathy so who knows. Sorry for rambling I just had all this on my mind before I read this post. Anyone here had amalgam out with chelation therapy and have less physical symptoms? Dayna
  19. It takes a strong person to make the kind of desicion that you unfortunately had to make. I'm sorry for your hurt and wish we could all be together on nights like these so we could have a group hug. You never know what the future holds..........I wish you the best. When you feel alone turn to us. (((((hugs))))))) Dayna
  20. Welcome to the forum... I look forward to getting to know more about you. Dayna
  21. Well I agree with what everyone posted and understand completely how you feel. But try not to let it get you emotionally stressed. It's their problem and people just can't understand unless they walked a mile in our shoes. It would take a real wake up call for some people in my family to understand or even take time out from their self centered world to try to understand. According to my brothers wife....I'm milking this for all I can. Well the people that know me and really care don't judge me. They know I would never want this for my life and would do anything to change it. So surround yourself around those that are positive. I couldn't even imagine going to a job everyday for 2 hours a day. I think I could do "sometimes hours" but I know that's not possible so I might be applying soon too. I haven't had a job for 7 yr (stay-at-home- mom) and I couldn't get one if I wanted. This illness is too up and down. Well I wish you luck with dealing with your brother I hope things turn around with his understanding. Lazy daughter-in-law...............NOT!!!!!!!!!! Dayna
  22. I used to take mobic for my migrianes. I'm really sensitive to meds but did fine on this one. It just stopped working for my migrianes. Dayna
  23. I've also been having visiual problems the last week kind of a shaking feeling. I don't like it. Mine has been along with a constant headache so their must eb some relation between the two. Dayna
  24. Mary My body is soo sensitive. I was on 12.5 for almost 2 weeks and with side effects I still tried to up it to 25mg on day 10. I only took it once a day. My main side effects were fatigue and zoned feeling and increased nausea. I also couldn't eat which is the main reason I stopped because when I don't eat I'm even more nauseated. The getting up in the morning is near impossible since I feel like I have the flu everyday and with the added fatigue and zoned feeling I was not fighting to get out of bed which was causing more depression and it was like a vicious circle. I wish I could find something that I can tolerate. I had headaches on it and since I stopped they never went away. At least not yet. If I consider trying it again I will send you a message and maybe you can give me some pointers. What were your side effects? Everytime you increased the dose did they get worse? Do you still get migraines? I get about 1 migraine a week and my doctors think since my nausea is soo bad it could maybe be cvs and we were going to see if topamax helped with the nausea. So who knows.... I go to my G.I. today and I'll see what he says Thanks Dayna
  25. I just read your post and I hope you get answers soon. I don't know what E.R. doctors expect us to do, come in jump roping and telling jokes? Being upset is completely normal under the circumstances. I can't name 1 person that is excited about being sick or losing control of their health. For me personally the doctors and e.r. people are the ones that give me the anxiety. Their should be a pill for arrogant doctor disorder. Sorry but this subject gets to me. I hope you find better care at another facility Good Luck Dayna
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