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Everything posted by Megan

  1. I think that you should try seeing another derm. I don't know what kind of research you've done, but I'd also make sure that you've covered every possibility of how dysautonomia could cause flushing and if there's any way to treat it that way. Meg
  2. I do get this feeling, and my doctor has assured me it's nothing to worry about. Just as a precaution, though, I would check with your doctor to make sure your own discomfort isn't anything to worry about. Meg
  3. Yay! It's always exciting to find a doctor who understands. Meg
  4. The purpose of elevating the head of the bed is to retrain your body. if you're tilted slightly upright, then it shouldn't be quite as difficult to be upright. (eventually) You wouldn't have to worry about a u-shape, because when you do this, you're supposed to prop up the bed frame itself, like by putting bricks under the posts by the headboard. I've heard four inches is a good height. I know that I elevate my feet when I'm feeling dizzy, like I may pass out, or if I'm having brain fog. I don't usually do it while I sleep. As far as doing both, I have no idea. I imagine you wouldn't be able to sleep on your stomach that way. Sounds very uncomfortable! Meg
  5. I do use super-antiperspirants, but my sweating is more my face and my back, so they don't help much. I try to wear layers so I can take some off if I start to sweat, but otherwise I just try to ignore it and shower off the grossness at night before I go to bed. Meg
  6. I usually stick to showers, because a warm but not hot shower is much better than a warm but not hot bath, and the hot water is what bothers me. Showers themselves typically make me feel refreshed (but I avoid them if I'm at all woozy). I just know that if I take a hot shower I will feel sick afterward. Pooling in my feet and such. I'm so sorry that what should be relaxing makes you have to relax! Meg
  7. Nina, I think you may be right about that one... Sending prayers and healing thoughts and good vibes and whatever else I can think of to both sunfish & flop. No hospital is a fun place to be. :-( Meg
  8. I've always noticed that I sweat more than other people. Of course, after testing, I now realize that I sweat A LOT in some places and not at all in others. Meg
  9. Just a thought - If you don't have severe EDS and an MRI or x-rays clear you for it, chiropractic care might help. Meg
  10. You should talk to your dr treating you for disautonomia if you are concerned. However, I recall past posts saying that some women felt better than ever while pregnant, symptoms improved, etc. When I asked Bev in Toledo recently, she said that POTS (at least for me) was not a reason to not have kids. (I'm not trying or anything, just wanted to know for future reference.) I think I once read that some women feel better during pregnancy because of increased blood volume. So, if you are worried, talk to your dr, and if you have concerns, definitely ask your ob., but try not to worry too much. Not everyone has the same symptoms/experiences the same things. (This is a lot more than I thought I'd type, as I've never been pregnant!) Good luck to you! Meg
  11. I notice this sometimes. I feel fine while I'm doing whatever, but the next day it becomes blatantly obvious that I should not have been doing it. The best advice I can give you is to learn from past experiences. If it was too far once, it likely will be again. Also, don't go until you feel as though you've reached your limit. Stop BEFORE you feel that way. But I'm still learning, too. So share any tips you find for yourself! Meg
  12. Flop, You are still in my prayers. Sending you good thoughts for healing! Meg
  13. Hi Candace! I don't know if you're in college or anything, but I'm 20, so if you ever want to chat about college or other stuff, let me know. :-) Meg
  14. Sending good luck & prayers your way for your surgery & recovery. I'm glad you're dressing changes aren't quite so excruciating. Not fun, but you seem to be hanging in there! Meg
  15. Melissa, That's odd about your age. I'm 20, and I've been on depo since I was about 17. Meg
  16. I'm glad everything went well for you! Meg
  17. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Meg
  18. I have this sometimes, but not always. Often it's a lot of little sounds that I would normally tune it suddenly seem amplified and I just freak out because it seems so LOUD. It only happens occasionally, so I hope you don't have to deal with it constantly for too long. Meg
  19. I did have to fight a little with my psychiatrist for depo because it can contribute to depression (apparently) but in my case the cycle was more of a problem than the med, and I don't think it really contributes at all. Also, I don't think I've had any weight gain because of it. If I have, it's less than 5 pounds, not enough to notice. (And I do notice when other meds make me gain weight.) Melissa-I haven't had any health problems with it, and I've been on it a few years. What kind of things was your dr worried about, out of curiosity? Meg
  20. I don't know about everyone, but calf length hose wouldn't work for me because I have most of my blood pooling in my feet. I need to squeeze the blood up from the very bottom. You may want to talk to the dr. who diagnosed you with POTS about getting a prescription for compression hose or other garments. Meg
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