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Mrs. Burschman

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Everything posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. Sorry, Ami. That sounds miserable! I'm glad you got a chance to clean up. It's a nice feeling! I hope you feel better soon. Amy
  2. That's too bad! Please tell your sister we're all thinking of her and hoping she feels better soon! Amy
  3. Although that might also be useful if you are seated next to a squalling baby or talkative adult! Amy
  4. I THINK it's the trails of the stars as the Earth rotates -- like a extended exposure (that's not the right word.) That would explain why the waterfall is so white and fuzzy, too. Nice picture anyway. I'd live there! amy
  5. Wow. That's about the least scientific thing I've ever heard from a doc! I had a brain MRI, but I think they were just looking for signs of MS. That was all clear. You have to wonder, though. Was mine "pointy"? Amy
  6. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way! I'm glad there might be an answer to your fevers besides just general ANS weirdness, though sorry that you are still having to fight so hard! A change of scenery might be nice ... especially if you have nice people around you! Either way, I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Amy
  7. I'm sorry, Morgan. Uh, if you have a pacemaker, doesn't that usually mean you have heart problems? I understand the being saddled with psych diagnoses problem. It makes you feel crazy even if you aren't. Sending you a hug! Amy
  8. Happy birthday, Mary! I hope it's grand. Eat an extra piece of cake for all of your DINET friends! Amy
  9. "if a thought like, I'm going out of control- multiplies the fear you can see that a thought like - I can hear a dog barking - will not." Unless you're terrified of dogs, that is! Amy
  10. Wow, Alexa, that sounds terrible! Thanks for posting. We all like as many opinions as we can get! Some back and visit us! Amy
  11. For those (like me) who want to know more: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000187.htm
  12. Yikes! I'm glad you're out and back! I have to admit, I don't know much about arrhythmias and what they mean. I'm glad you do! I'll have to read up and learn more. Anyway, I'm happy that you're home! Amy
  13. Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the input. I do think it's a lot of changes in a short amount of time, and I don't do change very well! amy
  14. Sorry about that! I'd be embarrassed, too! But I know that co-workers are understanding, or at least forgiving. I've seen it at my workplace plenty of times. Amy
  15. Tell me if you think my feelings are reasonable: My husband is THRILLED with his new job, and I'm happy for him. But I'm struggling. I'm still stuck back at the workplace we both hated. I'm still working nights while he's working days. Most days, we only see each other an hour, at most, where we used to be together almost constantly. If I don't find a new job soon, I'll be working Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's while he's off. We don't have any days off together. I had two job interviews this week, but I won't hear back for a week or so, at least. I guess I feel like he's moved on to a new life with new friends and a new schedule and left me behind. Not on purpose, and I'm glad he has. I just want to move on, too! Desperately! The problem is, because I was saddled with psych diagnoses for so long, any time I feel a little down about stuff, I think something's wrong with me. Like any negative feelings at all are a sign that I'm mentally ill. So tell me this: If you were in my position, do you think you'd feel a little bummed also? Amy
  16. It looks like a reasonable accomodation to me. Certainly cheaper than having to replace a valued POTSy worker with someone new and all the training involved. Amy
  17. That stinks! I'm glad she has such a caring sister! Amy
  18. You could wear dressy shorts with tights underneath and a dressier top -- they might not even notice! It's better not to overeat anyway. Who wants to feel guilty afterward? Amy
  19. Sue, I have no idea, but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. We're happy you found us (and as always, unhappy you had the need)! My POTS seems to be genetic -- just the way I was built. But someone else should be more helpful with your question. Take care! Amy
  20. I've never fainted in my life, but I still flunked the tilt-table test. Luckily, I had a doctor who specializes in autonomic disorders. Amy
  21. I second the thankful for a diagnosis part! Along with many other blessings! Amy
  22. Hey, welcome to the club! Believe me, there are people on here who understand, whether it's exhaustion or misdiagnosis. Did you get a tilt-table test? That seems to be the "gold standard" for diagnosing POTS. In any case, we're glad you joined us, though, as always, sad you needed to! Amy
  23. It's always so hard to say what's because of our goofy bodies, or what's because everyone's body is goofy sometimes! I suppose you could ask your doctor the next time you see him/her. Although they'll probably say "I don't know." Seems to be a common response I get, anyway. Amy
  24. Sophia, Have you asked them at Walgreens? It seems like they'd keep models available to let customers try before they buy. Or maybe they'd let you try one out of the box. You never know! Amy
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