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Mrs. Burschman

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Everything posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. Looking forward to seeing your painting! I once dumped coffee down the front of my boss. He was standing behind some swinging doors, and when I came barreling through, the doors hit him and down his front it went. He said he was going to charge me for dry cleaning but didn't! Amy
  2. I just test-drove "Riptide Rush" Gatorade today. It's one of those "Frost" flavors. It's grape but really subtle. I like it! I don't drink it a lot. I don't want to add too many calories, so normally I stick to water and unsweetened iced tea. Amy
  3. I think the "she's crazy" diagnosis is easier, because then they can pawn you off on a psychiatrist or counselor and not have to feel guilty about the fact that they don't know enough to know what the heck to do with you. Amy
  4. Welcome! Always nice to "see" a new face! Amy
  5. If you love history, you might want to check out any of Ken Burns' documentary films. His latest is "The War," which is about World War II. It's being shown in the United States now on public TV, so it might not be available to you for a while. He's done films on the Civil War, jazz, baseball. It seems no matter the topic, he makes it really interesting. Of course, I'm not sure how available they are in Europe, but you could check them out! Besides, they're really long ("The War" is 14 hours) so they would keep you busy for a good while. Good luck finding some good entertainment! Amy
  6. My grandmother thinks God is punishing me because I didn't get married in the Catholic church. Amy
  7. Tearose, If my attitude were half as good as yours, I'd be a better person for it. Thank you for sharing. Amy
  8. I just get regular, old classic migraines with an aura, but taking magnesium and stopping the birth control pill has almost stopped them completely. On the other hand, I'm more POTSy off of the birth control (I think it raised my blood pressure just enough to keep me from feeling so lightheaded when I stand up.) So I guess I have to take my pick!
  9. It doesn't seem to matter HOW much sleep I get -- I still am sleepy. I used to blame it on the Paxil. Now I think it's POTS. I fall asleep in the car, at my desk at work ... sometimes caffeine -- in the form of tea both iced and hot -- is the only thing that keeps me going.
  10. Wow, Heather. That's really awful! I know that the law says "reasonable accomodations" must be made by employers so that employees can keep working, but I'm no lawyer. And I don't know how far "reasonable accomodations" go. Would it be possible to look for a job that would be less likely to cause you to faint, such as a desk job? I have no problems at my job because I spend 98 percent of my time sitting. Do you know anyone who's a lawyer? That might be the most help! If not, I think the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would be the government office that deals with such things. Wish I could be more help!
  11. I know that irritable bowel can cause those symptoms, and it can go along with POTS. I have both. Do you eat yogurt? Or take acidophilus pills? I know that getting some "good" bacteria into your system is supposed to help. I noticed there's even ads on to that effect now for some kind of yogurt called Dannon Activa. It's supposed to help with the digestive system. Good luck!
  12. Found this in an online dictionary of acronyms: POTS Parents Over the Shoulder POTS Parting on the Square (Internet-Masonic Lexicon) POTS Path Of The Shell (game Uru: Ages Beyond Myst) POTS Perception of Teasing Scale POTS P!@# Off, Tomorrow's Saturday (principally Australian slang) POTS Plain Old Telephone Service POTS Plain Old Telephone System POTS Plain Old Time Sharing (operating systems) POTS Post Office Telephone Service POTS Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome POTS Protector of the Small (Tamora Pierce book) POTS Purchase Of Telephones & Services I like No. 5 best myself.
  13. I have read (and heard) that many cases of POTS are in teenagers who get it when they have growth spurts. Once everything catches up and calms down, it goes away. I wish that were true in my case, but I'm afraid that at 31, I would have outgrown it by now!
  14. That's great, Flop! I'm glad you had a good appointment! And it's always a good sign if your update is late because you're so busy at work! I get nervous before appointments, too. I HATE seeing doctors, though visiting the nice ones isn't as bad!
  15. Dari, I grew up in a town of about 6,000, so I understand your problem. Some of my aunts and uncles who still farm live more than 40 miles from the nearest doctor, and more than 70 miles to the nearest emergency room! Sometimes I forget that there are rural places in other parts of the country, too!
  16. Angela, That stinks! But please keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to go to Mayo or some other big place to get a diagnosis. I was diagnosed right here in podunk Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which just happens to have an autonomic testing lab at one of the local hospitals. It seems a little silly that they can't help you in Cincinnati. It's a big place! Amy
  17. Becca, Yep. I take Paxil. In fact, right now, it's the only thing I take for POTS. Off of it, my heart rate gets up to 140-160 upon standing. I don't think it gets above 100-110 now. Much better.
  18. Mary, My heart rate, particularly upon standing, is significantly lower when I take Paxil, which is an SSRI antidepressant. Why? Beats me (bad pun.)
  19. Normally, not really, but bright lights have triggered migraines in me in the past. My mom's the same way.
  20. Dari, I'm sorry! There's always the option of another doctor, isn't there? The last thing you need is someone telling you it's all in your head! Sending hugs your way.
  21. Becca, I can understand your feelings. I get really scared too. I'm glad you're getting everything sorted out, though! It's nice to find out that something's not all in your head (which is what I thought for years.) But the problem is, if it's not in your head, it still IS in your body, and no one likes to have a chronic illness. Sending a hug your way!
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