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Everything posted by lieze

  1. You might substitute something like a carnation instant breakfast or something like that and just sip it so you are getting in basic nutrition but not overloading your system. I'm just thinking yeah it maybe worse in the morning but if you are pooling there after meals I'm not sure there is a way to stop it from occurring at subsequent meals as well.
  2. Be careful with this-what happened with me is then it got difficult to eat at lunch and then at supper. Yes it was bringing on symptoms but I had to train myself to eat. I lost too much weight doing this and still have not regained it.
  3. Okay I felt a bit bad again... I'm wondering you know with son c/o of the dizziness this has me wondering if we could have a little bug or something... I did sip on some gatorade which I've totally avoided since March??? d/t my corn allergy but just a tiny bit seemed to help along with some water. I do have a weird feeling in my stomach like maybe it was something that didn't agree.... And almost that feeling that if I eat it's going to make me feel bad again but I can't afford to not eat. Not sure what's going on...
  4. I have had difficulty-tell me what this sounds like. Just getting up and walking around my heart pounds. Well I am going from floor level to standing due to no furniture so maybe this is a stress. My heart starts pounding out of control I have a sense that something isn't right yet I've had the 4 iron treatments. I try to eat as much as I can everyday. Maybe I need to increase fluids.... But I just go through a period of feeling bad unsure of where it's going to take me. I often during this time then experience GI distress need to have a bm etc. (Sorry) It seems once that is over I even out a bit. I am not sure what is going on-I don't like it. I am trying to lay low I had so much activity and talking all day long Thursday which can wear me out. I am trying to just rest....and eat...maybe I'm not drinking enough water? Maybe I'm laying down too much and exacerbating the orthostatic stuff? Do I need to stay up a bit more to keep my body able to be up? I would appreciate any ideas. I think I'll keep eating and try more water.
  5. I bought them beef jerky even though I probably couldn't afford it so they had a treat and some ice cream. Both things are considerably healthy. I am a bit worried about my 2nd son Noah. He the last two evenings has complained he was dizzy. He has not been able to do the after school sports at all due to not having the stamina. He is underweight. So I'm trying to make sure he eats everyday and see if some of it maybe nutritional like me. It could be his body just does not recognize the need for food like me or get a healthy appetite. But he felt too nauseated to eat when we came home last night and just had his ice cream for breakfast. So long as he eats I don't get on him for what he is eating. I'll try to get some protein in him in a bit.
  6. We forgot one...shopping at night. For whatever reason my heartrate cooperates much better in the evening and I took the kids and they helped. First we went for the 2 milk for $6 at speedway and I'll start using the reward card. Then the plan was we would go for Nesquik and juice tomorrow. Well I felt so okay that we swung into Walmart which is handy dandy right at the end of our street. 12 yr old pushed the cart and loaded and unloaded everything from the cart to checkout and in the car and then in the house and no waiting in line. I was surprised they have now moved the juice to the back of the store also. There were four riding carts available so maybe that would work too for me if we want to do a little more shopping. But we did it and I stayed symptom free. I think the iron treatments are making a definite difference for me but I still feel a long way from the normal "me".
  7. Wow it sounds like improvement! I wonder if those side effects will go away in time? I had those same exact ones when I took Zoloft and they are supposed to be temporary.
  8. What I have heard through a friend is that those normal levels do not capture everything. I have been tested time and time again with normal results. She went to an integrative doctor who goes more in depth with all testing and she is now on armor thyroid and with a tiny tiny dose saw some improvement in symptoms. She however is at a very high functional level still working 12 hour shifts as a nurse. I don't want to send you on a wild goose chase or anything like that only to report that this is what she has found herself. It is not her only issue. Her doctor seems to think she has some type of inflammatory process going on causing her symptoms and they are still searching. She has seen improvement though with the armor thyroid and a tiny dose of DHEA.
  9. I've had this too and where it feels like my jaw locks up on me. I'm not sure if it's similar to the effect that goes to my esophagus too. I get very upset and scared when this happens too. I don't relax basically until it goes away.
  10. I just finally got my haircut had not had one in a year due to how debilitated I was. Well I have this disability appointment at the end of the month and I wanted to go in looking halfway decent... I was able to get the stylist I've gone to in the past and she told me I had lost a lot of hair in the last year. It feels okay though just kind of thin.
  11. My gut would say it's probably more related to nutritional factors but I wonder what the role is that POTS plays in that. Whether it's absorption or we just feel too badly to eat.
  12. The Xanax makes me more alert and functional-weird. Okay I get this shortness of breath just out of the blue, with exertion, and in the shower due to the steam and I've also been told it's anxiety and it usually takes me a good 20-30 minutes to recover. I also get a sensation that my diaphragm is paralyzed and that I have to mechanically breathe. I had to monitor any laughter at all or I would feel like the wind was knocked out of me and talking too much would do this too.
  13. Wow friends do you realize what we are all trying to cope with? Look at these lists-all I can say is it's no wonder we are so incredibly stressed out. While I was getting my IV iron today in the arm I had my IV I was having numbness, tingling, pain and it looked like my fingers were turning blue. Part of me wanted to ask if those sensations were normal but for one thing there wasn't a nurse close at the time, for another I thought wow they are just going to thnk I'm really odd.
  14. I really appreciate all the suggestions they are very helpful. I notice my stamina has increased with the iron treatment I am just very fearful though. I'm really not sure if just low iron was my problem. I'm thinking not so I don't want to get myself in a bad situation. I also feel like I need to conserve the energy I do have.
  15. Do you get a feeling that your chest gets really tight with the shortness of breath? I get this with meds and I'm not sure if it's the medication itself or the fillers? I just don't know what it is I'm wondering if it's the same sensation....
  16. What I have tried to do is just what I need to do for the day like if it's running a child to preschool to do that resting before and after. So I focus on the needs of the day and try to save up for it. With two little ones that is a busy job just with diaper changes and keeping an eye on everyone. It creates a lot of exercise and activity just doing the bare minimum I would think. Hang in there and let us know how you are doing. : )
  17. And also yes you need support right now. I actually saw improvement in symptoms after friending 2 local women that I talk to on the phone periodically. The one totally gets this does not have a POTS diagnosis but I'm suspect due to how she describes her symptoms. She is diagnosed with anxiety disorder but her doctor witnessed one of her so called panic attacks and thought it looked more like a seizure to see her go through it. Anyway just having that support and people who get it helped me improve ( weird ) they said they have been praying for me. Not so weird. : ) Anyway yes support support support. I am 45 4 kids and very unstable hubby so I totally get the stress.
  18. I feel like I get this so much. I wish I could do more. I would do the call but my husband is bonkers right now mood wise and already half way off the deep end which is exacerbating my own symptoms I think. I came unglued after eating some pork chop-heart crazy, and esophagus spasming. Living together isn't going so well we have been living separately since June and just started staying in this new place this past weekend and he already stomped out and got his own inflatable mattress and has set up his own bedroom-blah! I hate having to witness his behavior. I don't know why I'm typing all this except to present that my situation is already beyond delicate and besides that I don't have any answers really. I have found these states that you are in now to be horrible and pure torture so I understand you are in pain. I wonder if the meds haven't made things worse and also if you were expecting things to improve it becomes devastating when they don't. The only thing I can think of is giving yourself 24-48 hours to let the meds get out of your system and then just try a tiny portion of a dose and see if your body can tolerate it better.
  19. Energy level. I just have a limit as far as what I can expend everyday so I have to "budget" my energy and try to make everything as easy as possible.
  20. I am able to get out a little but not ready to do a full shop in the grocery store. I am interested in how everyone else handles shopping. Items we run out of quickly are milk, bananas, and bread. Those things can only be stocked up so much I realize one loaf or so of bread could go in the freezer. I am feeling overwhelmed with the move and trying to figure out ways to pick up items like milk on my own without having to walk clear to the back of the store and drive thru's mark theirs up so high usually...we go through about a gallon a day. A cow would be nice maybe?
  21. Holy cow! My eyes have been this way my entire life. My kid's are huge just like mine and they are totally wired! I've been asked many times if I'm on drugs-several times by doctors 3 different doctors asked if I was on cocaine.
  22. Mine was 800 sitting. The ER doctor that saw me on one of my many visits said that's actually not that bad that he'd seen a lot worse. I have not had this level rechecked. I don't feel so wired now so maybe it has come down.
  23. I think it's happening all around us on some level. This instability. We've lost everything to mold twice. I no longer have a job due to my health and I am unsure of my future. I just try to take one day at a time and focus on the basics food and clothing. We have a different house now but no furniture. I'm having difficulty attaching myself at all to this house due to the fact that it's so fresh in my mind that we can just lose it to many things, financial, disaster, marriage splitting up is a huge possibility. I just try to focus on what I can do everyday. I am afraid to spend the little money I do have on furniture because with no income then it's gone. I'm not sure what to tell people when they come in...how to explain any if it in a simple way. I have to try to count my blessings for what I do have. I have mini freak outs too and just thinking I am in a horrible situation. Then I start to realize I'm not the only one. All we can do is try to pick up the pieces and move on and do what we can do. That's all I know to do right now.
  24. No not really. It seems like it's my esophagus that goes into a spasm. I'm not sure if it's a similar sensation to globus hystericus? I know people get the sensation that something is stuck in the throat I guess you could say it feels as if I have a knot in my throat. It's kind of an involuntary thing. Actually when you think about it just the act of swallowing could probably trigger the spasm. I just go through a variety of symptoms or sensations....this one just freaks me out. I wonder if it was the histamine reaction that started this. On my ambulance ride the EMT said I had better go to an allergist or I was going to end up with my throat closing up and not being able to call. I wonder if that might have planted a subconscious thing with me. I'm not trying to explain it away I just wish I could get to the bottom of it.
  25. Since we're confessing all our weird feelings does anybody else get this? This one I have not been able to sort out from a food or allergic reaction-it still freaks me out.
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