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Everything posted by hippychic258

  1. I just started getting shortness of breath and nausea after eating anyone get this? Anyone know why or what causes it?
  2. No I haven't tried anything, It seems like the drugs help one thing and make another thing worse i am just confused.
  3. Great article! So I am thinking it makes sense to me I was under so so much stress when this happened I think my system just shut down big time, and I have Pots as a side effect of this.
  4. Doctors just tell me to start slow. I am not worried about the strength part of it I am worried about all my pots symptoms coming back that it may be to much stress on the body and I will have a major flare. I know people with pots are bedridden but most have walked some and it was a huge mistake to stop walking i know, I feel stuck.
  5. I know no one knows for sure what is going to happen but any guesses or experiences will help. By now everyone knows I am bedridden for about 5.5 months I sit up in the bed short periods of time I have never laid flat always propped up when laying down I stand for my husband to carry me to the toilet so up maybe 3 seconds so I have not walked at all. I take showers in a reclining chair, and get sick twice being in a recliner for over 30 min, so my question is: What do you think will happen if I were to stand for 30 sec or longer or try to walk? Will al my blood go to my feet will I pass out ( I never have) will I be really sick? Sometimes after just going to the bathroom I am shaking and vibrating inside. Thanks Pam
  6. A lot of people say when they do to much they crash, what exactly do you mean by that, you get tired or you get symptoms? Can you explain what you mean by crash? How long does it last? Thanks
  7. What side effects are you having with cymbalta? What is the difference between the them?
  8. I Always feel like something is going to happen like a symptom or start not to feel good and it usually does is it because I knkow something is going to happen or am I making something happen? LOL
  9. McBlonde I feel for you it is horrible!! How were your symptoms when you got up in February did they get worse for awhile? During the time you were bedridden did you get up at all to go to the bathroom? What were your main symptoms that kept you down? I am having such bad noise and light sensitivity now, What did you do to pass the time? What got you well enough to walk again? Sry lots of questions,
  10. I am getting scared I have been bedridden since beginning of March and have not walked at all ( pretty stupid of me to stop walking but the symptoms were so bad) Now I am wondering if I will ever be able to walk again. What is the longest anyone has went without walking and then walked. I thought i would be better by now but no end in sight. NOt only am I bedridden but I am so sick every single day.
  11. In a major flare for over 6 months and bedridden started to gradually have some decent days now back to my major flare and getting scared. What is the longest and worst flare anyone has made it out of??
  12. Did the zanax or beta get rid of the sensitivity issues?
  13. Sue1234 Thanks for posting this I have been having something like this all week and I am not on any meds yet?? But if the zanax and beta help you I will have to try them. I can feel the adenaline coming on and my eyes are so sensitive I have to wear sunglasses or I get nausea bad also my I am so sensitive to any noise, but I havent had the stiffness that you explained. I hate this syndrome!!!
  14. Sorry everyone has had this but I am glad i am not going crazy, I have had it for so long 6 months has anyone had it that long? Relax86 Mine is just like yours and I say everyday how I miss my old life. Have you been bedridden at all with flare ups? Do you faint?
  15. Any stimulation even a conversation makes me over stimulated almost anxiety without the tachycardia, this has been happening all week even to much noise can extreme irritability, and anxiety it can last awhile or go away as fast as it came. My eyes are so sensitive just looking at a computer screen gives me nausea and dizzy. ( I am wearing sunglasses it helps a little). Hoping this goes away when I get back to Ohio. Im in Texas and have heard people say there pots is worse here. Not sure why.
  16. JUst curious as to what are some of everyones strangest scariest symptom so far? I have many and will post mine soon, having visual symptoms right now ugh!!!
  17. I would like to know the answer also. We just drove 17 hours over 3 days time and i have never been sicker I have been so sick now for 10 days, I would suggest not doing it. I am trying to figure out how to get back home.
  18. I have this really bad!!! Its like you said waves of dizziness.
  19. Are your symptoms still bad when you are in air conditioning? I am from Ohio and am in Texas for a couple weeks and its 108 here and I am so so sick but I am inside the air conditioning and still sick. What is the difference from Texas to Ohio if I am in air rconditioning? Climate ? Atmoshere? I thought it was just the car ride but now I am wondering.
  20. What are all your symptoms Sheila? Are you bedridden at all?
  21. I feel your pain I am so sensitive to noise and my eyes are really sensitive making it impossible for me to watch tv. It is annoying!!!
  22. So sorry Bren! I had an IV on Monday night in the ER and it was sodium chloride and they put 2 bags together and he opened it up to go as fast asit could which I have never ha done and I started getting sick and the chills and made them stop it and after a while it went away . But nothing like your experience.
  23. HI Does anyone have the sensation usually at night when you close your eyes it feel like you are falling or being pulled through the bed? Or a weird twirling sensation in your head, not really dizzy its hard to explain? Does it ever go away? I wonder If I took an benzo to help me sleep would it make it better or worse?
  24. Is Dr Suleman an Neuro or cardio Dr? Does he specialize in Pots?
  25. Thanks for the advice I hope to make it there tomorrow. AShelton80 what results did you have with Dr Kyprianu and how are you doing now?
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