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Everything posted by misstraci

  1. This is a good idea. I honestly can't think of any that have helped. Here are some maybe's (or either it was psychological) -gatorade/powerade -peppermints -chocolate
  2. OK ..... click your screen name in the top left hand corner. click my profile. and when it pops up, a box in the left hand corner will say edit my profile. Click that and make changes or additions to it.
  3. Well HI and welcome! I'm Traci and I have POTS as well. I have the typical tachycardia which can be anytime with any movement but more pronounced when standing of course. My biggest complaint is the lightheadedness. It is why I can't drive anymore. I also have other symptoms such as fatigue, seizury head feeling, shortness of breath, dizzy, chest discomfort, low and high blood pressures. Luckily I'm not homebound like some other people but I just push through and work because I feel like I have to. What are your symptoms or main complaints? Hopefully the pacemaker will be an option and it will help if you are given that opportunity to get one. As far as putting a picture and content to your profile, I bet I could play around and figure it out, there may be an edit button if you click on your icon (where you pic would be) but off the top of my head, i'm not sure step by step. Hopefully someone else can answer that before I'm able to. Glad to meet you hope you feel better soon
  4. Great, I hope that this recorder will record an episode and give some details about how you've been feeling and get you some help!! let us know the progress. I never have things show up/happen while on a holter, etc........... of course right!
  5. Thank you all for the additional information, personal experiences, etc. I love to hear good news like what you all have seen. I'm' going to try GF one more time and hopefully stick with it this time. You've given me more reason and desire to try harder because good things will become of it (hopefully)
  6. Hey Seattle! Glad the test is over with and behind you and that it wasn't much more horrific than you imagined. 1. I feel like I was up 100% but I still felt like you, that I had that "wall" behind me, It wasn't like me waiting at the train station in the middle of nothing, with nothing to lean on or sit on, etc. Even when I felt terrible on the tilt table, i didn't have the anxiety and fear associated like i do in real life situations, of course i also felt more comfortable that doctors and nurses were right there. 2. I'm not sure what Isuprel is but I'm so sorry it made you feel horrible, is that the same thing as nitroglycerine? because that is what they gave me and I feel your pain, that was the or one of the worst experiences in my life!!! 5 seconds after, i started sweating profusely, extreme nausea, my hr was 180 and my blood pressure 40/20, that is when they dropped the table. I was crying, i was blacking out and it was awful!!! the doctor, however, held my hand, it was very nice, he was a cute young dr too, so, it made it all kinda feel better I'm like you, I don't want to just put a bandaid on the problem, i was to FIX the problem. I say don't take the BB to cover up the issue unless you just really feel that is the right decision. Let us know what happens, and about your progress! also, sorry to hear about the vein poking and prodding, that sounds like no fun at all. I've never had that issue before. Sorry I don't have "advice", just wanted to tell you that i understand and hope you get to feeling better.
  7. Great! Glad to hear you made it through and that is wasn't horrific. Yes, considering the numbers you give here, that would be hyperpots. Definitely POTS!!! 90-185 in 6 seconds I do say that is "impressive". What are their next steps/suggestions for you, such as medication, etc? And I'm sure anxiety was present but I bet couldn't contribute that much of an increase, maybe partial but in addition to a "regular" increase.
  8. Thanks for the articles Naomi! Sarah, sorry you're feeling so terribly. I do not have any articles to throw out there or anything but I just wanted to say hormones definitely affect us ladies and our symptoms. Mine are tremendously worse the week before, during and after. There is one little lost week somewhere in there where I can tell I feel a little step above death but for the most part, i'm positive that the hormones make my symptoms become worse/exaggerated or whatever you want to call it. I've had people suggest various BC to try to possible even out the hormones so they don't fluctuate so drastically but I have yet to try (I have three prescrips at the house) I'm terrified because you hear so much about blood clots and stuff like that. If you don't mind me asking, what does afib feel like? How do you know that is what you're experiencing? Feel better! sending happy thoughts
  9. Yay, happy it went well but sorry for the aftermath. I can not imagine the mental aspects that go along with all of it. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Excited to hear back about your progress!
  10. I'm a postpartum POTS and i'm still not better, maybe a little worse actually. Not to be discouraging. I guess I just haven't found things that help me specifically. I wish, WISH, so bad that I could, I just want to be well enough to drive again and have a few good days here and there.
  11. I didn't vote becuase I didn't want to pick just one, I think ALL OF those things can have the potential to help us. I say all because I think we are all sick for different reasons and nutrition will help someone while chiro would help someone else. Maybe a good combo. I will say that massage and yoga are excellent for everyone, they calm the nerves/heart rate/blood pressure etc. as well as improve circulation. Also, I guess the nutrition is as well. Eating as many raw foods as possible. Less sugar, gluten, caffiene and all the bad things we put in our bodies should surely help too,
  12. Ashelton, true, I hope that the people not on here as often are off being well enjoying their lives!!! Sorry that a lot of have the misconception, you're right though, I like your metaphor. They both fix things but different things and in different manners, so, although they can share similarities, they are each totally different from one another. What is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic? as opposed to .... what are the other styles/forms, like what your husband does? Well, I'm super excited about my appointment Thursday, I hope it relieves some of my symptoms too.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/One-Minute-Wellness-Natural-Happiness/dp/0785288341/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357655437&sr=8-1&keywords=one+minute+wellness
  14. RunningWild, It was a book my friend got me from the thrift store, I believe it was called "One Minute Wellness", It had other healing chapters as well but I just so happen to flip directly to the one talking about chiroprator and the testimonials from patients. I hope it's a reputable book I hope it begins to help you, It's a plus that the DR is being optimistic about it, I hope it turns out good results!!! Keep us informed Arizonagirl, ok, I will PM her. I hope everything is ok, maybe she got healed from her visits and that is why she hasn't been on lately!! I also worry about people I don't see anymore. Whatever happened to the lady named Lieze or something liek that, she frequented here quite often and then disappeared. also Kayleigh's mom or Kaybers mom, I hope her daughter is ok too, I don't see her post lately either. Sorry about your hip and the water making it worse. I hope the isometrics work better and don't irritate you. Mmmmm massage! And thanks, I will, I have heard that too, my mom, for some reason, has always felt less of them like they aren't real dr's or can hurt us which she may be right but I feel at a point where I will try almost anything. I will stay away from those who are too abrasive. My only encounter with a chiro before was not good, he was very rough and I didn't like it, he caught me off guard and I ended up accidentally shouting out profanity in his office, ooops!
  15. Jen..... Do you have an update on your health and the Chiropractor? I am curious because I recently read a very informative and encouraging book about how it can help and I've made an appointment for later this week. I was curious to see how you've been with it. Thanks Traci
  16. welcome and sorry you feel so terrible, most of us here do as well, that's why we're here and so we can relate to what you're going through. I think what someone said earlier was supposed to be "things get worse before better" because the other way around doesn't make sense. Also, people DO get better and also like someone else said, they don't come on here anymore. I even find myself to be this way, if I have a good day or days (rare) I won't come on this site. I can imagine if I felt great for awhile, I'd more than likely steer clear of this altogether. I think the key to the getting better part is finding what has caused you to be ill in the first place and then fix that root issue. POTS is no more than a collection of symptoms, it's not a disease in itself so fixing a deficiency or imbalance for example is going to restore your health and ax the pOTs. I hope you find some answers and some relief. Not sure about the arms hurting thing. Keep us posted on how you're feeling!!!
  17. Yes, anything by Dr. Bernie Siegel has been very inspiring to me!! If you want something not related to health though and just a good read, I'm not sure, sorry.
  18. I am so sorry, I know how rough this is in general but having just had a baby too, it makes it that much more difficult. I had severe weakness/faitgue and mild dizziness after the delivery on out but it was a couple months later when the blackouts/lightheaded/tachycardia began. I wasn't able to breastfeed. Glad that you checked out negative for sheehans'. I hope that you get some relief sooner than later!!!! Keep your head up, you aren't dying or going anywhere, that sweet baby needs you to take care of him/her.
  19. I'm also very thankful for everyone here and for this forum, it's been very comforting and nice to meet people experiencing similar difficulties in life. I want to say that I completely agree with what you are saying, I am 100% not convinced that what is wrong with me is "just pots". Yes, it can be confirmed that when we are upright the HR skyrockets, etc etc. but why, there is always a cause for effect. Is it lyme diease, mast cell, adrenal related, heart related, or what. even though my heart has been checked out, i still get really scared that what if something were bad wrong causing all the cardio symptoms. I'm sorry you're worrying and feeling bad but know that I/we can relate and that things will get better; they have to
  20. A big YES!! I'm bad before, during, and after, and there is a lost little week in there somewhere where I'm not as bad but of course still don't feel good due to regular pots or whatever is wrong with my body. It was explained to me very vaguely about the hormones is what's causing things to be worse, well of course. BUT which hormones, why? is there anything we can do to counteract this process? etc etc
  21. Good luck with it! How do you find info on the protocal you're doing? Do you have to be a patient or is it available somewhere without the consultation? Thanks, yes, please keep us posted!!!
  22. Hi and welcome. I just wanted to write and say that I am also a pregnancy induced POTS patient but that I don't know about EDS. I'm not sure if I can help with your questions as I'm feeling totally lost and uneducated about all of this (even though I've had it almost 3 yrs now) but my POTS started after I had my son and I lost a lot of blood and I think the stress on my body is what caused the dyautonomia. You mentioned that you lost lots of blood as well. Have you been tested for Sheehan's? I was tested about 2 weeks ago. When we loose that much blood so quickly because of accident or whatever the case may be, it affects the pituitary and then it no longer can secrete the right hormones or amounts or something. Look into that.
  23. Yes, usually if everything was normal they would tell you that, Hopefully, like Sue says, you will get an answer!!! Doesn't necessarily mean something bad, but something. That is what I wish so bad for!!! Good luck, let us know.
  24. Hey, Christmas was good, hope yours was as well. Funny story about your 4th grade teacher. No assuming here, I'm totally fearful and more specifically, yes, about death. I am also always scared that a doctor missed something and wrote me off as "pots". How in the world can I feel the way I feel, which feels like repetative heart attacks or strokes, be "normal" and i"m going to live. I never had anxiety or depression before (even though tons of doctors assume that) BUT NOW, I'm kinda headed in that direction. I mean, living like this everyday definitely takes its toll not only on our body, but on our mind and spirit as well. I am scared to take showers and vacuum and all those things. I 've missed out on the kids' school stuff and just life stuff in general. I HATE POTS or whatever is happening to me. I know it's not healthy to worry and fear but I can't help it. I'm scared of dying, i'm scared of being forgotten and of being replaced. I want to raise my kids, i don't want some other lady/girl replacing me and them growing up with her and not knowing me, especially my son who is only two, so yes, these thought run through my mind all the time. I saw a saying once and I really liked it, it said "If you pray don't worry, If you worry don't pray". It makes since but I do both those things. I'm not doing it right, haha, but I can't help me innate fear that I posses. I wish I were a happy-go-lucky person who could make the best of the situation and for the most part I do, I just can't seem to shake me "fear"
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