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Everything posted by hippychic258

  1. @ Racer, Glad you have tested negative for Lyme I also did 3 times because the standard test is only 30% accurate, then I went to a Lyme specialist and was tested through Igenix as well as many many other blood tests and there is no doudt, so you may want to look into a test that is more accurate if you haven't already. Getting Lyme from a tick is not slim to none. I was bitten 30 years ago and had some symptoms all my life here and there but nothing to alarming then about 5 years ago major sickness. There are thousands and thousands infected and very very sick from Lyme disease. I hope you keep testing negative @margiebee Yes I was bitten 30 years ago, I was bitten by a brown dog tick, not a deer tick. The correct testing is worth the money but it is expensive. Lyme flares are worse because of stress just as Pots is, when your body is fighting an infection such as Lyme add stress to that your body can only handle so much so any stress makes Lyme symptoms worse. You can be symptom free and then something stressful can happen and that can bring Lyme out in full force that is what happened to me. @ Corina Thank you
  2. I know how you feel it *****!! What are all your symptoms?
  3. I'm misdiagnosed with POTS and have been sick for 5 years and the last 16 months was bedridden by what I was told was Pots. I have now been diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. I have been going to the wrong doctors and many many of them. The symptoms we have lead us to cardiologists and neurologists who for the most part know nothing about Lyme and don't even think about it and if they do they give you the standard Lyme test that I think is only 30% accurate (which I have taken 3 times and had 3 false negative results). in my opinion IGenix is the test to go with. Every symptom of Pots can be a symptom of Lyme disease imo, which makes sense as I do believe that POTS is only a symptom of symptoms anyways. I think Lyme is not curable but can be treated and you can get better! Medications used to treat Pots symptoms might not be good for Lyme and I think exercise can make Lyme worse! I hope this even helps 1 person!! I don't have Pots so I am not on here much but you can email me anytime @ Hippychic258@aol.com
  4. I'm misdiagnosed with POTS and have been sick for 5 years and the last 16 months was bedridden by what I was told was Pots. I have now been diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. I have been going to the wrong doctors and many many of them. The symptoms we have lead us to cardiologists and neurologists who for the most part know nothing about Lyme and don't even think about it and if they do they give you the standard Lyme test that I think is only 30% accurate (which I have taken 3 times and had 3 false negative results). in my opinion IGenix is the test to go with. Every symptom of Pots can be a symptom of Lyme disease imo, which makes sense as I do believe that POTS is only a symptom of symptoms anyways. I think Lyme is not curable but can be treated and you can get better! Medications used to treat Pots symptoms might not be good for Lyme and I think exercise can make Lyme worse! I hope this even helps 1 person!! I don't have Pots so I am not on here much but you can email me anytime @ Hippychic258@aol.com
  5. That is a symptom of Lyme disease, I would recommend anyone with Pots get a Lyme test from a Lyme specialist LLMD. Lyme can mimic and cause Pots and it is treatable.
  6. This is very inspiring. http://www.awmi.net/extra/healing/niki
  7. Hello I can walk about 10 steps tops which is an improvement for me since for 9 months I couldn't walk at all. Always keep hope and know that you can get better even a doctor tells you different.
  8. My legs burn badly after shaving also and they never use to, hoping someone can shed some light on that.
  9. Sue I feel exaclty the same way I have always thought there is a connection, have lots of symptoms that are the same as Addisons disease I know there is a connection. So many unanswered questions.
  10. I to have random mouth, gum and tooth pain, I jus think its another weird Pots thing!
  11. Yes many people who have Lyme also have dysautonomia, in fact I know 2 people who were told they have Pots and found out later it was Lyme. Lyme mimics Pots as well as other illnesses. It is hard to diagnose you need to see a Lyme specialist (LLMD). I am seeing a LLMD in November. I have been tested for Lyme twice both negaitve but the standard test is on 30% accurate and positive doesn't always mean positive so why bother with that test????? It is worth looking into if you are not getting any answers.
  12. Silly question about this but is it the same as eating licorice the candy?
  13. No I don't have trouble sleeping , but i use to. You can get your kit a ZRT online thats how I did mine, but your Dr. may order it for you.
  14. Thats a great idea taking them at night like that. I may do it again and try that. Let me know how it goes!
  15. So I got the results of my saliva cortisol tests back and I know that cortisol is suppose to be the highest in the morning and fall throughout the day and if it is spiking at the wrong times its a problem, and of course mine is the opposite of what it should be. Has anyone had this test or have any info as to what my results mean? morning 3.5 low range 3.7-9.5 noon 1.3 range 1.2-3.0 evening 2.9 high range .6-1.9 night .06 range .4-1.0
  16. Thank you so much for all the kind words!!!! I am grateful for what I have and still can do, even though its not much it is more than what some people can do. I keep telling myself it could always be worse and it can always get better. It just really stinks most of the time.
  17. HI And welcome but sorry this is happening to you. It looks to me as if a lot of your symptoms to be from Pots, You should go and get it checked out for sure by a Doctor familiar with pots just to be sure that there isn't anything else going on. I have never fainted either, some of us do and some of us don't. Keep reading through the posts you will find more info and support here than from any Doc you see. Meanwhile drink lots of fluid, and stay away from stress!!!! Keep us posted
  18. What symtoms do you experience with the food allergies?
  19. When I was a cleveland clinic they took 23 viles of blood and I didn't feel any different, but I would not donate blood. Who are you seeing at Cleve clinic? I was not impressed with them at all, they may be able to diagnosis Pots but treatment is another story.
  20. I also know stress played a major role in my illness also!! If stress can cause a heart attack then there is no reason to believe it couldn't cause this or at least make it much much worse, I don't think it is the only factor but I would say a major factor.
  21. Is anyone real shaky and weak with these episodes of nausea and tachycardia?
  22. I'm sorry you are getting worse, are you under more stress or could something be triggering it? When I first had my flare for 3 months or so I had extreme nausea and tachycardia, I lost 35lbs, because my nausea was so bad. I actually stopped doing everything, but I wish I would of kept walking. I hope this passes soon for you. Hugs Pam
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