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Dizzy Dame

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Everything posted by Dizzy Dame

  1. Wow. You've really inspired me. I am amazed and awed that you can see the bright side of things, even with everything that's going on in your life. I don't know how you do it, but keep doing it -Lauren
  2. Corina, There is only one test that diagnoses Fibro, I'm not sure what its official name is, but I call it the pressure test. The doctor pushes certain points all over your body (but mostly around your neck and shoulders) and if you feel pain, then the diagnosis is given. However, you should make sure they rule out Lupus, Rhumatoid Arthritis and Lyme Diesase first. They can test for those three by taking blood. Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a treatment for my fibro that works. I was taking neurontin for about a year, then suddenly developed an allergy to it around the time I fell ill with POTS. The neurontin helped a little, but not much. Before that I was on percocet. The percocet helped the pain, but left me unable to drive or work. Now I just "deal with it". I have pain almost all the time, but I've learned to ignore it for the most part. I wish I had better news for you. Hopefully whatever is causing your pain is more treatable, or maybe you'll have better luck treating your fibro . Let us know what happens with your diagnosis - Lauren
  3. Hey Julia, I don't know what could have caused the dizziness either, but I'd look into the latex theory. Hope you start feeling better... - Lauren
  4. Welcome to the forum! I hope your visit goes well, and try not to be nervous, you're going to start getting some answers . - Lauren
  5. I'm pretty astounded too. The ER doc was sooooooo wonderful, he ordered fluids as soon as he saw my chart ( normally I have to beg for them). He also leveled with me about my new experience being a new symptom of my disorder. I felt like I could trust everything he was saying. I hope the neruologist will be the same way. Up until now, every doc I've seen has only been guessing at how to help me. It will be so nice to be able to actually TRUST that my doctor is doing what IS right, not just what they're guessing MAY be right. - Lauren
  6. Hi Corina!! Welcome to the forum, I hope you find some answers here. You asked about bone pain... I have relatively severe fibromyalgia, and if I exercised too hard (well, before I had POTS that is), I would get so sore that I'd swear my bones were breaking. The pain was excrutiating. I know what you have is different, but I just wanted to let you know that I've had killer pain like that before, and it's not so fun. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll get better. - Lauren
  7. Well, I just got back from the ER. It's funny, right after I wrote my last message, I had another attack within 2 minutes and had to call 911. It's amazing, the doctor who treated me in the er, his wife has POTS!! . He saw my chart and knew right away. He was so helpful and understanding . I had a CAT scan and it came back negative. The doc said I probably had an ocular migrane, but that he couldn't be sure. He gave me the number of a friend of his who's a neurologist in town who'se wife also has POTS. Would you believe it? I swear, it was the most helpful visit to the ER EVER. And it's good to know that I didn't have a TIA.
  8. Thanks guys. I'm hoping it is just a POTS thing, but if it happens again, I'm calling 911. I sortof regret not going to the ER last night, but hopefully it won't do any damage. Thanks, Lauren
  9. I hope so too melly. I have to remind myself also that there are doctors out there who really care. But best of luck tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes . - Lauren
  10. Hey pooh, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been doing well. If you ever need to talk, send me an email (I check my account frequently). Just know that we all support you. Big hugs, Lauren
  11. Hey guys, Thanks for the support. I went to see my doctor (well, she's my doctor while I'm in GA) and she said it probably had to do with my blood pressure, although she didn't seem convinced. She said if it happens again to go to the ER. I asked her if there was any chance I'd had a mini stroke, and she said it wasn't likely. I hope she's right. She's a new doctor to me, so I haven't yet learned how thorough she is. Oh well... - Lauren
  12. Hey all, I'm going to the doctor in an hour. Hopefully it was just some funny pots thing, although it sounds like it may have been more serious. I'll keep you posted on what it was (so if it happens to any of you in the future, you'll be better prepared ) Wish me luck, Lauren
  13. Rita, I hope your meds are still working. I was wondering though, how did you arrange to go to vanderbilt. It sounds like something I'd like to do, any advice? - Lauren
  14. Hey there, I'm sorry, but I haven't had any experience with my hair falling out. I do suggest you talk to your doctor about it. I feel for you, I would hate to have my hair fall out. However, I'm sure there's something that can be done about it. Take care, Lauren
  15. Hey guys, About ten minutes ago I had total vision loss when I sat down on the toilet. I sat down and suddenly (as I was sitting) my heart began to beat very hard, but not quickly in my throat. I suddenly had a splitting headache, and then everything went black. I felt like I was falling forward, but I don't think I was. This was completely different from when I've greyed out: I didn't feel like I was fainting at all. My vision was only gone for about a second (although it felt like an hour), then it came back with my heart beats, but went out again between beats (it was as though someone was flipping the lights on and off in time with my pulse). This continued for about thirty seconds, and slowly faded, until it was unnoticeable, at the same time my heart went back to "normal" where I couldn't feel the beat in my chest or neck. I'm not currently taking any medications that would do this. I also usually have low bp, the highest it's ever been was 130/80. I'm really worried. Have any of you ever had something like this happen to you? Have you ever heard of anything like this happening? I don't want to go to the ER because I know they'll tell me I just fainted or something and won't take me seriously, although if it happens again tonight I'm going to have to. Thanks, and sorry for the long post, Lauren
  16. Hey there, I've been seeing a therapist since I've gotten sick. I don't know what I would have done without her. It isn't fair that I burden my family with my doubts and fears, but I can talk to my therapist about these things, and she gives me advice on how to cope with new problems. You definitely don't need to be mentally ill to benefit from therapy, I feel that seeing someone has kept me from becoming depressed or anxious about my condition and she has helped me put my illness into perspective. If you think you may benefit from talking to an impartial professional, I highly suggest you look into it. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents. - Lauren
  17. Hey linda, I used to have really irregular periods as well. I'd bleed for a month, then go four months w/o anything. They put me on birth control and it has really, really helped. I'm on ortho-trycyclin low, which is a low hormone bc. I don't know if birth control will help, but you might want to talk to your doctor about it. Good luck, Lauren
  18. Sorry to hear about the bully. There are people like that all over, I feel sorry for them because their lives are so miserable that they have to take it out on others. Good to hear you got out a did something you wanted to do. And standing for 4 hours is no easy feat!! - Lauren
  19. Good stuff. Thanks for the info. I'll make an appointment with a gasto just to be on the safe side. - Lauren
  20. Hi Hillary, Compression hose do work for me. I'd suggest giving them a try to see what happens. Cheers, Lauren
  21. Thanks linda. To be honest, I'm sortof hoping it's an ulcer. I don't know if I can take any more mysterious symptoms, and an ulcer is easily diagnosed and treated. Anyway, I'll talk to my new EP when I see him next week, I know he has expierence with POTS. Thanks for the hugs - Lauren
  22. I don't know what's causing it, but I know that I get dizzy whenever I sit for long periods...but I'm dizzy almost all the time Have you talked to your doctor about it? Do you think it could be a side-affect of the Florinef? - Lauren
  23. I hope morgan gets the rest she needs. She always has friends here; whenever she feels like returning, we'll be here.
  24. Hi all, I've been having stomach pains lately, and then tonight, after eating, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my stomach. It was so severe that I actually fell to the floor (which was embarassing since we were in a restaraunt) and then I started sweating. We went to the urgent care clinic, and they told me I probably have an ulcer. They prescribed an antacid, and told me to follow up with my doctor. I'm wondering though, do ulcers cause that much pain? Have any of you experienced ulcers? Could this have something to do with my POTS? Also, do you feel comfortable taking prescription antacids? So many questions I'm getting dizzy (he he). Thanks, Lauren
  25. Yay!! I know you've been waiting to get your new place for awhile. Good stuff. Hope you can move in soon - Lauren
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