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Is anyone else feeling nervous about the potential of this spreading?

I'm in Sydney, Australia, where we have now had several confirmed cases. 

A minor flu last year put me in hospital and severely exacerbated my Dysautonomia, so the thought of having a virus terrifies me because I'm fairly certain I'd not survive that. 

I'm so scared of it spreading and spreading. 

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@Scout - don't let the worry take ahold of you. I too get severely affected by viruses and certainly am cautious about getting sick. The only thing we can do to prevent us from getting sick ( including Corona virus ) is good and frequent handwashing, avoiding crowded places or travel and wearing a mask. Also - a healthy body fights viruses better, so living a generally healthy lifestyle with a good nutrition can be a powerful weapon. 

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Guest KiminOrlando

I'm on immunosuppressants for an autoimmune disease, so I always have to be careful. My best friend just survived neutropenia and a white count of .5. Just be mindful of where you are. Send someone else to the store and especially the pharmacy or use mail order. Don't go to crowded places that aren't critical needs. Stay home. Wash your hands. Have everyone around you wash their hands. I carry Clorox wipes for places like hotels all the time. Use them on shopping carts too. You can't take away all risk, but you can minimize it.

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13 hours ago, Scout said:

Is anyone else feeling nervous about the potential of this spreading?

I'm in Sydney, Australia, where we have now had several confirmed cases. 

A minor flu last year put me in hospital and severely exacerbated my Dysautonomia, so the thought of having a virus terrifies me because I'm fairly certain I'd not survive that. 

I'm so scared of it spreading and spreading. 

Hi Scout,

Great suggestions. I'll just add that another patient told me that the mask needed for protection is N95. Please don't worry. If you follow the suggestions others have given you should be fine.

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@Pistol @KiminOrlando @Sushi

Thanks so much for your replies.

I'm really struggling with the anxiety from this.

We have more cases in the country, and they are in isolation which is good, but I can't help but stress about it a bit.

People keep saying "it only kills the elderly and the chronically ill", and, well — that's us, the chronically ill! 

Perhaps I will calm down in a couple of weeks if we don't have the cases keep climbing. I will take lots of precautions in the meantime. Unfortunately all hand sanitisers etc is sold out in the country. I have a small stash as backup, but it is all still rather scary. 


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@Scout - I agree with @FileTrekker. When you compare the range of people that have coronavirus in china to the rate of people who died from it - it is not that bad. The problem is that it spreads so fast b/c it is a new virus. IF you get it you would most likely be hospitalized and be in a safe place! --- Here is a recipe for homemade hand sanitizer: 


Another tip: when amongst people wear gloves - this reminds you not to touch your face! And of course: wear a mask, that is still the best defense. 

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14 hours ago, FileTrekker said:

I think it depends on what the chronic illness is, too. Someone who has chronic breathing difficulties or relies on oxygen or something like that would be far more vulnerable. POTS I am not sure, I have had genuine full on flu with POTS and coped just fine. Coronavirus isn't actually too much more deadly than any other flu. Remember the news does and will sensationalise things out of proportion. 

That's true, but they also don't tell us everything in the news, and the cases are said to be far worse.

The flu for some is nothing, but when I had the flu last year, I was hospitalised and had a severe episode with my POTS, which ended up making my health a lot worse.

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13 hours ago, Pistol said:

@Scout - I agree with @FileTrekker. When you compare the range of people that have coronavirus in china to the rate of people who died from it - it is not that bad. The problem is that it spreads so fast b/c it is a new virus. IF you get it you would most likely be hospitalized and be in a safe place! --- Here is a recipe for homemade hand sanitizer: 


Another tip: when amongst people wear gloves - this reminds you not to touch your face! And of course: wear a mask, that is still the best defense. 

Thanks @Pistol :) I'll look up the homemade hand sanitiser.

@yogini Yep, it is unlikely, sure, but it also started as just a few cases in China, initially, then it spread very fast. So... I'm concerned. Hopefully things settle down.

I struggle with paranoia at the best of times, so this is just a bit difficult to cope with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's mid-February as I'm writing this, but as of now, sitting in Florida, USA,  I'm ABSOLUTELY NOT worried.  In fact, I'm planning on going to Disney this weekend, no worries at all.   Would I be traveling to China right now?  No.  Asia?  Depends.  US/Europe/Oz?  Sure.  

Let's first do a little background on security.   First, two definitions:

1) Threat -- a person or thing that can cause damage or danger.  ex: a tornado hitting your house. 

2) Risk -- the probability that something undesirable will happen.  ex: You see thunderstorms in the area and tornadoes were reported from the same storm front earlier in the day. 

Some perspective is in order here.  People see threats everywhere...but humans are very poor judges of risk.  People obsessively worry about things like terrorist attacks and natural disasters, when reality says they're more likely to get injured/die from regular injuries in their own homes.   Many people get anxious about air travel and crashes, when the real danger is the drive to the airport.

BUT...to quote one of my professors who admitted that his research was  bull****, "There's no money in telling people that everything's fine."   That's true of both academia and the media... and business as well.  There's big money to be made off of fear.   

Back to the matter at hand: 

As of today (19 Feb), there's a 2.67% death rate of those infected. ~2,000 deaths world-wide.   Again, some perspective: 30,000 elderly people in the USA alone DIED from falls in 2016. The CDC says 14,000 people have died in the USA from the good 'ol regular season influenza we have every year. 186 pediatric patients died last year due to flu.  (For reference, there's been 135 people killed in US school shootings since 1764, the first recorded school shooting, which pre-dates the USA.)  For as much attention and $$$ school shootings get, we really would be better-off if we put the effort and $ into eliminating the flu.  

In the past 5 days, the number of new cases has been slowing down.  Too soon to say if it's peaked, but it's encouraging. If this trend continues for a week or so, I wouldn't be surprised if by June we don't hear about the Coronavirus at all.   Anyone remember SARS?  MERS? Swine Flu?  Bird flu?  

As always, keeping your hands clean (use real soap & water whenever possible -- the alcohol-based hand sanitizers don't work anywhere near as well in real life as they do on lab tests), avoid touching your eyes/mouth with your hands, etc.   

Enjoy life and don't sweat it!  Emotions can't be trusted when it comes to this.  

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:59 PM, bunny said:

It's mid-February as I'm writing this, but as of now, sitting in Florida, USA,  I'm ABSOLUTELY NOT worried.  In fact, I'm planning on going to Disney this weekend, no worries at all.   Would I be traveling to China right now?  No.  Asia?  Depends.  US/Europe/Oz?  Sure.  

Let's first do a little background on security.   First, two definitions:

1) Threat -- a person or thing that can cause damage or danger.  ex: a tornado hitting your house. 

2) Risk -- the probability that something undesirable will happen.  ex: You see thunderstorms in the area and tornadoes were reported from the same storm front earlier in the day. 

Some perspective is in order here.  People see threats everywhere...but humans are very poor judges of risk.  People obsessively worry about things like terrorist attacks and natural disasters, when reality says they're more likely to get injured/die from regular injuries in their own homes.   Many people get anxious about air travel and crashes, when the real danger is the drive to the airport.

BUT...to quote one of my professors who admitted that his research was  bull****, "There's no money in telling people that everything's fine."   That's true of both academia and the media... and business as well.  There's big money to be made off of fear.   

Back to the matter at hand: 

As of today (19 Feb), there's a 2.67% death rate of those infected. ~2,000 deaths world-wide.   Again, some perspective: 30,000 elderly people in the USA alone DIED from falls in 2016. The CDC says 14,000 people have died in the USA from the good 'ol regular season influenza we have every year. 186 pediatric patients died last year due to flu.  (For reference, there's been 135 people killed in US school shootings since 1764, the first recorded school shooting, which pre-dates the USA.)  For as much attention and $$$ school shootings get, we really would be better-off if we put the effort and $ into eliminating the flu.  

In the past 5 days, the number of new cases has been slowing down.  Too soon to say if it's peaked, but it's encouraging. If this trend continues for a week or so, I wouldn't be surprised if by June we don't hear about the Coronavirus at all.   Anyone remember SARS?  MERS? Swine Flu?  Bird flu?  

As always, keeping your hands clean (use real soap & water whenever possible -- the alcohol-based hand sanitizers don't work anywhere near as well in real life as they do on lab tests), avoid touching your eyes/mouth with your hands, etc.   

Enjoy life and don't sweat it!  Emotions can't be trusted when it comes to this.  

I'm not sure if the situation with the virus is fine, though.

It's about to be declared a pandemic. Look at what just happened in Italy, Iran, South Korea. 

People with chronic health issues, and the elderly, are at risk. As mentioned, a simple flu that wasn't even that severe nearly killed me last year. 

I hope this all blows over soon, and my heart goes out to those affected, but this situation could still be very serious. People need to be aware and be prepared. 



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@Scout - yes, we have to be aware and prepare by taking the recommended steps like handwashing, avoiding crowded places IF POSSIBLE etc. However - since that is all we can do there is no point in fretting. The anxiety over what CAN happen can be worse that what DOES happen. I too get very ill whenever I get sick and am also afraid of getting sick - but I do not let this take over my life. Next month I will be flying overseas and I did consider the fact that being in a crowded airport could be a risky business. But I will not let that change my plans or cause me to worry. --- This pandemic is affecting many countries and unfortunately it affects countries that do not have the medical resources we have. I truly believe that it will pass, just like the other flus we had to deal with in the past. Remember SARS and H1N1? It was overcome, and so will this. Until then just be careful. 

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13 hours ago, Pistol said:

@Scout - yes, we have to be aware and prepare by taking the recommended steps like handwashing, avoiding crowded places IF POSSIBLE etc. However - since that is all we can do there is no point in fretting. The anxiety over what CAN happen can be worse that what DOES happen. I too get very ill whenever I get sick and am also afraid of getting sick - but I do not let this take over my life. Next month I will be flying overseas and I did consider the fact that being in a crowded airport could be a risky business. But I will not let that change my plans or cause me to worry. --- This pandemic is affecting many countries and unfortunately it affects countries that do not have the medical resources we have. I truly believe that it will pass, just like the other flus we had to deal with in the past. Remember SARS and H1N1? It was overcome, and so will this. Until then just be careful. 

@Pistol Absolutely. You're right.

I struggle with anxiety and paranoia so I think this outbreak is just stressing me!

But thank you for bringing some calm.

Hopefully, this will all settle down soon 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KiminOrlando

I don't think dysautonomia is a significant complication to Coronavirus. It will be a pain, just like when we get the flu and it will take a month to get over, but personally, I don't see dysautonomia alone as a higher risk for mortality. 

IMO, if you have lung involvement from asthma, autoimmune diseases, are on immunosuppressants drugs, or have some other complication other than POTS type illness, then I think you are in a higher risk category. I would think being short of breath from tachycardia isn't considered lung involvement. It feels terrible, but it doesn't restrict oxygen. It wouldn't hurt to buy an O2 fingertip monitor just to keep track of stuff. They are relatively cheap. Keep in mind circulation impacts readings, so you can get false low O2 readings.

I would still clean everything, limit outings, use Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer because the flu is brutal for us, but I wouldn't panic. I live in Orlando where there are tons of international tourists. We are likely about to go on high alert. We have been asked not to travel internationally or to self quarantine for 14 days after. They haven't stopped travel here. Disney is still up and going. 

If Disney shuts down, this will be when corporate America starts to take this seriously. I'm supposed to get lab work done at Quest tomorrow. I don't plan to stay home, but I'm also not going to roam all over town. You couldn't pay me to go to the tourist section right now. I'm not insulated from it though. My next door neighbor works at Disney. 

I don't know that I assuaged your fears. I take Corona seriously, but you and your doctor are the only ones that can assess your risk. My risk is elevated due to age, immunosuppression, and Interstitial lung disease. I think I will be ok. Hope this helps.

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7 minutes ago, KiminOrlando said:

I don't know that I assuaged your fears. I take Corona seriously, but you and your doctor are the only ones that can assess your risk. My risk is elevated due to age, immunosuppression, and Interstitial lung disease. I think I will be ok. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Kim. I appreciate you relaying your own situation wrt to your location and relation to the Disney exposure.

I know my own risk unfortunately. Like others, POTS did not occur without other problem conditions in me. Plus I'm 66. My roots are steeped in the medical community so I understand the virus as much as is known and what they're saying to do to prevent it. I guess I just wanted people to discuss it in general and read what they had to say more than to be personally reassured but I wasn't very clear on that. I've now moved on to treatment options so I'll be prepared.  Hopefully we can share things here that may help if we become infected.   

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Guest KiminOrlando
59 minutes ago, toomanyproblems said:

I've now moved on to treatment options so I'll be prepared.

So glad you are in the medical community. Maybe you can answer my question. I am hearing Plaquenil (anti-malaria drug) has been effective in treating Coronavirus. This is commonly prescribed to Autoimmune disease patients. I take it for RA. Have you heard anything like that? I know many people on this site also have autoimmune diseases and are very likely taking Plaquenil or the generic equivalent. Are we accidentally taking the cure?

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Well, I'm retired now but my ex-husband is still in the field as an infectious disease specialist and is keeping me up with the developments. While they don't have data supporting some of these off label treatments such as Plaquenil and more logically, HIV drugs, there are trials for the HIV drugs in China and now Spain. I'll be happy to report anything I hear if people are interested.

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Guest KiminOrlando

@toomanyproblems I'm very interested. Please keep us updated. I think they also have antivirals they use for shingles. Curious if that is helping. I was reading about Plaquenil disrupting replucation of the virus. It didn't sound like a 'cure' but maybe a preventative or to help make it a milder case. So interesting that you have access to an infectious disease doctor. Thx.

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Kim, I will keep you updated.

From what I understand, plaquenil has shown promise in pneumonia from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the actual virus; COVID-19 is the name for the disease it causes) by acidifying certain cellular activities thereby inhibiting replication. 

A good ref to see the drugs currently being repurposed in trials is here:


Edited to add: My plan is to put off getting this as long as possible so they can be further along in treatment options.

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4 hours ago, KiminOrlando said:

I don't think dysautonomia is a significant complication to Coronavirus. It will be a pain, just like when we get the flu and it will take a month to get over, but personally, I don't see dysautonomia alone as a higher risk for mortality. 

I agree. Although we experience flares and severe POTS symptoms when sick we are not at risk for respiratory complications, no more than other people. Age ( above 60 I have heard ), asthma or other lung diseases and immunosuppression I believe are the ones at risk for pneumonia from Coronavirus. I am not concerned for myself but for my 15 year old daughter who has asthma and has had viral pneumonia following the flu several times. --- I read today that China and South Korea are past the peak of the disease and the numbers of infections are dropping. I am not sure if this is due to preventative measures or b/c flu season is coming to an end in general. But I take it as a good sign. 

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god yes I am in the uk we only have 319 confirmed cases so far it scary . I had the flu last year that was bad enough I housebound at moment so that no different to me  I have two children so that a worry them bringing it in my little girl immune system horrible my son fight things of in days so no worry there .but yes it natural to worry when u all feel horrid and news making it sound like the plague basic hand washing should be conmen sense but it totally not is it . just hope everyone stays safe .

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On 3/9/2020 at 5:20 PM, KiminOrlando said:

@toomanyproblems I'm very interested. Please keep us updated. I think they also have antivirals they use for shingles. Curious if that is helping. I was reading about Plaquenil disrupting replucation of the virus. It didn't sound like a 'cure' but maybe a preventative or to help make it a milder case. So interesting that you have access to an infectious disease doctor. Thx.

Hi Kim. This may be the info on plaquenil you were referring to but I included the link below anyway. There's a PDF link to the full scientific paper in the summary I linked. I did read and evaluate the full paper as a scientist and it looks pretty good. It was used a little during the SARS-1 outbreak so they had info to help. If you are already on 400 mg of plaquenil a day you may have a leg up. Thanks for bringing it up. Unfortunately, I don't take it anymore and I don't have any left.


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There are now two cases in my town in New Jersey. I'm all ready to shut myself in for about two months. My real fear is my 75 year-old mother, who is a smoker (making her one of the highest risks) and is with me 3-4 days per week. She's with my sister the other 3-4 days, who lives a few miles away and has a 5 year-old.  She thinks she can beat this thing by spraying lysol on everything and says she's not allowed to work from home. I've been fighting with her since yesterday about not wanting to send my mother back over there while her kid is still in day care 3 days per week and with her father doing who knows what on weekends. 

After the Tom Hanks announcement last night and the NBA players catching it, along with the two in my town of unknown origin, I've gone from being cautious to very alarmed. 

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