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Everything posted by lieze

  1. I would call and report your blood pressure and ask what they want you to do. I agree that you don't want your blood pressure to go higher but I really don't know what this medication does or how it works so I think it would be better to ask in case it would be something that would help. Maybe it just takes a while for the fllorinef to get out of your system.
  2. Besides losing temper easily I get emotionally devastated easily also. We went to pick up lamb today... I called the same number I did...left my order went to pick it up nothing there. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong but I'm out and won't feel good about life until I get more, This is not logical at all, If the lamb meant that much to me why did I let myself run out? I have not had communication with the farmer to know if he has any or not so I don't know what is up-if I will be able to get any. When I have so few foods to eat it is devastating to not have one that I can. How could I let that happen. I feel so overwhelmed and challenged everyday just by that days tasks it's difficult to plan very far ahead. And I had the impression that the meat would be easy to pick up whenever I needed it. I got the wrong impression obviously. I left my number but have not gotten a cal back either way and I hate to call and bug them. I'm worried though that if I wait till morning that he will be out taking care of his livestock and I'm not sure what is the best way now to contact him, They have a website maybe I could leave an email.
  3. In the article I had read it indicated that either serotonin or histamine I can't remember which act as estrogen in the body so it could be that we get pseudomenopausal effects that are coming from a different source.
  4. Yes it will. I would say you could take it when they get symptomatic and see what it is. Mine are usually within normal range when I check but my mom is diabetic and understands quite a bit about blood sugars and she always says it's not high enough for what i've just eaten.
  5. It depended on the meal. With chicken or a heavy carb it's up to almost an hour in and I just start feeling like death. With other foods initially I can feel great and then 20 minutes in I get a bad feeling. Like what ever process is going on with digestion is almost down right toxic. I've even wondered if there could be a portion of my bowel with bad germs or unhealthy and when this area gets triggered it just makes me feel sick as a dog for about 10-15 minutes. Not a nausea almost a chemical thing being released that is toxic. With certain things like wheat right now I get an instant tightening if the throat which seems to be a spasm I'm going into. I did not show allergy to wheat in my allergy testing except for inhaled farm pollen. And was negative for celiac. Looking back now with the trouble eating if I had it to do over I would really recommend someone try to substitute with liquid nutrition rather than just not eating. Being malnourished just makes everything 100 times worse. I wonder if going to liquid could heal the gut and allergies. Would the body forget in time to react to things if you took a total break for 6 months to a year and just let the body and immune system be nourished with easy digestible absorbable nutrition?
  6. That was my big issue and I was having very scary severe episodes after eating. I realized my body did better without food. It would either trigger my heart in a bad way and I would have almost an out of body experience for about 40 minutes with hard fast thumping heart rates difficulty breathing just really uncomfy and down right scary or it would trigger my vagus nerve it felt like I would get cold and clammy blood pressure would drop and I would feel like I was going out. I basically stopped eating and lost way too much weight. Now I've found foods I can tolerate and that usually doesn't happen any more and if I don't eat every 1-2 hours I start feeling really bad. Nights are hardest I wake up feeling like I'm starving in a bad way. Not a empty stomach feeling-it literally feels like my body is wasting away-I hate that feeling and it isn't logical when I've eaten all day long every day that my body goes into this starvation mode at night. Maybe my metabolism just never shuts down even though I'm sleeping it's like I'm still on hyper drive burning tons of calories.
  7. I think too it changes our whole viewpoint. Our main concerns are can we breathe? Are we feeling alert and able to function and walk to the bathroom if we need to go. You know it's bad when you keep your phone with you at all times just in case you might need to dial 911. So are the windows open-yeah I get it who really cares. It's like on the bottom of your list especially if you are really stressed. I just don't think anyone can quite get it unless they experience the intensity of these episodes. They leave you on edge and feeling like you don't know what's going to happen next. It's a sure recipe for irritability. I think what is really amazing is that you're able to catch yourself and apologize. I hope you feel better soon related to the upset stomach you've been having.
  8. You will understand this....you know that shower cleaner stuff you spray in the shower to clean it that is mounted on the shower wall. I think it's Mr. Clean. My mom and dad use that and the other night I felt like it paralyzed me. My heart starting beating real odd and I lost control of my bladder. Wanna talk about a freak....who would even understand that?
  9. Well I think you probably have more than one thing going on that the MCAD isn't the only issue. I am much like your case. And my symptoms are always changing which leaves your head spinning. Like I'll have my throat closing up on me all day and then the next day no issue with that and I lose my balance instead. Who can keep up with that? And all of this is enough to provoke severe anxiety in the most grounded person on earth. I'm not saying I ever was but.... Let anybody go through what you have been through and I doubt that they'd just describe it as a bad day. It's devastating and life altering but there are many fine people here that are surviving it. That is the good news!!! I know you said it upsets you to get on but of there is a way you can get support and feel uplifted here that would be awesome. It's what we need really. Some comfort, reassurance. To know that everything will be okay. It's what's been taken away is our safety/security. Reach out and let others lift you up. Saying a prayer for you right now.
  10. I have to give her credit-she did order a tilt table test when all of this started and I was just not up for it. I had just went through the cardiac ablation and my body was weak and fatigued. I was literally afraid I would die on the table. So that part is partially my fault although I just did not feel ready for more tests at that point. I question also somewhere along the line if a light bulb shouldn't have gone in that hey I think I need a different doctor. It's not a good excuse but I've been quite confused and overwhelmed through this entire thing. It really has a way of doing a number on both the body and mind.
  11. To also clarify-my internist is foreign and I had difficulty understanding him at times. I felt more comfortable speaking with someone I could converse with fluidly than having the communication gap. It seems like where I made up for in comfort zone it had a price in the long run and he in the time I saw him took a more professional approach with me and was willing to investigate the actual physical symptoms I was reporting. With her I get a pat on the knee and it seems when she does send me off to a specialist it's a waste of time because she must put right in her report this patient just has anxiety. I am lucky to even get an exam from the specialist and now the same thing is happening with disability. All the physical things are being written off-or it seems and they are just questioning oh this person is just on Xanax, has an eating disorder and anxiety!!! There is just so much more to the story is how I feel. I've lived with anxiety all my life and I never let it keep me from doing normal things. And I've done it drug free. I'm not a loser and it's the way some of this has made me feel.
  12. Have you had your potassium checked recently. I was experiencing some of that and here my potassium was low.
  13. Well I've been feeling my doctor and I are not a match for a while now but felt like maybe this was a bad time to do switch doctors. I did have an internist I went to when all of this started. He was helpful in getting me set up with a holter monitor and sent me on to a cardiologist when he saw the episodes I was having with my heart. He also looked back at results from an ER visit and said I had viral syndrome at the time I had an episode right after chicken pox. He also prescribed the Xanax, I'm not sure if he knows anything about POTS or not? I have not been back to him in over a year. I guess I felt more comfortable with a woman than a male-but he seemed to take me more seriously. I am not sure that anything can be done for me honestly but at this point I need someone who at least recognizes I have the issues I do. I had taken in my bp monitor with the very low readings 70/40 etc after I was prescribed the beta blocker those readings were without the beta blocker in my system. He warned me not to take the pill! My husband had coached me before this call to answer with yes or no and not elaborate. That is what I did but I felt like half the information was just being left out. I guess maybe it would not have made a difference anyway.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear that Alicia. Well I called the lawyer after I got off the phone with disability and asked advice. They said we don't really know what all my doctor told them-that those things were just what they asked about so they said I should be receiving a decision within four months of applying which should be coming up next month. She said once I get that denial to call them and they can get my info at that point and go over it. She said if they feel I need a different dr. After reading her notes they will let me know. So I sort of decided to try not to think much about the conversation-I was half worried that I should have answered differently and that maybe my entire case would be thrown out based on my responses. I didn't know what to say..... They asked about the Xanax I told her I didn't even take very much of it and hadn't had any in over a year. They asked if I was seeing anyone for anxiety and I said no.... They asked if my problems were psychological if I'd be filing and I said no it's the physical problems that prevent me from working. I hope that was okay.... I doubt myself a lot.
  15. I'm okay-holding steady at 91 pounds. I'm going to be thankful for that and hope I can very slowly work my way up to 100. We just bought a house. Master bedroom is on the first floor. Should be moving in approx 2 weeks. Mom and Dad have let up a bit-I heard my mom saying she guessed she was going to have to lower her expectations-yeah!!! That's real progress. Just taking one day at a time and hoping for the best.
  16. I'm so sorry. It's very traumatic both physically and psychologically to go through what you just did. Keep us updated as to how you're feeling.
  17. I just got a call from disability with questions and I was foolish enough to get my hopes up. Evidently my doctor told them along with being prescribed Xanax which I have not taken for over a year I just have an eating disorder and anxiety. Thanks so much doctor... So it sounds like this is going no where. Can I fire her now or later??? Ugh!!! What am I going to do when my own doctor has no clue as to how I'm doing. I could just cry and get very upset but I don't have the energy to spend.
  18. Is there something you can flash like a drivers license that is the handicapped documentation. I don't think I'd say a word if I had an i.d. I'd flash it and go if they tried to hassle me I'd request security and maybe the bully would think twice about hassling anyone again. I get easily upset too and would not deal well with a big aggressive woman blocking my path. I've encountered one two many of them in my life already and it's just not worth it.
  19. I missed you too thanks for the update.
  20. I've noticed lightheadedness for no apparent reason. I've checked my blood pressure and it's fine. I just had labwork and yes I am anemic but not that anemic! It was like 10.8 and I've been down to 8 before which did not feel good but then I just felt sort of short of breath not like I'm gonna pass out right now!! So I don't really understand where this is coming from. I've had a little headache off and on and yes I have felt dizzy before from sinus. I'm kind of hoping this feeling goes away because it's creepy-I don't like it at all.
  21. Oh my gosh lotusflower!!! Something you said just made me think. I have these knots I get that are swollen and painful like in my shoulders. What if it is the lymphatic system backed up and not a muscle thing??? I have the chronic sinus. When they are touched it is painful and tender but after gentle massage I get relief. After that massage at work I felt like a totally different person maybe it isn't just a muscle thing maybe it is lymphatic. I could be totally wrong but when you said what you did it made me think. Especially my right eustachian tube also gets blocked and I get water behind my ear. When it finally drains it feels like a bug crawling through my ear. Does the eustachian empty into the lymphatic? Is there an overload to where my body just can't keep up to everything draining out of my sinuses? I'm not thinking this is my total problem just one factor that makes me feel icky at times.
  22. It seems like there should be a way to circle back to the doctors we've seen previously to let them know what we've discovered for a positive purpose of helping others. Since medicine is a practice and physicians partially work based on experience if they would have more information it seems like society as a whole would benefit. I wonder if the psychiatrist reported her findings back to the previous cardio?
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