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Everything posted by ramakentesh

  1. My pots is also a waxing and waning type presentation. Rest is important when acute. Hiting the salty liquids can help. when i flare i find eating lots of healthy foods can help. in the past licorice and now midodrine also help (talk to your doc) Impending doom feeling is sympathetic overdrive being detected by beta receptors and the overdrive is usually an attempt to deal with reduced stroke volume and cerebral perfusion
  2. I had one positive QSART and one normal one - the positive one didnt correlate with symptoms as i was well at the time. sfn in pots is patchy and may manifest anywhere - although extremities most common. there are other potential causes being investigated - autoantibodies blocking alpha 1 receptors, abnormal blood vol regulation via ang 2, epigenetic suppression of net gene.
  3. Yes there is a much larger follow up study being done right now. Plus other stuff elsewhere on net deficiency. hope u are well. Take care.
  4. Yes they are hot to touch - basically over dilated microvessels in the skin. I get this as well. Cause yet to be explained
  5. In pots there is low stroke volume, reduced cardiac output and reduced blood flow to the beain despite mean arterial pressure being uneffected. You can faint with normal and even high bp
  6. Spoken to your docs about alpha 1 agonists like phenylephrene -
  7. it is not an alpha agonist like midodrine thus is less likely to cause supine hypertension. It is a precursor for norepinephrine that catalyses increased presynaptic vessicle synthesis of norepinephrine which would cause a general increase in norepinephrines peripheral actions and vasoconstriction. Thus it would boost blood pressure but not as acutely as midodrine when supine.
  8. Cerebral hypoperfusion from a post exercise decline in adrenergic vasoconstriction.
  9. Its caused by hypoperfusion and the bodies inability to maintain circulatory control even lying down when you are still (tonic).
  10. Its a spectrum. I know of a payient unable to get out of bed for five years
  11. Most if the time im fine - sometimes for months almost normal. But it comes back and can render my unable to drive or even shop on bad days. my med combo gets me through but only when they work whih isnt always
  12. Depression is a natural respinse to any illness that hangs around too long.
  13. Oh yeah definately. And why i feel so much better after saline or florinef
  14. Hi my cousin hit 27 and suddenly developed gastroparesis. anyone here know the kinds of treatments that work?
  15. The acute times i rest, the in betweens i try tk stabilise with exercise and diet but it does what it does.
  16. It changes and sometimes more often than not there is no trigger. I crash for a while zlowly improve then it comes again. Cycle.
  17. If it works enjoy it. Signs of too much would be throat numbness and diaherra.
  18. As you exercise your body becomes less reliant on veinous return and alpha receptor activity to maintain blood flow to the brain - your movement does the work. If you move 24 hours a day you'd be fine
  19. The brain fog is cerebral hypoxia. Anything that helps your pots will help brainfog. For me low starch and low inflammatory diet and no solanines helps.
  20. Well said - i get bad relapses but i always improve
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