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Mrs. Burschman

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Everything posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. Jennifer, I think the Celexa is a better choice to try than Paxil, even though Paxil works great for me. But if you ever need to get off of it, Celexa is much easier because it has a much longer half-life. Paxil is HORRIBLE to try to quit! Withdrawal city! I'll send you a p.m. soon! Amy
  2. Welcome, Joy! I love your nicely decorated screen name! I don't have any info for you. Just wanted to tell you we're happy to have you here (though not happy you have the need!) Amy
  3. I don't think the vasovagal reactions always mean you're anxious. I've gotten them when I wasn't. In fact, the other day, a freaking FLU SHOT made me feel woozy. And I wasn't even watching! And I certainly wasn't worried about it! It was a flu shot! Amy
  4. ajw, Have you tried the clip-on sunglasses that go over regular glasses? Or even a pair of those ones they give you when they dilate your eyes at the eye doctor's, which could go under your glasses? They might look stupid, but if you'd feel better ... Amy
  5. Ugh! I have no good ideas, but I sympathize. I did a 24-hour Holter and got the red, itchy patches. Same thing happens with me and bandages, depending on the brand. Makes me feel like such a weenie! Amy
  6. Bright lights can trigger migraines in me. Twice I got them when getting my hair cut because the sun was reflecting off of the mirror in front of me into my eyes. Maybe what happened to you was something similar. Amy
  7. I just last week had a similar episode. I was running (which I only do twice a week at the most, usually I just walk.) But I noticed that my chest was really hurting, and I felt like I couldn't get enough air. Then I realized that it was just before my period, and I noticed on this site that a lot of people have more problems premestrually. I had (my first ever!) cross-country race on Saturday, and the chest pain/breathing problems were gone. What's that all about? I went running when they did my Holter test earlier this summer, and it showed no problems. So I don't think there's anything wrong with my heart or lungs besides autonomic weirdness. Hopefully it's the same for you, too! Amy
  8. They're called Heelys. Here's a link: http://www.heelys.com/index.htm It appears that they do come in adult sizes. Who knew? I've never tried them, but they look like fun! Amy
  9. Stacey, I am truly sorry for your pain. Losses are never easy, and not being able to have children (assuming that's the way your life ends up) is a loss just as painful as any other. I know that there's no comparison at all to having your own, but are there any opportunities you can think of where you could "adopt" some children? I don't mean literally. I mean reading stories at the library, watching a friend's older child for the afternoon, maybe volunteering to rock babies at a local hospital? Maybe it would be too painful for you at this point, but you might also find some comfort in making a difference in the life of a child or two, even if it's not your own. My dad died of cancer when I was 23 years old. I've found that volunteering at the American Cancer Society a few hours a week (just doing various office tasks) helps me feel like I'm helping others like him, even though I could do nothing for him at the time. There's no way I could have done it a few years ago. But at this point, I find it very comforting. I hope you find some peace, Stacey. We're here for you! Amy
  10. I saw an episode of "Mystery Diagnosis" where a woman went without a diagnosis for something like 10 years. She finally went to a rheumatologist who figured out she had pernicious anemia -- a severe type of B12 deficiency. My opinion is, who cares WHAT specialty a doctor is if he/she is willing to listen and help figure out what's wrong and what to do about it! My most helpful doctor is a psychiatrist! Amy
  11. This dungbeetle can't stand heat. I've always HATED summer, and now I know why! I don't like being cold, either (my toes and fingers and tip of my nose get icy) but I find it easier to deal with because I can always add layers, drink hot chocolate, turn up the heat ... Summer's bad because once you're down to light clothing, there aren't a whole lot of socially acceptable options (besides swimming, and with my thighs, that's not very acceptable.) Amy
  12. Nolie, I'm so glad your tests turned out OK! And I'm happy that you're feeling a bit better. I know that it's so common for people with chronic illnesses to feel depressed. It seems that I read somewhere that upwards of 80 percent of people with chronic illnesses battle depression. And no wonder. Feeling crappy all the time IS depressing! I'm hoping that the medication changes and loving attention will do wonders for you. Keep us posted! Amy
  13. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Like I said, it was just my opinion. That and a buck might get you half a coffee at Starbuck's. I know nothing about Vanderbilt, except they seem to know a lot about the autonomic nervous system. Amy
  14. But isn't POTS a diagnosis? Or are doctors unsure that's what you have? The job thing would be a problem unless you used vacation, I suppose. Going off meds is ****, I agree with that. My adrenaline gets entirely out of control off Paxil. I doubt there would be any promises of benefit to you, but it probably depends on the study. Is it for a new treatment, or just more information for them? Even if it was for a new drug, you could end up in the placebo group. I would imagine that if you need to get answers to make taking part worth it, you probably shouldn't. But that's just my two cents, which are worth, well, two cents. Or less. Amy
  15. As long as it wasn't going to hurt, I'd do it (I'm kind of a weenie when it comes to pain.) I'd do it just because I would hope that even if it didn't do anything for me, they might learn something to help others. But that's just me. You'd need your own reason. I don't know anything about the testing. I was speaking on a purely philosophical level. Happy deciding! amy
  16. Angelika, I'm thrilled that you don't have any of the diseases you listed. But I understand the frustration of not knowing what the problem is! And I'm sorry you got "fired." A family doctor doesn't seem like the right person to be treating you. I know my family physician had no clue what was wrong with me. I don't think they usually know a cause of POTS. So you're part of a big club! Amy
  17. I wish it were that easy. I didn't try it for POTS, per se. I tried it for interstitial cystitis pain. Didn't help. Amy
  18. "pasty pale" -- good way to put it. I always say my makeup shade should be called "corpse." Amy
  19. Aspirin under the tongue. That sounds yucky! But if it saves your life ... Haven't seen you post before, NYCguy. Welcome! Amy
  20. Beta blockers can cause depression, too. Partly why I've been scared to ever try them. Is it possible that could be making it worse? I understand the not-seeing-the-husband issue. My husband's working days, I'm working swing shift hours. Some days, we only see each other for dinner! I'm sorry, Nolie. I don't have any great suggestions. But I'd definitely make sure it's not the beta blocker. Amy
  21. "My nervous system doesn't regulate itself very well"? I think I've used that for people without a medical background. Amy
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/s/cpress/20071106/ca...ic_rosanne_cash
  23. I get really cranky at work when my co-workers who like the lights low (I call them the Dark Lords) turn them down. But I don't know if it's a POTS thing or just an I-can't-read-in-the-dark thing. Amy
  24. OK. I know exactly what you mean. I do both. The bibs I'm working on for my nephew are cross-stitch, but I just finished a baby blanket for my niece that was embroidery (lots of new babies to make stuff for!) My niece's "mum" is English, but she married my brother and is a commercial pilot here. So I guess my niece is bi-continental! Amy
  25. Most of what I do is cross-stitch also. I guess I was using the terms interchangably! Now I'll have to see what the difference is. Hmmm. Amy
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