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Everything posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. Wow ~ it sounds like some of you do cardio! I'm impressed and inspired! I've asked my doctors about exercise and they always say, "Listen to your body - if you don't get out of breath and feel okay - you can do it." I don't really have a problem with fainting ~ just the tachycardia. I guess I'm just confused because I would like someone to say, "You can exercise until you reach 150. If your heart rate goes over 150, you should stop." I'm a rule person. I need guidelines. I guess I'm afraid to exercise.
  2. The heat absolutely make my heart race ~ just sitting in a lawn chair watching a football game had my heart rate high. When I walked across to the car (verrrrrry slowly) it went really high. I'm just wondering if the cold weather does the same thing or maybe I will get some relief this winter?
  3. From everything I read, it sounds like exercise is good for us. How do I do that without my heart rate getting too high? I'm not sure what to do...pilates? Does anyone do aerobics? I could take a slow walk, but that wouldn't really benefit my cardiovascular health. I'm not sure what is okay and not okay.
  4. I would want to be somewhere where it doesn't get too hot in the summer ~ and, obviously, somewhere with good doctors.
  5. As the season of viral illnesses is coming up, I'm just wondering what you guys do when you get sick with vomiting? I usually don't eat or drink for several hours ~ sometimes an entire day to keep from vomiting and let the "sickness" work itself out. Now, having POTS, I know it's not a good idea to go without fluids. Do you guys just head to the ER and have them hook you up with IV fluids for a few hours?
  6. Thanks for your replies. Oh, and I don't consider 50 old
  7. That is wonderful!!!! I wish I could find someone who cares...
  8. I feel the same way! I'm so glad I found this site ~ their are so few people who understand!
  9. Hi Zoe ~ I'm new to this but I think it's because of the salt content (helping to raise blood pressure) while giving us the hydration we need?
  10. I've read that the average age of POTS people are 15-50. I know there are younger people out there. What about older people? Does it get worse as you get older? If the average age is 50, does that mean people don't live that long with it?
  11. Two different people told me that they heard Gatorade was bad for you health-wise. One of them said it was "bad for your bones." I've been drinking tons of it ~ anybody heard this before?
  12. Hi Tracy, I just peeked in this post since you said you were worrying about your son's health. I don't know anything about it in young children ~ I hope everything turns out okay!! It's one thing for me to have it ~ but my kids? That would be SO hard! Please keep us updated.
  13. Thanks for your reply. I've checked it several times now and it's been 90's/50's ~ standing and 78/54 sitting. I suppose since I was normally 100/60 sitting and now I'm on a beta blocker that it's probably normal that it's going a little low. I just get so scared ~ especially since I'm home with a 3 1/2 year old and a 19 month old. *I've been practicing calling 911 with my 3 1/2 year old the last few weeks ~ you never know*
  14. I was feeling a little faint as I was reading my 19 month old a story this morning. I went and took my bp and it was 89/56. The faint feeling passed, but I'm just wondering if that is normal, low, really low or what? I took it again in 5 minutes and it was 89/62. Is the top number too low? I'm getting really anxious here ~ I hope I don't put myself into a panic attack.
  15. Hi! Well, I didn't do well with general at all. I had a diagnostic laparoscopy. I did okay during the surgery, but was pretty bad afterwards. The surgery/general is what caused my POTS (I think). Either that, or I had POTS before (just the tachycardia part) and didn't know it.
  16. 20 mg of nadolol in the morning seems to do the job quite well.
  17. Me too. And I also have been having weird "head feelings."
  18. Tracy ~ I've had 2 tilt table tests done. The first one was for 20 minutes and I did fine. The second one that I had done was for 45 minutes. My heart rate increased pretty quickly after the test started, but it was after the 30 minute mark that my blood pressure started dropping. I bet your tilt table test wasn't long enough to get the correct results!
  19. I'll be happy to help. Just let me know what you need ~ anytime.
  20. After joining this forum, I'm getting scared, because it seems like a lot of you are bedridden, use wheelchairs and are in a lot of pain. When I first went to my doctor, the doctor and nurse seemed to think that they could get my heart rate down with meds and that my lifestyle wouldn't change too much. I went shopping today with my daughters and my heart rate was in the 90s. I thought that was pretty good, and I felt fine. I'm just so scared that I'm going to take a turn for the worse or something. I know that I should take one day at a time. I need to keep saying my prayers and have faith in God that I will be able to beat this or at least keep it at bay. Sometimes I forget that He is on my side. Thanks for reading. No responses required ~ just getting my thoughts out to make myself feel better.
  21. She was going to put me on the florineff, but told me the test would tell her if it was a med. that I actually needed. I don't know, I just don't want to take the florineff yet...my symptoms aren't too bad. Just the increased heart rate.
  22. Well, I just cancelled the test. I'm a chicken! I'm going to think on it for a few weeks and give the beta blocker a chance since I switched it from bedtime to morning. Thank you for your responses!
  23. I'm sorry ~ I would be really frustrated too!! "Grrr" at the doctors.
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