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Mrs. Burschman

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Everything posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. Jacquie, I agree with what Flop said, and as someone who gets a visual aura before my migraine pain starts, I can truthfully say I love my visual aura! If I take my Midrin right when my vision gets blurry, I can usually abort the migraine to the extent that I can keep on working. The trick is I've only got a couple minutes. Otherwise, I get the full migraine experience (severe pain, puking, etc.) You should be OK trying the over-the-counter migraine meds. They typically contain a pain reliever and caffeine (which is also what Midrin contains, along with some sort of muscle-relaxant.) Or you can try to drink a caffeinated beverage when you start feeling one come on. The caffeine works as a vasoconstrictor -- it helps close up the dilated vessels that are a hallmark of migraines. Good luck! Migraines stink! Amy
  2. You'd probably have better luck making sortof a "slipcover" for the seat or back of your wheelchair if you don't want the stitches to show on the back. The added benefit of that is it would be washable! Amy
  3. Rachel, Have you tried embroidery? It's really not that difficult. I'm not good at sewing at all, but I love doing embroidery. My latest projects are baby bibs (they're small enough, they don't take so long.) I like it because I can do it while watching TV, then I don't feel like I'm accomplishing something! I bet there are good guides online on how to get started, or you could ask at your local craft store if they know of anyone who could give you a few pointers. Believe me! It's much easier than it looks! Amy
  4. Welcome to the board, grarduh! And thanks for the info! We're always happy to have new members, though we wouldn't wish these disorders on anyone! Amy
  5. That sounds a bit goofy to me. I've never been diagnosed with ADD. I have always had bad anxiety, but I've never had anyone suggest ADD. I'll have to think about this one! Amy
  6. I will try. It took me a long time to finally get it. The parasympathetic system is the part of the nervous system that helps your body to relax. It slows the heartbeat, slows breathing, etc. An example is how the body responds to meditation or yoga, which can help "kick in" the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic nervous system is what "kicks in" during the fight or flight response. It speeds up breathing, speeds up heart rate, makes your hair stand on end, etc. In "normal" people (whatever that is), the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are in balance (though obviously, one or the other will be predominant at any one time.) If their sympathetic nervous system gets activated, the parasympathetic nervous system will work to balance it back out, and vice-versa. In many people with dysautonomia, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are not in balance. One predominates. In me, it's the sympathetic, which is why I tend to be a nervous wreck (constant fight or flight.) In others, it could be the parasympathetic (which I think would be more relaxing, but I'm sure it also has its drawbacks!) I have learned ways to boost the parasympathetic and reduce the sympathetic, such as relaxation techniques. Unfortunately, it doesn't "stick," and soon I'm back in sympathetic purgatory. The biggest help for me is drugs, unfortunately. The Paxil and Lyrica help a lot. Hope that helps! Amy
  7. Yay! I'm glad you escaped! Welcome home! Another Amy
  8. I think that they could help. I know that they do recommend yogurt and other foods with active cultures in them for IBS-type issues. You might ask them at your local health food store. They probably have several different options to choose from. Good luck! Amy
  9. Willows, That would be Munchausen's syndrome by proxy. I think I spelled that right. Icky stuff. Amy
  10. My first thought is that maybe a relative was diagnosed with it, but this doctor thinks her relative is just a psych case. I know that's a bad assumption, but how many of us have heard that? Amy
  11. Hi jjh, I've been having headaches and feeling dizzy (and a bit dumb, too) but i don't think it has anything to do with POTS. I think it's sinuses. I'm not saying that's your problem, but don't rule out alternative explanations! Amy
  12. I'm with jhjd. I'd say something. But not all the gory details. Just that you have a medical condition called (insert favored diagnosis here) that means you need to pay close attention to how you're feeling and make adjustments, but that you don't expect that it would interfere with your studies. Good luck! Amy
  13. I have a metal desk lamp on my desk that gets hot. So if my fingers get cold, I just touch the lamp! (No genie appears, unfortunately.) I sit closer to it when it's cold. I drink lots of hot drinks, too. Amy
  14. It mentions that it's in Dr Pepper. Could that explain its supposed laxative effects? Amy
  15. Dizzy, I haven't ever had that sort of response from laughing, but I have had a vasovagal response from getting a shot. I started blacking out, and felt really awful. They wouldn't let me leave until I laid down for a while. That's all the information I can offer. Sorry! Amy
  16. What a cutie! You must be so proud. They sure grow up fast! Tell her happy birthday for me! Amy
  17. Congrats! Keep up the good work! Those of us who work at newspapers often like to include Web links where people can get more information when we write columns or stories. So you might want to write down DINET's address for people to check out if they want to know more. Amy
  18. I have no great advice (I don't get migraines very often now that I'm not on birth-control pills and I'm taking magnesium) but I just wanted to sympathize with all the sufferers. Migraines are icky, icky, icky! Amy
  19. Maxine, You spelled atrocious right, so it must not be! Amy
  20. Wow, Ami. I'm sorry your family is going through this! I feel terrible for your son and his parents! Unfortunately, there seem to be plenty of nasty people in the world. Your son is in my thoughts! Amy
  21. I had a Pound Puppy. I took it with me to college. I slept with it every night. Not because I needed to, mind you. But it was the perfect shape to wrap around! Amy
  22. Arithmetic while standing? Ugh! I can't do arithmetic while laying flat on my back! Amy
  23. I've been feeling kind of dumb lately. I've had stuffy sinuses, which always makes me feel like my head is full of oatmeal. When I was really bad POTS-wise, I was basically worthless at work. Or I felt worthless, anyway. But I'm much better now. I seriously doubt you've become stupid all of a sudden! Amy
  24. Or I could just decide I really like dill pickles. Or salt on everything. No, actually, a different store said they'd order them for me, so it isn't really a big deal. I was just annoyed by the whole thing! Amy
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