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Mrs. Burschman

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Everything posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. I was wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question: Is salt-loading recommended for both the partial-dysautonomic and hyperadrenergic forms of POTS? My doctor's nurse suggested that I increase my salt intake. I was just curious if that's a global suggestion. I'm trying to increase it, but I don't like it very much. I've been taking two Thermatabs per day and trying to eat salty snacks, but it's hard! I guess I shoulda had a V8! Thanks! Amy
  2. Goody! Something else to look forward to! (Sorry, that was not a very good attitude, was it?) Amy
  3. Or even better, Lloppy, they could hook you up with one of those contraptions they use in the theater to make it look like actors are flying, and you could lay down -- but be suspended above the patient -- to do surgery. Until you drop something and it bounces off of them. Scratch that idea. Amy
  4. I have felt that way in the past, though it's gotten better. Sometimes I have tremors in my hands, though not at this time. One doctor was convinced that I must have hyperthyroid. But I didn't, and I chalked it up to anxiety. But now that I know I have dysautonomia, that wasn't the whole story! As always, you might want to check with your doctor ... you know the drill! Amy
  5. Waterbaby, That's great for you! I'm glad you're feeling better! Amy
  6. I dunno, Corina, that sounds like kind of a lame Christmas present. Maybe they could at least be red and green stripes to look like the holidays! Amy
  7. That's too bad, Melissa. I was hoping that you'd licked it! Well, we'll just have to keep the good thoughts and prayers coming! Amy
  8. Yay! Answers are good! And a whole lot better than people telling you you're crazy! I'm sorry that you're facing surgery, but if it might help, it's probably worth a shot! Amy
  9. Trying new medicines! Fun, fun! (I'm being very sarcastic here.) Hope your finger feels better soon. I got an infection in one once (not sure why) that made it feel a bit like you describe. amy
  10. Yay! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Let's hope it continues! Amy
  11. Pat, I'm sorry to hear that. No matter what the age and what condition they're in, it's hard to lose a parent. I'll pray that your family will find strength in this tough time. Amy
  12. I get one every year (it's free at work.) It just hurts my arm. Amy
  13. Dawn, I had the same experience with 20 mg. Paxil. When I stop taking it, I start getting nausea really bad, can't eat, throw up a lot, lose a bunch of weight. When I take it, it's not a problem. So you're not the only one! Amy
  14. Lloppy, Become a surgeon, just have a tall stool you can sit on while you operate! Amy
  15. Flop, My hormone levels are also entirely normal, but in the U.S., you can get diagnosed with PCOS anyway (because I have some acne and polycystic ovaries.) So I need to move to the U.K. Then I won't have PCOS anymore! Of course, I think it's because I have dysautonomia and my body does a bad job of regulating itself. Amy
  16. Welcome, Susan! I'm glad you got a diagnosis and medication that is helping! Amy
  17. I'm a newspaper copy editor. So I sit on my butt at a computer all day. POTS has no effect except for feeling lightheaded when I walk to the printer! I might be switching jobs soon, however. My husband just got a job with day hours. I work 3 p.m. to 1 a.m.! I don't know about grad school being worth it. Luckily, my chosen career doesn't require it. Amy
  18. Seems like lots of doctors fancy themselves psychiatrists. My PSYCHIATRIST was the one who got me in for autonomic testing! Amy
  19. Bison is full of protien and good fat (omega 3, I think) and very low in saturated fat. Figured as a South Dakotan, I should mention buffalo! I buy ground buffalo instead of beef. Amy
  20. Sorry to hear that! But I'm glad it was caught early so you can do what you can to keep it controlled. We're here for you! Amy
  21. ((((((Becca)))))))) You're not going mad. People who go mad think they're the sane ones and everyone else is crazy! You're dealing with a lot. That's hard. That's bound to make you want to scream and throw things once in a while, particularly when it seems like no one will help you. I wish I could offer more, but just know that we're here for you! Amy
  22. I know I've read before that POTSies often have cold hands and feet, so I'd suppose that means less circulation gets where it needs to go. It seems like that would make sense if many of us have low blood volume. It's going to stay where it's needed the most, I would think (heart, lungs, etc.) Mine look that way sometimes. Amy
  23. Melissa, I certainly hope that the new medication takes care of whatever is "bugging" our favorite fishy! It sure seems like the pneumonia sure could explain the fevers. We'll keep our fingers (and fins) crossed! I'm glad you haven't had a fever today. I've had a sinus headache for three days, so I feel a little bit of your pain! Amy
  24. Or you talk to that doctor that lthomas met, who can tell just by taking your pulse! (That sounds cheaper and faster!) Amy
  25. My husband has a new job! He will receive federal health benefits with his new position on our congresswoman's staff. My question is this: Are the benefits any good? Are spouses covered? How about wacky autonomic disorders? If anyone has any first-hand knowledge, I'd be much obliged. We currently have coverage through the newspaper where we both work. It's not bad, but I'm weighing the options ... Thanks in advance! Amy
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