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Our Daughter Lillian Marie Is Here! Born April 24th

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I wanted to let you know that our daughter arrived safely on April 24th. She wasn't responding well to contractions so I ended up having a C Section. To see pictures and read more about my delivery you can visit my blog..... http://surehope.wordpress.com/

I've been having intense shortness of breath and chest pressure ever since my C Section. It seems to get worse when I eat or when I get up to move around. Has anyone else experienced this after surgery or labor and delivery? Thankfully a blood clot in my lungs has been ruled out through a Cat scan. It's really disturbing and hard not to be fearful when I feel this way.

Any input?


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Hugs to you and your darling one~! The pics are just adorable!! You're a cutie pie too !!

Sorry ..never had chest pains or shortness of breath and I did have a C section too.

Maybe others will know..best to YOU..get some rest. IS this your first baby?

WArmly Jan

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Hi Lisa,

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby girl. She is absolutely precious! God is truly Great!!

Sorry, but I don't have much help with your chest pressure and shortness of breath. I have both of these symptoms myself on almost a daily basis and the doctors have not been able to tell me what is causing them. It is frightening when you feel you have to put an effort into breathing though.

Take care of yourself. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Oh and your blog is very inspirational. I have enjoyed it immensely.


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Huge Congratulations to YOU! Your baby is gorgeous. I can't remember all of the details of your DX, but I sometimes get that severe chest pain and shortness of breath. It hurts when I breathe in. I've never had a C-Section, but this is sometimes worse following surgeries for me. I surmise it's a reaction of all of the surgical meds/drugs I've been exposed to. For me, 10mg of singulair takes this away within 10-15 mins. If it doesn't do the trick, I use atrovent via a nebulizer and that usually helps. Sorry your having to deal with feeling puny when you are so busy and tired already.

Take good care of your baby & YOURSELF!



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Congratulations on becoming a mother! While I don't know the specifics of your C-section/POTS/current status, in general terms, recovery after a C-section for a healthy person is more difficult than recovery after a simple vaginal delivery. Add POTS to the mix and one can expect exacerbation of POTS symptoms. The good news is that blood clots in the lungs have been ruled out - this would be the main concern post-partum after a C-section.

Current symptomatic management depends on whether you are breastfeeding or not - i.e. whether you're able to take medications. In any case, my advice is to increase hydration with Gatorade or Pedialyte, as well increasing salt intake above your pre-pregnancy amount. Remember blood loss is greater during a C-section than with a vaginal delivery; plus, most pregnant women develop anemia in their last trimester. With a combination of blood loss and anemia, I presume your blood volume is greatly reduced at this point, which may be causing current symptoms. In my opinion, this is a transient symptomatic worsening, and I am optimistic that your symptoms are temporary. Good luck and enjoy your precious baby!


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Congratulations, Lisa!!!! Your little girl is beautiful!

I remember having significant chest discomfort following the birth of one of my children although I do not remember it being associated with shortness of breath. I guess I never really did know why it happened, but over a period of a couple of weeks it went away on it's own. I did not have a c-section.


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Hi, my symptoms well the extreme symptoms started after the birth of my last baby. Shortness of breath which I never had before delivery I have had many tests and this was the last stop (dysautonomia) but before this condition I had something called Postpartum cardiomyopathy (weakness of the heart muscle) that cardio said it could have caused the Shortness of breath but that recovered pretty quickly but the shortness of breath has stayed . It could be something hormonal theres so much to rule out. But good luck and congrats.


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Congratulations! I remember your name from at least four or five years back and knew you had wanted to have a baby.

The shortness of breath is exactly how my POTS began several days after I had my first child. I didn't have the chest pressure so much; maybe a little. But I felt like I could barely breathe, and every test would come back normal. I would ask for an echocardiogram if you have not had one yet. I still am short of breath and have no idea how this relates to POTS for me and not for most of the others on this forum.


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The c-section definitely makes everything harder.

I had every POTS symptom under the sun including shortness of breath, chest pain, postpartum. Hopefully you have an EP or other specialist who can provide reassurance that this is POTS and not something else. Good they've ruled out anything dangerous like a clot.

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Guest tearose

What a little beauty! How wonderful to welcome her to the world. I wish you all good health and prosperity and happiness. Heal well from your c-section and enjoy this lovely little addition to your family.

Thank you for sharing this new with us.

best regards,


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