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Everything posted by lieze

  1. Lissy-I know exactly what you mean. I would be willing to take anything if I knew it would help. With this wacky body I don't wanna screw things up worse is my big issue.
  2. Good-but just had another iron treatment and they make me feel ill for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow should be thumbs up.
  3. Anyone have experience seeing a physician appointed by disability? I forgot to tell you it was Monday I believe when I got the call and she kind of sighed and said they were at a point where they didn't know what to do with me I think partially because my physician had thrown in what she had regarding anxiety they either needed something directly written in regarding that ( maybe a statement from a psychiatrist - I'm just guessing ) or they needed me to see one of their physicians. Well I told her that I went for help with my physical symptoms and when they couldn't find anything physically wrong they always came up with anxiety. That I was supposed to try the Xanax to see if it helped and it did bring down the heart rates a bit but I quit taking it because basically it wasn't solving my problem. I agreed to see their physician and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this. I have reported symptoms only in this order 1) tachycardia 2) chest pain 3) shortness of breath I have tried to present my activity intolerance as the problem. She does know about my anemia now and weekly iron treatments. My message to them was this all started after chicken pox and west Nile virus. Up to then I had no difficulty like this. I worked for 20 years as an LPN. I have a letter from my employer I might take along that explains I am being placed on inactive status due to my health- that my record will show I left in good standing and am eligible for rehire if my health improves. The person who wrote it is the Director of Nursing and has known me very well oh I forgot-at the end she wrote she hoped that things improved enough for me that I could enjoy my family and my life so right there if he takes her word for it she is acknowledging the impact this has had on me. I am interested in any coaching or suggestions in how to present myself. I think you are all very wise people and I value your opinions.
  4. I think this was the supplement that the nutritionist wanted me to try but reading the label of ingredients I was afraid of what it would do to me. I was in such a traumatized state physically I was afraid of everything. I'm glad to hear it's helping you. I think magnesium has a relaxing effect on muscle tissue is this right or wrong?
  5. When I first wake up I'm full of air. I couldn't tell what it was at first. It felt like chest pressure and weak heart. One gas moved I got relief. It was difficult to tell that the air was what was actually causing the feeling. I just think all sensations for me feel both exaggerated and distorted. One day I was having again stomach gas on my right side. Instead of it hurting there I had a shooting pain that ran up my right lung and next my right ear hurt and then that pain from the ear went up and wrapped like a band around my head. As soon as the stomach gas let up the pain in the other places stopped immediately. This stuff is bizarre. I have not really experienced anything like it in my life.
  6. I notice my muscles tense and I don't even notice it at first then I have to conciously focus on relaxing. I don't know if it's my personality, nature, chemical make up, a symptom of my anxiety? But I do it too. Right now it's my jaw I'm tensing.
  7. Hang in there-it sounds like they are putting you through the wringer there. : )
  8. 3 weeks ago- ferritin level 13 Iron absorption 3% My periods have been horrible for the past two years. They came first at every two weeks then went back to every four then went to every three. Read at your own discretion beyond this point: They consist of large clots. When I stand it pours out in a gush down both legs below knee level flooding right through my pants and underwear. Lately they don't end-they go on for two weeks. When I do the gushing I get pale and a bit faint and feel nauseous. Best news I was hoping to make it to the second iron treatment before I had another. Well not only did I make it to second but almost third and it's light as a feather so far. The nurses said the iron may correct the bleeding problem but I was not really sure how. Fingers crossed.
  9. I really thought my am would be high due to how nervous I am in the mornings and how high my heart rates were compared to how I do as the day goes by but mine tested normal. I thought someone highlighted Addisons crisis can cause high potassium. You might google that...
  10. It sounds like you went through a lot there and still have a challenge ahead of you. I just want to wish you the best as far as finding something that works for you.
  11. I was told the same thing by my regular doctor-oh this is no big deal you probably just need a little iron your hemoglobin is just a little low. To answer your question I was down to a hemoglobin of 8 and 6 months pregnant and I didn't feel great but felt better then than now when they tested and got a hemoglobin of 10.8. I do not know how long the low iron has been an issue because 2-3yrs ago my ferritin was only 15 and yes I've taken iron perhaps I've maintained or yo yo'd in the meanwhile I have no clue. After my first IV iron treatment most of my chest pain went away. I asked and with the IV iron the absorption is immediate because it is right in the bloodstream so the cells start absorbing it. But I can tell you I still have that weak needing to eat every couple of hours feeling and my body can't hardly take the nightly fast I wake up often at 4 am feeling like I am on the verge of passing out until I get some food in my system. I am literally hand to mouth with no reserve it seems. I hope you continue to feel better. I am so thankful that I requested the hematologist I saw and it all happened in a time frame before things got any worse.
  12. I like ensure or things like that. The type I'm able to tolerate is pediasure sidekicks. I do not see any corn in it is why... You will get liquid protein, and vitamins that seem very easy to digest because it's in a liquid form. I would get an instant boost from ensure...I don't feel it as much with the pediasure sidekicks but they are only 150 calories. I think the magnesium in these really helped my heart. Also I noticed this one I'm drinking has calcium carbonate in it. I get such horrible gas and indigestion. And I looked it up and calcium carbonate is one of the ingredients in Mylanta. So I may be helping my GERD while I'm at it. Also you may need to take iron. I was so wiped out and it seemed to just be getting worse. My weight was holding steady but man I could tell something wasn't right and here I'm very low on iron. Addressing the nutritional components does really help. I know how hard it is. I still have times when I'm in the process of breaking down food where a pretty awful feeling comes over me. I don't understand it but for the most part at this point eating has become a source of discomfort and is just downright stressful.
  13. Lynne, I'm sorry you're having this issue. I have felt totally betrayed by my doctor too. It made me feel a mixture of anger, dismissed, and neglected. First was when my husband mentioned she questioned whether I had multiple personality disorder-he later said she never said that so I don't know what was said but that sent up a big red flag right there. I was practically in tears... Then for my disability the this patient has anxiety, an eating disorder and takes Xanax. Oh I don't know what exactly she said but there is sooo much more to the story than that. She's summed me up to be a stressed out loser basically and I am so much more than that. If she only knew how much I tried and struggled everyday and how I tried so hard to continue working when I felt like I was gonna fall right on my face or die of a cardiac event right there. More than anything I feel hurt that I have put my trust in her to be my doctor and to get these type of less than favorable responses from her. I have had to advocate for myself on more than one occasion and I guess we learn from all experiences. I am not sure what I will do next-I am tackling my anemia with a specialist...I really am not looking to take meds for this....I don't know what to do....time will tell.... I do hope things work out for you. As common as these experiences maybe for people experiencing it for the first time really stings....heck it probably never is enjoyable. I hope that your doctor either steps up and tries to help you or that you find someone who will-you deserve it.
  14. Dear Debra I'm glad you are okay. I hope that you feel better each day. Let us know how you're doing.
  15. Hmm this one is making me think. What could it be? Do you think you could be scratching yourself in the night?
  16. I'm so glad that things are sounding positive. I can relate to what he said about the beta blocker in my case I think it was counter productive and downright unsafe for me most likely. Please let us know how things go for you : ) Hang onto hope because I do think one way or another you will get some relief.
  17. When you think of conditions of the heart where people have SVT's or afibb I have heard time and time again it's not dangerous and in most cases people convert on their own. I was ranging between 170-190 and it was so frightening it felt like my heart was just going to stop. People have these conditions and live with them. My ablation was effective in eliminating my SVT's but I was told they could come back.
  18. My feeling has been that I didn't want to for instance work when it caused my heart to race the entire time. I guess I had the luxury to make that choice. The intermittent around the house stuff or periodic elevated rates during the day really don't worry me too much. One sign might be how symptomatic are you? If you feel okay I wouldn't worry too much just take lots of breaks and let your heart rate come back to normal or resting periodically for rest periods throughout the day. At one point when mine were fairly high and I was symptomatic I made a goal to be up and doing for about 20 minutes out of the hour. I think I would do at least 3 rounds of that and then based on how I felt either give up and just rest or be up as desired depending on how the day went.
  19. Thank you so much Sandy, I came away from that last treatment just a mess basically. The first one they gave over 2 hours-this time they sped it up to 1 hour. I was so uncomfortable but the nurses just act very irritated with me and I cannot help it that I have these issues. I will get no mercy from them because they are oncology nurses and they are going to see me as a wimp sitting next to people taking chemo. It's so weird because the people taking their chemo are so relaxed-talking about going out to lunch after. I go home and feel so sick and think they must be experiencing 10x what I am...this is a bizarre situation. I'm not sure what I am to learn from this. I asked myself okay don't think about the $ cause it's $345 out of pocket for each treatment but if I had to do this for the rest of my life would I? Well obviously the answer is yes....I feel bad just for a day or two and then I have several good days til it's time for another.... I sure dread the treatments though... My veins or "whatever" that was are not hurting any more thank goodness! I did finally take the bandage off my right arm and I had a nice bruise.
  20. Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about that-what a mess! Glad you found it though and they were able to take care of it. Well our ductwork on the new place is the unknown-it's geothermal cooling and heating and so far we don't know anything about it or where the unit even is. We went over again a bit for today and the air seemed much better. I think there is hope. My mom picked up on whatever it was too. She thought it was mostly pet dander and we were finding pet hair quite a few places. We opened windows to let fresh air in and ran the ceiling fan. I didn't really even react today so my fingers are crossed. I'm still gonna try out the Hepa unit when it comes though...
  21. That's exactly how I felt on Zoloft. I had to stop because I developed a rash all over and got flu like symptoms. I called and reported it and was told it was just normal-so I took one more and the rash and flu like symptoms intensified and I stopped.
  22. Oh that line about the toxins I get that. I get a bad feeling inside that just feels like poison. It just feels like it's gonna get me. Well it does get me it makes me feel down right awful. The reaction you had today I guess is why I caved and I really only do a little bit each day. I tried to carry on like normal for a long time and I kept getting knocked down until I just became afraid to try any more. I do hope you feel better and that you can find a lifestyle that you are happy with that is satisfactory to you with activity level. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.
  23. I'm sorry you feel so rotten. I think infection anywhere in the body can make you feel that way. Your body is probably overwhelmed from both the antibiotic and the infection. I hope you feel better soon.
  24. Yeah I can imagine that we are so sensitive. My sinuses are still in a flair from yesterday! I feel like we are the human filters trying to process all the junk in the air. There we go somebody can take that theory and create a wild documentary on it. : )
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