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Everything posted by lizzy

  1. the sad thing is in my younger day {23 years} ago i did do the drugs. so now i WILL NOT under any reason take pain meds. i had no proble stoping 23 yr ago but just do not like takeing ANY chances.with pain meds.my faimly doc understands,he has written many rx but i just wont fill. my choice.so if i go to er all i need is fliuds to fell at all better then sh**. my sons freind is reading over my shourder,i need a tatoo...no medical help ...teenager?
  2. this past year for my family have been hard. alot of er visits for many reasons.my husband and myself are on antdepresstion meds.reading the posts some others are on them to .do you notice a diffice in the way the er treats you once they know your on the meds? I have pots ncs,gi plobles,fiblodes,enimic,depression.passed out at store bp60/42 hr240 tranprted to hoslital under my REFUSEL.I WAS BAD.but having trouble talking.anyway at er the doc took a look a my meds tolk the nurse to unhook the muniter cus "we need this room for a pateint that needs a muniter"then he explained to he how the holidays can be stressful.and my family and the careing emts can not understand why i get mad and cry . has enything like this happen to anyone too. the emt around here know me too well,they try very hard to document and even talk to the docs that she is not faking or streted .never helped.thanks for letting me vent if anything ,for this web site.
  3. hi, when a doctor is doing [spelling] sciecnctfic testing , your best interst IS NOT THERE TOP PERPIORITY.i have worked in hospils many years and have seen it way to many times.please waybefore your next test ask for a handout of what will be done exacly and what whey are trying to look for. a great resouse is to call your pots doc or doc you nurse you trust , explain the test and ask them what you should ask the testing doc to protct yourself.and ask all the aqus you can and what to. you come first. god bless you,
  4. I know so so hard this fills like your quiting a part of of your life but , look at or try to look at you can add too your life for me at it was devistating then great thing started tohappen. i got the rest by body needed,got to do the things I whanted to do with freids and family,took up hoobys agian,even stated valentering .all this i enjoy BECAOUCE i can work. i loved my job wen i had to quit i cryed for weeks.i miss the peaple the most.but i was passing out daily,or going into brai fogg too much.but life is still very very good. i sped my time the best way i want to not halt to. just a way to look at it.your in my prayers.
  5. well guess im a blond to ? im reading are all over the place! my doc is great he try to explane it to me but i just donot got IT. so here i try ,normaly im low range at 90/60.when im blood pools to lower body,say from standing,walking or just sitting up my brain says to heart speedup to get blood to brain BUT heart speedup no blood gets to brain bp still goes dowwn to 40/20 or lowwer i pass out mean time heart is going 200 . when i passout i [hopfully] fall flat. helping blood go to uper part of body,getting blood to brain.then hr gos to120/100 easyls .isearly confuses mt if they donot know me most in my town know my far to to well. i wake up very confuse for about 20 to 30 min.with a massive haed ace,then i am so sleepy its not funny.hope this helped a little. my doctor come out of retirement to trete me his wife has pots too.
  6. I strongly agrea with mary on going slow and talking with doc.topamax has helped me greatlly with migras,but like i said i body did not need the 150 mg to afetive it need only 100mg one time at nite and i did that slowly.i still get headace but no migreas BIG BIG differacice.for months i was on 25 mg and that was all i needed.that was years ago. so now i take the 100 mg. hope you start felling better.
  7. dayna, please talk to your doc ,and how long did you try it? i was on on topamax for 3 weeks did not think it helped at all but like over night my body ajuted to small dose buddy and kids noticied headaced not has mad or has many. my doc anolages any drugs im more senstive to so i not alway not the 'medcal recmdid dose' to be benifetioal to me. i take 25 mg. if i for get to take migane nodote. i well keep you in my prayers.
  8. well there, you are only human. NOBODY is perfect. no need to kick yourself ,just learn from yearsterday and today.
  9. ME TO!!!! JUST maddening sometimes.I can pass out just eating ,laying down dos not matter! BUT like the bunny we keep on going. lizzy
  10. started getting sick after car reck,had coction,broken ribs for 3 long years was treated has a syo case. bp stay low ,pass out alot,tired all the time ,migres,shackes.vision trobloms,gi allmessed up, had gallblader out,neved is female parts in dec [im scared,dc doc is]
  11. yes yes very very int . and helpful .I do not relpy coucsa can not spell or type good. me and compoters just now starting to get along. BUT I love to read. it helps me to know im not alone with this.
  12. in july of this year had it taken out. i was only throuhing up all the time but no pain . now daira all the time anything i eat. still throughing up have lost 50 pounds the hard way. way more dizzy ,dihdrted easy,stomic cramps. gallblader was black inside with cis. I fell worse then before.
  13. hi, like my sign in name ,its my dogs name.when i start geting or realy before i feel it "dizzy, pale, short of breath and pass out" the dog starts barking and pulling at my cloths ,shes 110 pound mutt.so family has stoped looking for me just look to see were dog is.I have lost my id in many ways.
  14. just so so ******.pass out at work 2 days ago , not an common,coworkers nurses they know the drill. this time they said it ways diff 20 min out hr nohr,no bp .mts get to me hr 22 bp 40\20.at hosptal i do not remember want they do but in 2 hour they call my hubby to come and get me. he says im still half out of it. doc tells him im juct sleepy. hubby calls my doc in am gets me in asp.doc can beliele my er visit.now on my id card doc himself wrote he his to be called if im taken to any er . er NERVER toke blood tests,no ivs,so what did they do? HO yes bp at doc office60/40 hr120 yes i feel like sh**. thanks for letting me vent.
  15. hi. the med ? been through them all , body very senitive ,mega side afes.only on tapamax,paxaland gallons of watter and olives. life WILL get better.im just not a pationt person.I want to feel good NOW. know the felling?
  16. female or male, this *****, been feeling so bad ,.I quit my job this week caus of this. hubby not to happy with me ,with holiday and bills and all but thats life. back to the point if i get the sweats,dizzy,cold,pals,when sittung bp in 40 hr 100 on many times.this happins on daily at work . when im active bp is norn for me 70s.after heavy liftining bp 160 hr 200 . you shoud look in to what is happing to YOUR body when your sitting felling funny, it might be just nothung stress about or something you might Not have to keep dealing with. for me ,3 year i was treated for asity [no spelling] nerves.just knowing i have a doc explaing has made a big differece.I write bown what i was doing defore i stared feeling funny and write indetail how it started. how i know what to not to do. caus for so long i just egnorded the feling to see if it pass. hope this helps
  17. THANK YOU ALL, your replys all helped.I am very covdet in both docs .but very scarded.high risct at this time, very animic, and overall potts ;you know the feeling; bpstayin the 60s piods last19 day ,very very heavy. once again thank you all.
  18. hi , IM inneed of reasurung ,on dec 1 im haveing a histurrtume .to remove a fibrade 9 by7 .for 3 months been very sick. so has anyone had this done . has it helped with ther pots monthly how was there recover. cous my bp is running in 70s how thank you for any replys. lizzy
  19. hi, all are "potts bodys" are differant.I have monthly periits with fiberods lasting 15 to 17 days very heavy,so i go to doc office weekly for b12 shots and mag s. it helps me alot.so who kwnows?
  20. hi, I have a very phiacal and mental job so ,about 2 times a week i passout.i get the warnings but sometime just donot hned them.coldsweat,trouble seeing,basely suddily feely very very drunk, neises,head ade,shachy,pale cannot talk, cannot think clire.when passed out i can hear things going on around but can not respond, it takes me about 20 min. after i cometo to get myself together to get back to work.my boss calls them my persnal catnaps.
  21. hi' i have been reading ,now,cannot relpy to your post.Sorry inavance of spelling and gramer! IM 43 ,marrid 22years.we allways had a great "appetite for closness".we still do in some ways but sex is not there at all any more. Im to sick, and HE IS AFAIRD to touch me. we try to told about it he juct cannot.I passout one time after ,now he is afraid i would died a happy wife.i miss this closness but he does not think im worth the risk.gets me mad.at times.
  22. hi baby boy I have pvc,pac I fell them heavy allmost alday long,with short of breath,chest pain to the point of some times on the floor.so im the extreme of NOT listening to my body.Im doc said just live with it for years. Now new doc told me was dx post 5 years agoand explainded how and whyto lisen to body.MY DOC IS SWEET! try to remember it is NOT a heart attict, its not gooing to do kill you, BUT at that times try slow breathing AND relax. easyer said then done . I have a hard hard time with this rx. my job is very phisical and i forget to slowdown sometimes before i passout,doc jokes, im so posts and fogging i forget im sick. good luck, hope you get to feeling great soon, lizzy
  23. HI Lauren, IM Lizzy ,I hope we can post some ansers here.I have been haveing the same thing for a way too long. doc thought it was my gallballatter so he ttook it out.3 mouth ago.Im still on soup and jello water .alot of pain you talk of. doc just stats my guts are just red and eretated that in time my body will ajust.with meds.BUT IM not a very pataent person.I love food .and hate pain . sorry so long. please please keep post on results. good luck. lizzy
  24. Julia, just wanted to reply to send my prayer are with you . I went throuth alot of your siptims last summer,my doc figgerded it out to just a reaction too much topamax for my crazy body to handle.SO hope YOU get anserse and they are not bad ones that you can not handle. YOU TAKE CARE .HOPE THING GET BETTER. lizzy,
  25. I understand the HATE you wrote about ..all too well. I stayed in that mood for too many days in arow one time.cause must days I can have a good day to get back into myself mode.:after my POTYS day" .I found new plaquek on the wall in the bed room.IT made me smile maybe it well help you smile too? I KNOW THAT GOD WON `T GIVE ME ANYTHING I CAN`T HANDLE, I JUST WITH HE DIDN`T TRUST ME SO MUCH. - Mother Teresa I do not know if releige stuff can be post or not?But I do know we wake now to him reading this outloud FOR both of us to remeber .LIFE IS good,TODAY we can have.
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