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Dizzy Dame

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Everything posted by Dizzy Dame

  1. Hey there, I used to take xanax (which is in the same family of drugs as valium) back when they thought I was having panic attacks. I know that the xanax can lower blood pressure, and it did for me. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I'm sure someone here will know more. Cheers, Lauren
  2. I've heard that this is a "northern european"disease, but I don't know how accurate that is. I'm blonde, w/ blue eyes and pale skin. My onset was sudden, so sudden in fact that the first time I had symptoms, I was convinced I was dying. I can't, for the life of me, think of an incident, accident, or illness that could have brought this on. One moment I was a healthy, active young woman, and within 24 hours of the first symptoms, I was disabled. I still haven't gotten an answer as to WHAT is causing my symptoms. I don't know if it's autonomic or something else, although all of the tests they've done have come back normal. Aside from the hypo. and tachy. I'm as healthy as an ox.
  3. Aww, thanks guys! The day was relatively POTS free, although I didn't have any ice cream, or cake for that matter (I didn't want to spoil a good thing by eating sugary foods ). Cheers, Lauren
  4. Hi melly, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I don't get migranes, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinkin' of ya . - Lauren
  5. Welcome Lauren! I'm a Lauren too . Welcome to the site! I hope you find help and support here. I've never had an ablation, and never been pregnant, so I can't offer much help there. But, if you do a seach on the site, you should find some answers. Coincedentally, I was bored and reading online last night and I came across a paper written about pregancy and POTS. The address is below: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/1...59.2005.50026.x Hope that helps - Lauren
  6. Hey there, I can't say what other people feel, but I'll tell you my experience. I was also first diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension...well, not really diagnosed: I went into the ER complaining of chest pain, dizziness, etc, and a very smart and nice doctor ignored the fact that others had labled me "painc attack" and did an orthostatic series. He found that my bp was in the 80/40 range standing, and 120/70 range laying down! I was hospitalized and had a TTT that week. That's when they saw that I had POTS. During my TTT, my pulse would go from the 50's (bradycardia) while supine, to 120's within two minutes of standing, after 10 minutes, my pulse had gone up to the 140's. My bp would drop accordingly, slowly falling until it was in the 80's. Day to day, I always have tachy when I stand for more than two minutes. On a good day, I can stand for up to ten minutes before I start panting and eventually collapse (I don't really pass out, I just grey out and fall). However, I've found I'm able to walk much more easily, and when I feel really good, I've been able to walk for about an hour (sitting down every few minutes). I tend to "crash" during my cycle. I can actuallly tell when I'm about to menstruate because I get progressively weaker and dizzier. During these times, my tachy is much more acute, and will skyrocket as soon as I sit up (I've seen it go from 50's to 170's in less than a minute). I hope this helps, and sorry to ramble You can send me a private message any time if you need support. I know how hard it is in the beginning ( I'm still pretty new in my diagnosis as well). Take care, Lauren
  7. Great to hear it wasn't cancer . Just take it easy and know that we're always here if you need support. Get well soon (as the saying goes...) - Lauren
  8. Hi all, I used to be a veterinary techinician (in my other life), and did lots of vet. dental work. I went to a seminar on vet. dentistry two years ago, and they said that in cases of advanced tooth decay, bacteria can get into the blood stream and cause liver, kidney, and heart failure. However, in the cases I've encountered where this happened, the tooth decay was very advanced (I'm talking black stumps and bloody gums). Sorry to be graphic. Ulceration of the gums is another portal for bacteria, but again, you would know if your teeth were in that bad a state. I'm very prone to cavities. I brush my teeth several times a day, and floss, but I still get new cavities every year (this year I've had seven ). When I was a child, I used to grind my teeth in my sleep and wore down my enamel, so that's why I have the problems I do. Just thought I'd share -Lauren
  9. Hey there, You asked what meds work. I've tried florinef, but all it did was give me awful headaches. Right now I drink about 3 liters of gatroade a day and eat 6-9 grams of sodium. This seems to work for me, and I can usually keep my bp over 100/60, however I still get tachy every time I stand up (usually 120-140 bpm if I stand for more than two minutes). When my bp crashes (usually around the time of my cycle), I've learned that IV fluids are the ONLY thing that help. I go to the ER and get a liter or two and usually feel better right away, and stay feeling pretty good for about 24 hours. Still, I would get tested for EVERYTHING before surrenduring to an "autonomic" diagnosis. Hope that helps, Lauren
  10. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. I hope you start feeling better soon, or at least they can figure out what's been going wrong. It's got to be something . Hang in there - Lauren
  11. Happy birthday libra!! It's my 23rd birthday today, so we're pretty close together. Hope your day is incident free
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum!! It's sad that you have to be here, but you'll find a great network of folks here. If you get a chance, tell us a little about yourself: how long you've been sick, what you've tried, and anything else you feel like sharing . I was diagnosed four months ago with POTS, so I'm relatively new in all of this. I know that it's been very difficult adjusting to the lifestyle changes. I used to ride horses and surf, now, on a good day, I can walk to the mailbox and back. Things have gotten a little better for me though. I've found a salt and fluid level that keeps my blood pressure up for most of the time, and my crashes are getting less frequent. I know you'll find things that help too . Take care, Lauren
  13. Thanks so much, I feel better now that I know there's a difference, and that I'll be able to tell the difference. I actually feel better about having the epipen, the idea of going into shock with nothing to help is really scary. Thanks guys, Lauren
  14. Hi persephone, I'm so glad to hear Oxford's going well... well, at least you love your classes and teachers. And I'm sure that the disability stuff will work out, it just may take some time. You're studying mediaeval literature right? Let us know who you're reading Cheers, Lauren
  15. Thanks so much. From what you've said, there sound like there are differences between the two. Since you've used epi-pens before, do they really help?
  16. Hi Jennifer, I don't mean to sound like a loud-mouth, but you shouldn't have to put up with that kind of treatment ! If you're not satisifed, go see a different doctor until someone gives you an answer. When I was getting diagnosed with POTS, I had to see TONS of doctors before I found one who'd listen to me. Now I've learned to become a "revolving door" if necessary. I hope you get the answers you need Good luck, Lauren
  17. Hey there, I don't think I've talked to you before, so I wanted to say welcome . I'm moving back to the DC area so I've been researching doctors, so far I haven't found anyone in particular, but I know Johns Hopkins has conducted studies on POTS in the past. That may be a good place to look. Hopefully someone here will know a specific doctor you can call. Best of luck, Lauren
  18. Hey Guys, Sorry to ask, but I was wondering if any of you have anaphylaxic reactions to anything, and if so, how they are different from a bad crash. I found out today that my latex allergy is anaphylaxic. My doctor prescribed an epi-pen to use as needed, but when she described the symptoms of anaphylaxis, it sounded identical to a tachy crash (you know... grey outs, fast heart beat, hypotension). So I was wondering if anyone has this problem and can give me some tips on how to tell the difference. I would hate to inject the epi-pen when it wasn't an allergic reaction, I'm worried it would end up doing harm. Thanks, Lauren
  19. Julia, I'm glad to hear you're getting some help. Hopefully the klonopin will improve your symptoms. Take care, Lauren
  20. Thanks guys, I've been feeling a little better today, although it's getting near time for my cycle so I think some of this has to do with that. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good right now, so things aren't always bad. Thanks all of you, I don't know where I'd be without you guys -Lauren
  21. Congratulations I hope everything goes well, as I'm sure it will. -Lauren
  22. I haven't gotten one, but I'm going to ask my doctor about it. I tend not to get sick often, but when I do, I get really, really sick. Take care, Lauren
  23. sorry to hear you have so many cavities. I'm prone to tooth decay as well, so I understand your frustration. I was wondering though, does novocaine affect you adversely? I have a cavity that I need filled but I'm nervous about the novocaine. Hope your future dental work goes well. Cheers, Lauren
  24. Angela, I'm sorry, I don't know any good doctors, but I thought I'd drop in and say good luck. I'm sure someone will know someone . Cheers, Lauren
  25. Thanks guys, I eventually got to sleep at around 6am. I had dreams there was a demon sitting on my chest (I guess I was having symptoms in my sleep that affected my dreams ). I also hope everyone got some sleep as well. I think the worst time to become symptomatic is late at night, but it seems to happen for me more frequently than any other time. Oh, and Dizzy, I laughed at myself over the "cardiac manic-depression", but on some levels it's a pretty accurate name Cheers, Lauren
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