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Everything posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. Thanks so much Melissa ~ Wow, you are just a big 'ole pot of knowledge!! I appreciate your detailed response
  2. I've read on several posts that a lot of you take potassium supplements or eat foods rich in potassium....why? Do I need to do that? Why would my potassium level be low...because of POTS or because of the beta blocker I'm taking? Just confused.
  3. That is scary ~ especially when they tell you that you might be at risk for a heart attack. If they told me that, I know my heart rate would increase even more. Hope you are feeling better now.
  4. I'm on 10mg of nadolol that I take in the morning. It lowers my heart rate some...Sitting in the 70's, standing in the high 80's-90's, walking slowly 100, housework 105-120. I have environmental asthma (smog, smoke...) and I'm doing okay with the beta blocker.
  5. I have no idea. I hope it is primary. I don't need anything else to deal with. My aunt had ms, so I've always been afraid of having it.
  6. The first thing I thought of after reading your post was an "essential tremor" ~ my mom and brother have it. This kind of tremor is not life threatening, it happens when you are at rest rather than moving/active. I'd mention it to your doctor. If you have a neurologist, I would have him/her check it out to make sure it's not POTS related.
  7. I've had about 6 moles removed. Easy as pie. I've had bigger ones cut out and biopsied ~ they numb you first and you don't feel a thing. I just had a small one frozen off ~ nothing to it. Definitely go to the doctor ~ it's not as bad as you think!
  8. Hi ~ I'm relatively new too. This is a well-informed, supportive group of people. WELCOME!
  9. Hi ~ I don't have any idea, but I hope all is well. It is encouraging that all of her tests have come back fine.
  10. Thank you ~ I'm calm now. I've noticed when I'm around electrical appliances (hair dryer and vacuum) that the watch does go "out of whack." The weird thing was, is that I was not around anything electrical. Maybe it was a pvc that I didn't feel.
  11. Two times today, I've randomly looked down at my heart rate watch and one time it said 209 and then then about 15 minutes later...238. Both times, the numbers were only there for 2 seconds and then flashed back to 100-120 or somewhere around there as I was doing housework. What could be happening for the monitor to read that high? I did not feel anything out of the ordinary. Not out of breath or heart thumping like I usually feel when I hit 120-130. Is it a blip in my watch or could this be happening without me feeling it at all? Confused.
  12. Very interesting. I have been very thin all of my life. 5'9", 118 lbs, size 2-4. I'll be interested to hear others' responses.
  13. Thank you so much for your replies. Deep down, I'm telling myself that it wouldn't be smart to risk getting worse. Right now, I can take care of the kids and function pretty normally. Last night, I felt selfish for even wanting another baby. I have to think about the 2 children I have now ~ and they need me to take care of them ~ not to be deep in a "potshole" how you guys refer to it. I don't know what is causing my POTS. I was diagnosed after having a diagnostic laparoscopy ~ didn't do well with surgery. However, I think I might have had it in a very mild form before that. I think dh will keep his vasectomy and I will come to terms with not having another baby. I think my question stemmed from a lot of my friends having babies and I want one too. Thanks again,
  14. I am on nadolol (beta blocker). At first I was on 20mg of nadolol and it worked well in that it decreased my heart rate; however, it also decreased my blood pressure. Not so much that I was fainting, but I did feel light-headed. My doctor decreased my beta blocker to 10mg per day (I can add another 10mg mid-day if I notice a lot of palpitations), and it has been doing fine with both heart rate and blood pressure. I just put a lot of salt on things and increase my fluids to get my blood pressure up a little.
  15. I have 2 beautiful girls and dh has a vasectomy. He had his "V" before my POTS diagnosis. We were 99% sure we were done, but said that we would have it reversed if we changed our minds. I have the baby bug again. I don't know if I should even consider getting pregnant again. I function somewhat normally with POTS with only a little bit of lifestyle changes (heat, exercising, walking fast). I have heard that after pregnancy, POTS can get worse. What would YOU do? Would you even risk it? Especially since I have 2 daughters and am functioning somewhat normally? Just wishing for another baby.
  16. I don't know if I have "small" veins, but they really stick out so they have always been labeled "great."
  17. Thought I read this somewhere that we have a greater risk of stroke. Do we? My doctor put me on a low dose aspirin. I'm wondering if it's because of my POTS or my pvc, pacs, and svts. Why would I need an aspirin?
  18. I have a polar brand with a strap ($40). It fits right below my "underwear" and I have no problem. I'm hoping to wean myself off of it soon and just rely on my symptoms.
  19. Hi again, Do you guys/girls have a medical bracelet? If so, what does it say?
  20. Oops ~ sorry ~ I didn't see the link in the help yourself section.
  21. I was searching online for a medical bracelet and came across these cute ones. I hope I'm allowed to post a link. http://www.laurenshope.com/shop.asp
  22. 100/60 pre POTS diagnosis. With a beta blocker I'm anywhere from 90/60 to 80/50.
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